xirtamehtsitahw Posted October 30, 2014 Posted October 30, 2014 I've already posted these on The Smackdown Hotel, but why not have them here, as well? Just a bit of forewarning, though, since this forum doesn't seem to have a way to add attachments to posts, this post is bound to be quite...LONG (I've found close to 500 animations so far, and this list is STILL incomplete). Here's the list: 4277--Big Boot FINISH 42CC--Backbreaker Clutch 02 42CD--Chokeslam Clutch 02 42CE--DDT Clutch 04 42CF--Oklahoma Clutch 02 42D0--Piledriver Clutch 02 42D1--Powerbomb Clutch 02 42D2--Samoan Drop Clutch 03 42D4--Suplex Clutch 02 42D5--Argentine Clutch 02 42D7--Stunner 01 FINISH 42D9--Knee Facebuster FINISH 42DA--Swing Neckbreaker FINISH 42DB--RKO 01 FINISH 42DC--Codebreaker 01 FINISH 42DD--Sweet Chin Music FINISH 42DE--Samoan Spike FINISH 42E0--Backstabber FINISH 42E1--Backbreaker Clutch 06 42E2--Two-handed Chokeslam Clutch 04 42E3--Throat Thrust FINISH 42E4--Powerful Punch FINISH 42E5--Trouble in Paradise FINISH 42E6--Clothesline 01 FINISH 42E7--Spinning Roundhouse Kick FINISH 42E8--Clothesline 02 FINISH 42E9--Enzuigiri 01 FINISH 42EA--Buzzsaw Kick FINISH 4330--Backbreaker Clutch 01 4331--Chokeslam Clutch 01 4332--DDT Clutch 01 4333--Oklahoma Clutch 01 4334--Piledriver Clutch 01 4335--Powerbomb Clutch 01 4336--Samoan Drop Clutch 01 4338--Suplex Clutch 01 4339--Argentine Clutch 01 433B--Reverse DDT Clutch 01 433C--Tombstone Piledriver Clutch 01 433D--Two-handed Chokeslam Clutch 01 433E--Lift Up Clutch 433F--Hijack Clutch 01 4340--Rana Clutch 01 4341--Jawbreaker 01 4342--Bite into Powerbomb Hold 4343--Pump Handle Clutch 01 43C6--Wrestling Style Back Position 43C7--Front to Back 43C8--Flying Clothesline FINISH 43C9--Tiger Spin 43CA--Front to Front 01 43CB--Thrust Kick 43CC--Stunner Clutch 01 43CD--Stunner Clutch 02 43CE--Stunner Clutch 03 43D0--Front to Front 02 43D1--Cobra Clutch to Front 43D2--Running Position 43D3--Back to Front 43D5--Clothesline to Front 43D6--Back to Back 43D7--Rolling German Suplex 43D8--Full Nelson to Back 43D9--DDT Clutch 02 43E0--Stunner 02 FINISH 43E1--RKO 02 FINISH 43E2--Asai DDT FINISH 43E3--Neckbreaker 01 FINISH 43E4--Running Clothesline FINISH 43E5--Running Spear FINISH 43E6--Running Side Kick FINISH 43E7--Running Kick? 43E8--Running Chop FINISH 43E9--Samoan Drop Clutch 02 43EB--DDT Clutch 03 43F8--Poison Fog 43F9--Eye Rake 43FA--Knee Thrust 43FB--Gut Kick 43FC--Body Blow 43FD--Quick Groin Strike 43FE-- Back Kick to the Groin 43FF--Front Kick to the Groin 4400--Gut Punch 4401--Measured Strike to the Head 4402--Upward Thrust Strike 4403--Eye Poke 4404--Mid-section Knee Strike 4405--Kneel Down Groin Strike 4406--Lifting Knee Thrust 4407--Back of the Head Slap 4408--Headbutt 445D--Removed 445E--Small Package FINISH 445F--DDT 02 FINISH 4460--Neckbreaker 02 FINISH 4461--Mongolian Chop 4462--Spin Roundhouse Kick FINISH 4463--Jumping High Knee FINISH 4464--Super Kick FINISH 4465--Woman's Slap 4466--Jawbreaker 02 FINISH 4467--Neckbreaker 03 FINISH 4468-Codebreaker 02 FINISH 