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Breakthrough! - Adding CAW items to ingame models


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Last week I was browsing the WWE13 CAS save and found that it contained JBOY files, so as a test I extracted a model from the save and reversed the header to read YOBJ and injected it into the Rocks model and got the below image, not pretty but it was a start.




I knew from this point that I was on to something, if the CAW model loads then the CAW items should work as well.

Tekken kindly tested the CAW items and as you can see from his thread it worked :)


Although this is a breakthrough there is still alot of work to be done since the textures need to be fixed, Tekken is already working on the shine issue that the models have.


Some notes


  • CAW models can be added but any items athat are not directly molded onto the model like Hair etc are treated as seperate models, this would go for hats also


  • Textures need to be worked out, you can repoint them to the superstars texture at the end of the yobj file but you may need to remap the textures in 3DS Max

Now it's your turn to have some fun, not only that but the more info we discover about this the better it will be for all of us.


So to extract all the CAW items in the Edit pac use QuickBMS, the QuickBMS also contains an edited BMS script called TGA.bms which I thank Tekken for, this will automatically name all the texture files to  .TGA for you.




If you are going to extract all the files you will need to create a folder for each ED folder otherwise Quickbms will ask you to overwrite the files.


Remember you can also create new .Pach files in Xpacker


Thanks again Tekken for the BMS script and your help with the testing :)


On that note I will leave you with Angry Bunny




Caw Directory List


This is as accurate as I can get at the moment


 ED02_Body Parts
ED11_Female Strappy tops
ED14_Facial Hair
ED20_Head Gear
ED21_Female Tops
ED22_Male Tops
ED26_Elbow Pads
ED27_Wrist Wear
ED45_Upper Body Accessories
ED48_Lower Body Accessories

Edited by UndertakerWLF
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To add more info:


- The ed*.pac files contain yobj's for all the caw parts including seperate arms, legs, pants, etc. These are standard yobj files which can be injected into your wrestler mods as normal. You will need to change the materials referenced though.


- When a caw is made these parts are combined


- The 2k14 caw format uses a multiple zlib compression similar to the ps3 save, so I didn't bother to look into it as injecting into this archive has proven to be impossible.


- WWE 13 caws can be extracted easily from the cas file, just do a seach for "yobj" and extract this file in a hex editor. These yobj files can be loaded into X-rey if you change the header to "jboy".


- The caw parts and caw's themselves reference particular textures. These need to be changed to your standard texture names i.e. colour, normal, mask, etc. If you scroll to the end of the yobj file, you will see the texture names listed close to the bottom e.g. all0, all0_n, all0_m. I change all0 to color, allo_n to normal, all0_m to mask, etc. If you don't change these names the game will freeze as it will look for textures which do not exist.


Remember that the objects will also need to have the uv's unwrapped to your color texture. 



- the superstar heads are in the ed04.pac file. This can also be injected as normal into a wrestler pac file. Your wrestler will have two heads upon injecting, so you will need to scaled the wrestler head down so that it is not visible. You can hide the wrestler head inside the superstar head.


- The superstar heads have an issue with shine like the wwe 12 models. I am looking into the parameters of the shader as a solution to this. As a bonus, the parameters fix may also resolve the shine issue with wwe 12 models. Not sure as yet, as this is very difficult to do manually.


To show you guys some result of the experiments I have been doing:


1. WWE 13 Edit a caw in Topogun and MAX


I created a Hogan caw in WWE 13 to test. Extracted the caw yobj file from the cas file. Opened in X-Rey and then ran the face through Topogun, using 80's Hogan as a base. I then opened the skull in 3dsmax and added two "horns" on the head. I injected back into the cas file and loaded the changes back into the game. The game loaded the caw with the edits. However opening the caw in caw mode, reset the caw. This proved that editing wwe 13 caws is possible:




2. Taking a WWE 13 caw and injecting into a WWE 2k14 wrestler pac and loading as a standard wrestler mod


I took the same wwe 13 caw and injected it into a standard wrester pac file. I had to remap the uv's on all the object first, rush job just to test. I then loaded the wrestler pac as normal in WWE 2k14. It loaded fine but there is a shine issue as you can see. There is also an object over the face used for the blood effect:




While it is possible to use WWE 13 caws as wrestler mods in 2k14, it is very time consuming to get working.




Thanks to UndertakerWLF for this find. It is a huge discovery which will take modding to new heights :)

Edited by tekken57
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There are many objects which are in the ed.pac files which we can use. To that end, I want to use this post to list whats inside each pac file. I will post a bit later. I am up to ed 22 at the moment, if someone wants to help, please post.

Edited by tekken57
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Holy shit, is this huge. Amazing discovery, guys. I already have a million different ideas running through my head. So, just to clarify, this means we can add things such as like the entrance robes, jackets, etc.?

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Caws still look like crap even if you inject wrestler parts into it. The caw doesn't load all the shaders, doesn't sweat and never looks as good as the in game wrestlers. Once you start modding the in game wrestlers, it's impossible to go back to creating caws.


