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YOBJ Model Format


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Wrote a quick tut on the yobj model format.


Guys wanting to change the shaders for an object will need to open the yobj in X-Rey and look at what number the object is e.g object 0, object 1, etc. Then open the yobj in a hex editor and change the shader for the corresponding object.


I detailed the object format on my site here: http://sf4mods.blogspot.com/2014/05/yobj-model-format.html


For convenience I am posting the information here again:


The model format contains a header which details the number of bones, meshes, materials etc. The actual model itself is broken down into multiple smaller objects.


Each of these objects has it's own data which is 184 bytes long (mesh data). This is detailed in the diagram below under the header data and the individual mesh data. The mesh data also calls a shader based on the type of object it is e.g. skin, gear, transparency. These are referenced with a "ch_' e.g ch_skin, ch_gear, etc.


There is some some data which I haven't deciphered as yet. If you guys figure anything else out, please post the info here.

The model format contains a header which details the number of bones, meshes, materials etc. The actual model itself is broken down into multiple smaller objects.


Each of these objects has it's own data which is 184 bytes long (mesh data). This is detailed in the diagram below under the header data and the individual mesh data. The mesh data also calls a shader based on the type of object it is e.g. skin, gear, transparency. These are referenced with a "ch_' e.g ch_skin, ch_gear, etc.


There is some some data which I haven't deciphered as yet. If you guys figure anything else out, please post the info here.



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Thanks for putting this together and sharing what you've discovered, man. Looking forward to getting the chance to put this to use.

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Thanks for taking the time to put this up Tekken, it was an interesting read and gave me a better understanding of things :)

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Very interesting tekken  :)

We might be able to override the Elbow pads shader with the skin shader.


You're on fire bro!  :D

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