4469--Leaping Reverse STO FINISH 446A--Leg Hook Reverse STO FINISH 446B--Facebuster FINISH 446C--Judgment Slam FINISH 446D--Jawbreaker 03 FINISH 446E--Judo Hip Toss FINISH 446F--STO FINISH 4470--Regal Cutter FINISH 4471--DDT 03 FINISH 4472--Side Effect FINISH 4473--German Suplex to Back 4474--Victory Roll FINISH 4475--Jumping Leg Drop FINISH 4476--Reverse DDT Clutch 02 4477--Twist of Fate 02 FINISH 4478--Jumping Armbreaker FINISH 447A--Enzuigiri 02 FINISH 447B--Edge-O-Matic FINISH 447C--Throw Back FINISH 447D--Bulldog 01 FINISH 447E--Electric Chair 01 FINISH 447F--Vise Grip 4480--One Hand Bulldog FINISH 4481--Back Suplex 03 FINISH 4495--Killswitch FINISH 4496--Reverse DDT FINISH 4497--Half Nelson Suplex 01 FINISH 4498--Side Slam FINISH 4499--Flash Back FINISH 449A--Full Nelson Bomb FINISH 449B--Back Suplex 02 FINISH 449C--Full Nelson Slam FINISH 449D--German Suplex 01 FINISH 449E--Wrestling Hero Slam FINISH 449F--Final Cut FINISH 44A0--Back Suplex Neckbreaker FINISH 44A1--R W and B Thunder Bomb FINISH 44A2--Cross Rhodes FINISH 44A3--Dream Street FINISH 44A4--Back Suplex 01 FINISH 44A5--Half Nelson Suplex 02 FINISH 44A6--Sidewalk Slam FINISH 44A7--Back Suplex Bottom 01 FINISH 44A8--Reverse Swing Neckbreaker FINISH 44A9--Back Suplex Bottom 02 FINISH 44AA--Backslide FINISH 44AD--Roll Up FINISH 44AE--Cobra Clutch 44AF--Cobra Clutch Backbreaker 01 44B0--Cobra Clutch Backbreaker 02 FINISH 44B2--Cobra Clutch Strangles 44B3--Crucifix FINISH 44B4--DDT 04 FINISH 44B5--Back Headbutt 44B6--Back Stabber FINISH 44B7--Bulldog 02 FINISH 44B9--DDT 05 FINISH 44BA--DDT 06 FINISH 44BC--School Boy FINISH 44BF--Running STO FINISH 44C0--High Angle Clutch 01 44C2--Powerbomb Clutch 03 44C3--Pedigree Clutch 44C4--Hijack Clutch 02 44C5--Belly-to-Back Inverted Mat Slam 01 44C8--Angry Cutthroat Gesture 44C9--Bicep Kiss Taunt 44CA--Upward Point Taunt 44CB--Destroy Taunt 44CC--The Warrior's Prayer Taunt 44CD--Mystifying Taunt 44D0--Cigar Burn Taunt 44D1--Single Crotch Chop 44D2--Triple Crotch Chop 44D4--Lift Piledriver Clutch 01 456A--Partial Powerbomb Lift 01 456B--Powerbomb Drop 456C--Powerbomb Impact 01 FINISH 456D--Facebuster Drop 456E--Sit-out Facebuster Impact FINISH 456F--Gory Bomb Lift 4570--Gory Bomb Clutch 4571--Gory Bomb Impact FINISH 4572--Gory Special Lift 4573--Gory Special Clutch 4574--Gory Special Impact FINISH 4575--Partial Jackknife Lift 4576--Jackknife Impact FINISH 4577--Partial Powerbomb Lift 02 4578--Powerbomb Impact 02 FINISH 4579--Quick Powerbomb Lift 457A--Quick Powerbomb Impact 457B--The Last Ride Lift 457C--The Last Ride Impact FINISH 457D--Backdrop Neckbreaker Lift 457E--Backdrop Neckbreaker Impact FINISH 457F--Spiral Bomb Lift 4580--Spiral Bomb Impact FINISH 4581--Switch German Suplex Lift 4582--Switch German Suplex Impact FINISH 4590--Lift Piledriver Clutch 02 4591--Oklahoma Clutch 09 45CE--Partial Shoulder Backbreaker Lift 45CF--Shoulder Backbreaker Impact FINISH 45D0--Full Throttle Step 45D1--Full Throttle Impact FINISH 45D2--Shoulder Breaker Step 45D3--Shoulder Breaker