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Tekken57's mods - Sid released


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Looks like I took a long enough break from modding & came back at the right time. Time to update everything when payday comes.

A lot of exciting things have been happing lately. I have no doubt w/e this new discover is it will be fantastic.....

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Hey guys, been conducting interviews this entire week. Don't have access to a pc. Will post details on the hack soon, not sure if the model will work in game. You cannot use an entirely converted model due to the bones being different, it will work the same as my Jeff Hardy mod i.e extract parts and inject into a new model.


I just wanted to share a profound experience I've had with you guys in the interim:

Edited by tekken57
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Hi there friends and family. I wanted to share this amazing experience I’ve recently had.
I have this cousin who is mentally challenged and lives in a state home as he needs constant care. If life wasn’t difficult enough, he fell on even harder times with the loss of his mother just over a year ago. Even though he has so many challenges, he never shows it and is always smiling, positive and never complains.
About 8 months ago my mum asked him what he really wanted for Christmas and his answer was a Sony PSP which is a potable gaming system. You see, at the state home, the residents are not allowed to keep a television or computer in their rooms. As you can imagine, for a 20 something intelligent young man, life can get pretty dull and depressing as the state homes do not have any resources to stimulate them.
I decided to put money away each month so that I could buy him the PSP for Christmas and eventually bought the PSP a few weeks before Christmas.  A week before Christmas, as my family and I were driving down to Durban, a though occurred to me. Even though I would bring some happiness to my cousin, what about the remaining residents at the Mental health facility?
I spoke to my family  and we decided to perform Christmas carols at the facility with our newly formed carols group i.e. Carols from the Cosmos. Upon arriving at the facility, the house mother thanked us profoundly as she told us that many of the residents would not be going home for Christmas. The hall was already setup and all the residents were waiting in eager anticipation for our arrival.
The smiles and joy on the resident’s faces as we performed our Christmas carols was plainly evident of their appreciation. They all sang and danced with glee as we progressed through our set. Members of the carol group (even my buddy the big strong Shane O’ Mac) couldn’t help but get emotional seeing everyone so happy. The smiles and blessings we received that day really made my entire year and made me realize that all people want is to know that someone cares and loves them. They do not demand anything from you but just to share a few precious moments with you.   
Come Christmas morning and me being me, I couldn’t just give my cousin the PSP without having some fun with him first. I wrapped the PSP in newspaper and then wrapped it in a gigantic shoe box, placing it under the Christmas tree. I told my cousin that he should guess what’s inside the box and my mum interrupted by asking him what he really wanted for Christmas.
Seeing the shoe box, he sweetly answered that anything was fine even a pair of sandals would be ok. It took a few seconds for him to realize that there was a PSP inside the shoe box upon opening it. He was ecstatic, couldn’t stop smiling and thanked us for twenty minutes straight. He also wished me a good life and that all my wishes and aspirations are fulfilled. For me that was reward enough, however it would seem that the universe had other ideas…….
Upon arriving back in Pretoria from an international trip a month later, I was surprised to find an email stating that I had won a competition, first time ever in my life. It turns out that I had entered competition to win a PS4 months earlier and I was selected as one of the winners. The value of the prize was ten times that of the PSP which I had bought my cousin.
As a child, my mother instilled in me a very important principle “The greatest investment in life is not in material existence but in the eradication of human suffering.”
In an age where being a bad guy is considered cool, where greed and jealousy are considered acceptable, where nice guys finish last and where kindness and compassion are considered to be old fashioned, this principle still holds true.
For me the blessings I received from the residents of the Mental Health Facility was sufficient however the PS4 is pretty awesome also J Thank you kindly to Incredible Connection for a wonderful prize.
Edited by tekken57
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Great story tekken, you deserve the prize you were given bro :p


I also cant wait to hear the news of that converted model :p

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Great story man !!! Sometime it pays to be good.

Now please send me that ps4

Nah Bugs, I need the PS4 more than you,lol.

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Thanks a lot guys, helping others always brings the most joy.


Bad news about the Benoit model. I've injected the into Stone Cold's model and everything reads fine in X-Rey and 3dsmax but the game completely corrupts the object. There are polygons everywhere. This is usually caused by the bone assignments but I changed these in the same manner as I did Hardy's head but still had the same issue. I think the format is too different for the game to interpret it correctly. The face format is different and I also suspect that the weights could be different as well.


I honestly don't know what to do from here as my knowledge of 3d modelling isn't at expert level. So for now it seems like models older than 2010 cannot be injected into the game. It's a pity though as the Benoit head on Stone Cold's body looked really good. Maybe some wants to attempt this using the Topogun method.



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Its still not over , there got to be a way to at least copy the skin perfectly by topology.

Im gonna register to a couple 3d modeling forum i know and ask question

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That would be awesome, let us know if they come up with anything.


I decided to give the Topogun method one more try. The textures are obviously not done but there is something off on the front view of the face that I can't place my finger on. What do you guys think?



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That would be awesome, let us know if they come up with anything.


I decided to give the Topogun method one more try. The textures are obviously not done but there is something off on the front view of the face that I can't place my finger on. What do you guys think?



Awesome work on benoit.......

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That would be awesome, let us know if they come up with anything.


I decided to give the Topogun method one more try. The textures are obviously not done but there is something off on the front view of the face that I can't place my finger on. What do you guys think?





I know it's not what you're going for mate, but to me that looks a lot like Jamie Noble in his 'Nitro days'



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