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Part 1

D00BA23E 068A

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D00BA246 0020

800BA23E 0675

D00C663E 068A

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D00C663E 068A

D00C6644 0001

D00C6646 0020

800C663E 0675

D00BA23E 068A

D00BA244 0000

800BA23E 0000

D008525A FFFE

800BA176 EDA4

D008525A FFFE

800C6576 EDA4

D00BA176 EDA4

800BA172 0000

D00C6576 EDA4

800C6572 0000

D00C663E 068A

D00C6646 000D

800A13A4 0001

D00BA23E 068A

D00BA246 000D

800A13A4 0001

Part 2

800E0C58 FEDC

800E0C5A 800A

800E0C5C FEE0

800E0C5E 800A

800E0C60 FEF0

800E0C62 800A

800E0C64 1524


800E0EE2 800A

800E0EE4 FEE0

800E0EE6 800A

800E0EE8 FEF0

800E0EEA 800A

800E0EEC 13A4

800E1168 FEDC

800E116A 800A

800E116C FEE0

800E116E 800A

800E1170 FEF0

800E1172 800A

800E1174 13A4

800E13F0 FEDC

800E13F2 800A

800E13F4 FEE0

800E13F6 800A

800E13F8 FEF0

800E13FA 800A

800E13FC 13A4

800E1678 FEDC

800E167A 800A

800E167C FEE0

800E167E 800A

800E1680 FEF0

800E1682 800A

800E1684 13A4

800E3034 FEDC

800E3036 800A

800E3038 FEE0

800E303A 800A

800E303C FEF0

800E303E 800A

800E3040 13A4

800E2C10 FEDC

800E2C12 800A

800E2C14 FEE0

800E2C16 800A

800E2C18 FEF0

800E2C1A 800A

800E2C1C 13A4

800E1940 0000

800E20E0 0000

800E2880 0000

800E0C9A 2000

800E0C9C 2300

800E0C9E 1200

800E1D12 2300

800E1D16 0700

800E24B2 2300

800E24B6 0700

8009D6B6 0026

8009D6F6 0032

Part 3

800E0F76 FB50

800E0F72 FCEF

800E0F74 FFB9

800E11FE FB50


800E11FC F9C7

800E1486 F800

800E1482 FCEF

800E1484 FFB9

800E170E FB50

800E170A FD41

800E170C 05C5

800E2F5A F800

800E337E FB50

800E2CA2 0000

800E30C6 0000

800E2CA4 0000

800E30C8 0000

Rules: Turn Codes off at Welcome to smackdown2! now Loading Screen go to a Hell In A Cell and turn codes on when the match starts. Press Select and you will go on up of the scaffold. To win put them through it. But I like to say knock them off.

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