Impact FINISH 45D4--Devastator Lift 45D5--Devastator Impact FINISH 45EF--Double Arm Suplex Impact FINISH 45F0--Double Arm DDT Impact FINISH 45F1--Pedigree Impact FINISH 45FF--Double Arm Bomb 01 4600--Double Arm Bomb 02 4601--Double Arm Bomb 03 4632--Dragon Wings Lift 4633--Dragon Wings Impact FINISH 4650--Crashlanding Impact 01 FINISH 4652--Crashlanding Pin FINISH 4653--Head Crash Landing Impact FINISH 4655--Hijack Clutch 07 46C0--Gory Special Bomb FINISH 46FA--Partial Cliffhanger Drop 46FB--Cliffhanger Impact FINISH 46FC--360 High Angle Thunder Spin 46FD--High Angle Thunder Impact FINISH 46FE--Partial Guillotine Drop 46FF--Guillotine Impact FINISH 4700--Partial Tiger Bomb Lift 4701--Tiger Bomb Impact FINISH 4702--High Angle Powerbomb Step 4703--High Angle Powerbomb Drop 4704--High Angle Powerbomb Impact FINISH 4705--Turbo Drop Lift 4706--Turbo Drop Impact FINISH 4720--Headlock Wrench 475E--Rising Sun Lift 475F--Rising Sun Impact FINISH 4760--Powerful Knee Thrust 4761--Powerful Knee Thrust & Spin Out FINISH 4762--Kick Out DDT Clutch 4763--Kick Out DDT Impact FINISH 4764--Old School DDT Drop 4765--Old School DDT Impact FINISH 4766--Partial Spinning Neckbreaker 4767--Spinning Neckbreaker Impact FINISH 4768--Awakening Neckbreaker Clutch 4769--Awakening Neckbreaker Step 476A--Awakening Neckbreaker Impact FINISH 476B--Necklock Suplex Drop 476C--Necklock Suplex Impact FINISH 476D--Edgecution Drop 476E--Edgecution Impact FINISH 476F--Mickie DDT Clutch 4770--Mickie DDT Impact FINISH 47C2--Shima Driver Lift 47C3--Shima Driver Impact FINISH 47C4--Northern Lights Diver Clutch 47C5--Northern Lights Driver Impact FINISH 47C6--Partial Swing Side Neckbreaker 47C7--Swing Side Neckbreaker Impact FINISH 47C8--Crashlanding Clutch 47C9--Crashlanding Impact 02 FINISH 47CA--Northern Lights Bomb Lift 47CB--Northern Lights Bomb Impact FINISH 47CC--Heaving Northern Lights Bomb Lift 47CD--Heaving Northern Lights Bomb Impact FINISH 47CE--Gordbuster Lift 47CF--Gordbuster Impact 01 FINISH 47D0--Suplex Lift 01 47D1--Suplex Impact 01 FINISH 47D2--Body Splash Suplex Lift 47D3--Body Splash Suplex Impact FINISH 47D4--Back Suplex Lift 47D5--Back Suplex Impact FINISH 47D6--Rolling Suplex Lift 47D7--Rolling Suplex Drop 47D8--Rolling Suplex Impact 47D9--Gut Buster Lift 47DA--Gut Buster Impact FINISH 488A--Fisherman Buster Clutch 488B--Fisherman Buster Impact FINISH 488C--Vertical Fisherman Buster Clutch 488D--Stalling Vertical Fisherman Buster 488E--Vertical Fisherman Buster Impact FINISH 488F--Leglock French Bomb Clutch 4890--Leglock French Bomb Impact FINISH 4891--Fisherman Suplex Clutch 02 4892--Fisherman Suplex Impact FINISH 4893--Vertical Fisherman Buster Lift 4894--Forward Vertical Fisherman Impact 4895--Fisherman Suplex Hold FINISH 48AF--Oklahoma Clutch 05 48B0--Tombstone Piledriver Clutch 02 48EE--Last Call Bend 48EF--Last Call Toss 48F0--Last Call Impact FINISH 48F1--Swing Bottom Turn 48F2--Swing Bottom Throw 48F3--Swing Bottom Impact FINISH 48F4--Vortex Backbreaker Twist 48F5--Vortex Backbreaker Spin-out 