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UncleCreepy Project - Samoa Joe/Kenny Omega Uploaded.

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Thanks Nick, top man.


@Hippo - I've done what I can, although everything at this point is rather minimal and you won't notice much difference really. I am happy with this Owens though.

Posted (edited)

Imo the Owen s texture is too dark for me especially around the Nose, and mouth areas Jaw width seems a bit off. Its a decent start though just the texture looks too rough in-game.

Edited by EXecutionerX85

Is it possible to add designs over the nose/ age lines and turn the transparency down to make it blend more? You see how it has the red tent look? I think once you smooth that out, and make him a tad fatter this will be done. Very impressed with the changes to the other textures etc every caw of yours is getting better each day man keep it up


The best Owens in my opinion...better than that other guys Owens ;)


Stop trying to start shit. Nickbreaker's Owens is great and each Owens will suit different tastes.


Please don't go critiquing his just because you don't like it. There is no competition here.


I don't see it as a competition at all. I've been making these CAWs as a pass-time, and started posting them on the forums because I thought some people may help me with feedback, and some may want to download some of the things.


If there's two versions of one CAW, it's down to people to choose what they want, and they should do so without deliberately insulting the one they don't pick.

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Stop trying to start shit. Nickbreaker's Owens is great and each Owens will suit different tastes.

Please don't go critiquing his just because you don't like it. There is no competition here.

Ima critique whatever I want it's an open forum I like his other creations idk why he got so butthurt about my opinion it's always positive when it comes to his creations but shit I don't like 1 of his caws and he looses his shit que se valla a la verga el puto pues


Its creating wrestlers left out of the game or from other companies that you want to play as. You post them to get advice when you get stuck. You share them so others that helped you can enjoy them. The competition is usually made up by people who aren't even involved in making them or creators that take shit too seriously.


Anyhow, I really like this Owens. jJust have to put the jaw depth down to CAW mode limitations because his chin would need to be super wide to get it to look right from the side.


Great work on your caws. With all the limitations this year these are amazing. Can't wait to see what u have coming up. Hope u get a chance to tap into the tag division especially lucha dragons and vaudevillians


1) criticism of another's work is legitimate and we don't have to like everything we see. 

2) competition boosts quality. This is evident in the market. It may be a game, but we are all posting this on a forum anyway, so it's not like we're casual gamers..


You don't have to like everything you see, you're correct. I do disagree with the shots like "Yours is better than his" though, because that isn't constructive criticism.


On the competition thing, I would agree it would make people strive to do better and it would lead to better products, but I'm literally just creating Owens with the real person in mind. I'm not working whilst comparing him to Nick's.


@Architect - I'll sort that tomorrow morning. Thanks dude.


Your Hideo & Finn look like crap I gotta be honest attires look good but other than that u gotta rework those faces they are hard to look at..Defracts Finn is top notch I don't think u can compete with his caw


Your Hideo & Finn look like crap I gotta be honest attires look good but other than that u gotta rework those faces they are hard to look at..Defracts Finn is top notch I don't think u can compete with his caw

I'm surprised you haven't been banned yet, all you do is flamebait.


Thanks for the feedback. Owens will probably be up today.


Breeze update.




Breeze looks excellent. I can't really critique it. With the limitations of the mode, you're doing some excellent work. 

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