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WWE Create an Entrance with Custom Superstar Problem

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Would someone please see if they can help me with this issue?


I have created a Custom Superstar to put into a Story mode I am making. I gave him the attire I wanted in the ring and copied it to both his entrance attire and his cinematic attire. I then created an entrance for him, and everything looks perfect when I preview it


When I go into the Story mode and place him in a scene or set him up for a match, everything looks good...except there are no clothes! Music, pyros, everything is good except for the fact that he is wearing the blue briefs it starts you off in when you begin creating your character.


I've looked everywhere on the web and have tried everything I could find on the game to try to fix the problem, but I still can't figure out why it's doing that or how to fix it. Someone please help; I would really appreciate it!

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