48F6--Vortex Backbreaker Impact FINISH 48F7--Fall-away Facebuster Bend 48F8--Fall-away Facebuster Spin-out 48F9--Fall-away Facebuster Impact FINISH 48FA--Backbreaker Lift 48FB--Backbreaker Impact FINISH 48FC--Rolling Swing Bottom High Angle Twist 48FD--Rolling Swing Bottom Impact 01 FINISH 48FE--Rolling Swing Bottom Downward Twist 48FF--Rolling Swing Bottom Spin-out 4900--Rolling Swing Bottom Impact 02 FINISH 4901--Bulletride Lift 4902--Bulletride Impact FINISH 4903--Wrestling Hero Slam Clutch 02 4904--Wrestling Hero Slam Impact 02 FINISH 4905--BT Piledriver Lift 4906--BT Piledriver Impact FINISH 4952--Step Piledriver 4953--Step Piledriver Impact FINISH 4954--720 Step Piledriver 4955--720 Step Piledriver Impact FINISH 4956--Half Step Piledriver 4957--Half Step Piledriver Impact FINISH 4958--Jumping Piledriver Lift 4959--Jumping Piledriver Impact FINISH 495A--Forward Leap Piledriver 495B--Forward Leap Piledriver Impact FINISH 495C--Cradle Piledriver Clutch 495D--Cradle Piledriver Impact FINISH 495E--Cradle Knee Piledriver Clutch 495F--Cradle Knee Piledriver Impact FINISH 4960--Cradle Face Piledriver Clutch 4961--Cradle Face Piledriver Impact FINISH 4970--Chokeslam Clutch 03 4971--Two-handed Chokeslam Clutch 02 4972--DDT Clutch 05 498F--Cut Throat Taunt 01 4990--Single Arm Raise Taunt 4991--360 Chokeslam Clutch Spin 4993--Rana Clutch 04 49B6--Chokeslam Lift 49B7--Chokeslam Impact FINISH 49B8--Tsunami Bend 49B9--Tsunami Impact FINISH 49BA--Boogeyslam Lift 49BB--Boogeyslam Impact FINISH 49BC--Battering Ram Bend 49BD--Battering Ram Impact FINISH 49BE--Flip Bottom Bend 49BF--Flip Bottom Impact FINISH 49C0--The Rock Bottom Clutch 49C1--The Rock Bottom Impact FINISH 49C2--Bedrock Drop Clutch 49C3--Bedrock Drop Impact FINISH 49C4--Complete Shot Clutch 49C5--Complete Shot Impact FINISH 49C6--Neckbreaker Clutch 49C7--Neckbreaker Impact FINISH 49D7--Showstopper FINISH 4A3F--Smash Two-handed Chokeslam Drop 4A40--Backbreaker Clutch 05 4A7E--Two-handed Chokeslam Drop 4A7F--Two-handed Chokeslam Impact FINISH 4A80--Executioner Clutch 4A81--Executioner Impact FINISH 4A9F--Tombstone Piledriver Clutch 03 4AA0--Hijack Clutch 05 4AA1--Repeating Oklahoma Gutbuster 4AA4--Jumping Stomach Block FINISH 4AE2--Oklahoma Slam Drop 4AE3--Oklahoma Slam Impact FINISH 4AE6--Powerslam Drop 4AE7--Powerslam Impact FINISH 4AEA--Downburst Drop 4AEB--Downburst Impact FINISH 4B49--Leaping Tombstone Impact FINISH 4B6B--Lift Up Clutch 01 4B7E--360 Samoan Drop Spin 4B7F--Backbreaker Clutch 04 4B80--Stomach Buster to Samoan Drop Clutch 4B81--Oklahoma Clutch 10 4B82--Argentine Clutch 03 4B84--DDT Clutch 06 4B85--Samoan Drop 02 4B86--Falcon Driver FINISH 4BAA--Fireman Carry Drop 4BAB--Fireman Carry Impact FINISH 4BAC--Frenchbomb Drop 4BAD--Frenchbomb Impact FINISH 4BAE--Samoan Drop 01 4BAF--Samoan Drop Impact FINISH 4BB0--Shock Drop 4BB1--Shock Impact FINISH 4BB2--Swing Shoulder Cutter Drop 4BB3--Swing Shoulder Cutter Impact FINISH 4BB4--Steamroller Drop 4BB5--Steamroller Impact FINISH 4BB6--Death Valley Drop 4BB7--Death