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Thq Is Dumb

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well when u play season on the raw brand the ref would be earl hebner but in ppvs it will be mike chioda

and the opposite happens for the smackdown brand during regular smackdown events the ref is mike but during ppvs the ref is earl

can someone fix this so that raw superstars would get earl all the time and smackown superstar would get mike chioda all the time


there are codes to make the refs who u want them to be, but for some reason, ever sense ive done this, the matches have stopped loading for me, and im not sure if its cause of the Refs, sense i made Earl Steph, and Mike Linda.

then again, i have massively hacked this game, but everything has worked perfectly, until this ref cheat...........


hey man are these changes permanent or do i have to use button activators

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