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Community Creations Limited this year

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It's a flow restriction than anything else.


When people finally realized that at the min, everyone would get 


5 UPLs a day/ 35 UPLs a week

10 DLs a day/ 35 DLs a week


Then everyone stopped spazing out.


Not too restrictive at all, but restrictive enough to improve online and stop random freezing and crashes in theory.


It's a flow restriction than anything else.

When people finally realized that at the min, everyone would get

5 UPLs a day/ 35 UPLs a week

10 DLs a day/ 35 DLs a week

Then everyone stopped spazing out.

Not too restrictive at all, but restrictive enough to improve online and stop random freezing and crashes in theory.

It's a small price to pay if it works the way it's intended to.

But....we all know things don't work the way they are intended in a WWE game.


What the actual hell. What is the point of this.


What the actual hell. What is the point of this.

Read the comments for crying out loud.


What the actual hell. What is the point of this.

Read the comments for crying out loud.



Ain't nobody got time fo dat. I just read the OP.


Looking at the video, this system is going to be easy to manipulate the more friends you have that play the game. For me, I have zero friends who like WWE, but I don't usually care for CC or online games very much, so I'll be fine.

All the die-hard CC guys, you'll be fine. It's a minor setback opposed to other SHIT in the game.

This just regulates the Community Creations a bit.

If you were one of the guys getting hundreds of thousands of downloads last year, you'll be fine. Honestly.

All this does is make sure people don't just upload seriously poor CAWs and whatnot.

If you aren't under that category, you really shouldn't have a hard time getting through this.

I have faith in the WWE games Community Creators.

If 2k15 gets renders it wont even matter. If you browse CC on 2k14, the shittiest of shitty caws have tons of downloads and positive reviews just because of a poorly cut out  set of renders. People uploaded half assed caws with the reupload feature on in hopes that someone would render their garbage. Not to mention the reuploadable rendered caws that got reupped several times by many different people.


Anyone with at least half of a brain knows that there are a lot of problems that this change won't fix.

But everyone should realize that ANY changes made to the last gen version in hopes of making it better are never going to work, FACT.


FYI, I have the most downloads on CC as of this moment (cheapplug)*DOWNLOAD MY NITRO ARENA ON 360!(/cheapplug), with like 200.. and the bar has still barely moved. I don't think ranking up in CC is going to be easy...


Okay, why the fuck are they limiting downloads? They can go fuck themselves with a rusty pitchfork and if this shit is in next-gen you can bet your ass I'm going to return the game.


Okay, why the fuck are they limiting downloads? They can go fuck themselves with a rusty pitchfork and if this shit is in next-gen you can bet your ass I'm going to return the game.

Ask yourself this, are you really going to download more than 70 guys every week?


The reason they are doing this to to fix a complaint we had for years, better online without crashing.


Sucks for you 2k15 people...all I hear is bad news from this game smh


Sucks for you 2k15 people...all I hear is bad news from this game smh


universe is really good so that complaint isn't warranted.  If people would stop complaining about all the bad parts of the game, you might find other parts that you'll like.  Plus i feel we had it easy and got spoiled in a way by thq.  I always said that they don't need to keep adding modes that's just gonna cause more freezes etc.


09 CAF

10 CAStory

11 Universe

12 CAA

13 Create a belt


and we all know that every last one of those caused problems more so than another and they never really fixed them, they just added more stuff to them.


Nuff said


Previewed a bunch of guys last night, didn't download anything.
Still have all 10 downloads available.

Oh weird it's not a big deal at all.


I don't really download alot of stuff anyway all the good caw makers drop caws every few weeks. Sometimes i just wait for smacktalks best of to see who i wanna download. I create my own caws most of the time. The servers are full of shitty caws and a bunch of stuff reloaded way to many times. I like this idea no hair off my sack lol


Previewed a bunch of guys last night, didn't download anything.

Still have all 10 downloads available.

Oh weird it's not a big deal at all.

Great news. When Jeff was saying that previews counted as downloads I was a little baffled at why that would be. So I'm glad that wasn't the case.



Okay, why the fuck are they limiting downloads? They can go fuck themselves with a rusty pitchfork and if this shit is in next-gen you can bet your ass I'm going to return the game.

Ask yourself this, are you really going to download more than 70 guys every week?


The reason they are doing this to to fix a complaint we had for years, better online without crashing.


Downloads are more than just caws, there is also arenas, logos and movesets.


Also who said it was a daily limit?


Previewed a bunch of guys last night, didn't download anything.

Still have all 10 downloads available.

Oh weird it's not a big deal at all.

good news. can you find out how this system works?



Previewed a bunch of guys last night, didn't download anything.

Still have all 10 downloads available.

Oh weird it's not a big deal at all.

good news. can you find out how this system works?


bad news is your download slots can't be increased but your upload slots can.  Anyone that defends this is either a moron or just sucking 2k's dick

From Marcus

You will receive additional upload slots as your content is downloaded more frequently (however, the download cap does not increase with your CC ranking) -- rewards for being an excellent content creator. Even with the initial 5 upload slots, that does not mean you can only ever upload 5 items. You can upload as many as you like, but you have 5 save slots on our server so you can only put up your 5 top items up at one time. You can overwrite content in a slot if you want to replace it with something new.


So basically downloaders are screwed

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