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It was never released for PS3, I think at the time they did'nt know the PS3s system architecture enough to produce the game. PS3 never got a decent game until 2010/2011

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I remember the first time I saw the game on my friends 360. Was vastly superior to mine on the ps3. Went out and got an xbox soon after.

You're right though, I took a number of years to get it right on the ps3.

I'm hoping the next gen systems don't have this issue. Not sure wether to go for an xbox one or ps4 as yet.

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They never released 07 on the ps3. 2008 on ps3 was vastly inferior. 32 layer caw mode, no custom themes, etc



i thought they just never released svr07 on ps3.  i remember 08 on ps3 but that game sucked on both systems lol









svr07 on 360 didn't have custom themes either (if i'm not mistaken) SVR08 on 360 did but SVR08 on ps3 didn't i think it took till 09 for both systems to have custom themes, and they still haven't gotten it right LOL

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Apart from career mode and the graphics, what else does current gen have that last gen hasn't

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Apart from career mode and the graphics, what else does current gen have that last gen hasn't

yea you're right they not show us anything to make a judgment 

we just want to see the updates on the game after Gamescom before the release.

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