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Diamond Dallas Page

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Diamond Dallas Page by hmbettas

(1)Skin 7 x:-92 y:-13 x:-1

(2)Face 24 Model 20

Figure x:25 y:15

Shape x:6 y:-28

Age: -14

Head x:-3 y:35

Eyebrow x:31 y:-20

Eyes x:48 y:-12 x:20 y:-6

Nose x:14 y:60 x:-5 y:-23

Cheek x:3

Mouth x:9 y:-29 x:-48

Jaw x:15 y:62 x:36

(3)Eyes 3 x:29 y:0 x:3

(4)Eyebrows 85 x:-89 y:-10 x:0

(5)Lips ~~Default~~

(6)Hair 31 x:-90 y:3 x:0 y:91

(7)Underwear 4,1 ~~Default~~

(8)Make-Up 50 x:-93 y:9 x:-2

(9)Make-Up 51 x:-93 y:-15 x:11

(10)Make-Up 52 x:-95 y:-7 x:-5

(11)2x Design,Letter,Face sign 1 of 7 5th row, far left. Largest size (extend down from sides of nose, adding more definition to cheek line) x:-91 y:20 x:-24 x:-65

(12)Facial Hair 80 x:-94 y:-14 x:-24 x:84

(13)Facial Hair 1 x:-92 y:-33 x:2

(14)Facial Hair 16 x:-91 y:70 x:-36

(15)Facial Hair 68 x:97 y:-5 x:-9

(16)Design,Simple,Face 147 Rotate once and smallest size (place between lower lip and chin - use pic for reference) x:-92 y:57 x:-49

(17)Design,Simple,Face 153 Rotate once and smallest size (place below previous piece - use pic for reference) x:-90 y:57 x:-49

(18)Design,Letter,Face sign 1 of 7 Bottom row, 2nd from right. Rotate 3 times and largest size (place above line of chin hair) x:-84 y:-84 x:-61

(19)2x Design,Simple,Face 149 Smallest size (use these to fill the gaps on either side of previous piece) x:19 y:-32 x:-100

(20)Jewelry 10 x:-81 y:73 x:36

(21)Design,Tattoo,Left Arm 47 Rotate once and 2nd smallest size (center on arm just below shoulder line) x:-87 y:-34 x:33 x:-65

(22)Design,Simple,Left Arm 36 2nd smallest size (center on previous piece below top ace) x:23 y:-25 x:-100 x:-54

(23)Design,Tattoo,Left Arm 4 2nd smallest size (center over previous piece and 3 clicks down) x:-100 y:-15 x:-100 x:-65

(24)Design,Simple,Right Arm 88 2nd smallest size (place the top point in the middle of shoulder and 4 clicks right) x:22 y:-15 x:-100 x:-25

(25)Design,Tattoo,Right Arm 23 2nd largest size (center on arm just below shoulder line) x:-100 y:-28 x:-33 x:-68

(26)Design,Tattoo,Right Arm 11 Rotate twice and smallest size (place over wings of previous piece) x:19 y:3 x:-5 x:-22

(27)Design,Simple,Right Arm 6 Rotate once and smallest size (place over bottom of previous piece) x:16 y:-61 x:-100 x:-20

(28)Design,Letter,Body sign 5 of 7 4th row, far left. Smallest size (12 clicks up and 14 left) x:23 y:-50 x:-100 x:29

(29)Hand Accessories 8 x:-66 y:4 x:-100

(30)Gloves 6,1 x:12 y:17 x:-100

(31)Elbow Pads 1,1 x:12 y:-70 x:-100

(32)Shoes 10,1,1 x:-84 y:-57 x:-32

(33)Pants 13,1,6 x:24 y:-40 x:-50

~~Forms and Figures~~

Body Morphing x:24 y:-32

Head x:-25 y:-33 y:-15

Neck x:37 y:31 y:-38

Chest x:41 y:-4 y:1

Shoulder x:-56 y:19 y:10

Abdomen x:60 y:-16 y:6

Arms x:12 y:9 y:-57

Forearms x:0 y:18

Hands x:39 y:43 y:-71

Waist x:-8 y:-1

Thigh x:7 y:0

Legs x:10 y:-10 y:-33

Feet x:-21 y:46 y:-50

Height 6'4"

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