Valley Impact FINISH 4BB8--Attitude Adjustment Drop 4BB9--Attitude Adjustment Impact FINISH 4BBA--Go 2 Sleep Drop 4BBB--Go 2 Sleep Impact FINISH 4BBC--Face Plant Clutch 4BBD--Face Plant Impact FINISH 4BC0--Dreamer Driver Drop 4BC1--Dreamer Driver Impact FINISH 4BD0--Military Press 4C0E--Repeated Military Presses 4C0F--Fall-away Military Press Slam FINISH 4C10--Forward Lift-up Drop 4C11--Forward Lift-up Drop Impact FINISH 4C12--Forward Body Press Drop 4C13--Forward Body Press Impact FINISH 4C14--High Military Press Drop 4C15--High Military Press Impact FINISH 4C16--Catapult Military Press 4C17--Forward Military Press Slam FINISH 4CD9--Extreme Twist of Fate Impact FINISH 4CDC--Rolling Facebuster Drop 4CDD--Rolling Facebuster Impact 4CDE--Extreme Twist of Fate Pin FINISH 4CDF--Reverse Drop 4CE0--Reverse Drop Impact FINISH 4CE1--Suplex Drop 4CE2--Suplex Impact 03 FINISH 4D01--Gut Buster & Samoan Clutch 4D02--Hijack Clutch 08 4D05--Vertical DDT Impact FINISH 4D06--Pump Handle Clutch 05 4D3A--Black Hole Spin-out Drop 4D3B--Black Hole Spin-out Impact FINISH 4D3C--Vicious Twist Spin 4D3D--Vicious Twist Impact FINISH 4D3E--Reverse F-5 Drop 4D3F--Reverse F-5 Impact FINISH 4D40--Reverse Attitude Adjustment Drop 4D41--Reverse Attitude Adjustment Impact FINISH 4D42--Extreme Gut Buster Drop 4D43--Extreme Gut Buster Impact FINISH 4D44--Swing Argentine Bomb Drop 4D45--Swing Argentine Bomb Impact FINISH 4D46--Sitdown Shock Drop 4D47--Sitdown Shock Impact FINISH 4D48--Rolling Side Buster Drop 4D49--Rolling Side Buster Spin-out 4D4A--Rolling Side Buster Impact FINISH 4D4B--Victoria Driver Drop 4D4C--Victoria Driver Impact FINISH 4D58--Springboard Hurricanrana FINISH 4D59--Hurricanrana 01 FINISH 4D5A--Hurricanrana Pin FINISH 4D5B--Hurricanrana 02 FINISH 4D5C--Hurricanrana 03 FINISH 4D5D--Hurricanrana 04 FINISH 4D5E--Manami Roll Pin FINISH 4D5F--DDT Clutch 07 4D60--Powerbomb Clutch 06 4D61--Double Under Clutch 4D62--Powerbomb Clutch 05 4D63--Go Round FINISH 4D64--Hurricanrana 05 FINISH 4D65--DDT Impact FINISH 4D66--Reverse Headscissor FINISH 4D67--Codebreaker 02 FINISH 4E02--Pumphandle Drop Lift 4E03--Pumphandle Drop Impact FINISH 4E04--Sidewalk Slam Lift 4E05--Sidewalk Slam Impact FINISH 4E06--Pumphandle Suplex Lift 4E07--Pumphandle Suplex Impact FINISH 4E08--Stretch Buster Lift 4E09--Stretch Buster Impact FINISH 4E0A--Pumphandle Slam Lift 4E0B--Pumphandle Slam Impact FINISH 4E0C--Sideways Clutch 4E0D--Sideways Impact FINISH 4E0E--Drop Down Clutch 4E0F--Drop Down Pin FINISH 4E10--Drop Down to Face Clutch 4E11--Drop Down to Face Impact FINISH 4E12--Gut Wrench Suplex Clutch 4E13--Gut Wrench Suplex Impact FINISH 4E14--Drop First Clutch 4E15--Drop First Impact FINISH Quote
SausageBarm Posted October 30, 2014 Posted October 30, 2014 (edited) I'd put the list in a spoiler if I were you. Edited October 30, 2014 by SausageBarm Quote
xirtamehtsitahw Posted October 30, 2014 Author Posted October 30, 2014 Good idea. Do I simply use "spoiler" tags? Quote
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