@ote, there are a ton of objects in the ed*.pac files as indexed by UndertakerWLF above. You can use any of these in your wrestler pac as you would a normal hair object. We haven't tested all the objects as yet, it's too labour intensive to try all. Hence it's up to the community to experiment and post their results. Remember that there are also seperate arms, legs, etc objects which can also be injected.

Edited by tekken57
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This mod really does need the community to lend a hand as the contents in the Ed pac files are in the hundreds and impossible to everything. The whole fun part of modding is trying new stuff out and experimenting to see what you can find, if it fails back to the drawing board, if it succeeds then great!


Experimentation is the key!

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Caws still look like crap even if you inject wrestler parts into it. The caw doesn't load all the shaders, doesn't sweat and never looks as good as the in game wrestlers. Once you start modding the in game wrestlers, it's impossible to go back to creating caws.


Yeah, really. Why anyone who has the capability to mod would still bother with CAWs is beyond me. I mean, I know it's all personal choice, and if they want to, more power to them, but as far as a comparison of quality goes, it's not even a matter of opinion.



@ote, there are a ton of objects in the ed*.pac files as indexed by UndertakerWLF above.


Awesome. Just wanted to double-check before getting my hopes up.



You can use any of these in your wrestler pac as you would a normal hair object.


They can be used along with the regular hair models, though, and not have to overwrite them, right? I only ask, because in my experience of trying to inject additional .YOBJ parts into PACHs, I know the hair can cause some issues.



We haven't tested all the objects as yet, it's too labour intensive to try all. Hence it's up to the community to experiment and post their results. Remember that there are also seperate arms, legs, etc objects which can also be injected.


I saw you mention that bit about separate arm and leg objects. Are we talking the standard elbow pads, knee pads, boots, etc. (which would obviously be included) or do you mean like legit arms and legs as in body parts?


Sorry for all of the questions, and I'll be looking to answer the rest of any I have myself by testing things out hopefully sometime soon, but this is all just some pretty damn exciting news. Again, incredible job on figuring this stuff out, guys.

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The community is a big word and thats what suck because you know only a hand full of peoples are going to work on this.

It suck that we cant use theses caw slots for mods.

Cant wait to put the bathrobe on Rude.

Thanks guys !!!

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Loving the find. I will likely try this out later date after trying some other thing I am looking into. Plus, may take a while. Currently unwell and can barely move.

Thanks to everyone involved to make this work.

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I'm intrigued.. Would it be possible to actually inject in-game model parts into a cas file? Like, could we fill up CAW slots with actual Character models? basically reversing what you guys have tried so far

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Wow I'm impressed great find man id like to see if I can give brock lesnar his gym pants or a shirt.

Edited by Twistedmisery666™
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I'm intrigued.. Would it be possible to actually inject in-game model parts into a cas file? Like, could we fill up CAW slots with actual Character models? basically reversing what you guys have tried so far


With wwe 13, yes you can but the uv's will be messed up as the caw uses different textures than standard wrestler textures. The model format is that same though. With 2k14 the cas files are contain multiple zlib files similar to the ps3 save. Injecting into this format has proven to be impossible for now.


The yobj files in the ed*.pac files are standard yobj files and could possibly be swapped out for other yobj files. this will allow you to add other objects to your caw in caw mode. Haven't tried this though, like I said, too many things to test and I have no interest in caws. Give it a try and post your results.


You can use any of these in your wrestler pac as you would a normal hair object.


They can be used along with the regular hair models, though, and not have to overwrite them, right? I only ask, because in my experience of trying to inject additional .YOBJ parts into PACHs, I know the hair can cause some issues.


I haven't tried as yet. I'm having issues with the Goldberg head. Added a beard object and the head is a seperate object. Only the head appears, the beard doesn't, not sure why. Try it out and see what happens, use the Rock's pac file. He has two yobj files for his elbow pads which can be replaced.



We haven't tested all the objects as yet, it's too labour intensive to try all. Hence it's up to the community to experiment and post their results. Remember that there are also seperate arms, legs, etc objects which can also be injected.


I saw you mention that bit about separate arm and leg objects. Are we talking the standard elbow pads, knee pads, boots, etc. (which would obviously be included) or do you mean like legit arms and legs as in body parts?


Yes there are seperate arms, legs, chest objects, etc. Haven't tried injecting these but they are standard yobj files.



I worked on the shinyness on the superstar heads last night. the problem is with the shaders. It takes a long time to fix as I had to manually fix the offsets and there were lots. Is anyone interested in helping to fix the rest of the superstar heads, I will type up details on how to fix if so?


The fix may also resolve the issue with wwe12 models, not sure though.


Having taken a look at the superstar heads, gave me another idea to use normal wrestler's heads. I managed to repoint the yobj to only load the head. Injected this as a seperate object and it loads as a superstar head on a wrestler mod. The problem is the filesize is too big as the pac now has two full wrestler yobj's in it. It loads fine in superstar threads but not in game.


Here's a pic of shamrock's head on the rock body as a proof of concept. the pic of Goldbergs head also illustrates the fix on the shader. I've only fix one object on the face, the other is still shiny.



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