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Smoking and Vaping.

The Don

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Who here smokes, used to smoke or vapes now? I used to smoke a pack a day for about 13 years until quitting last year personally. The Vikings decided they wanted a new stadium so last year they bumped the price of cigarettes to $8 a pack, give or take a few cents. I'd tried quitting a few times leading up to the tax hike with no success and finally decided to try out one of those little Blu ecigarettes they sell at gas stations... it fucking sucked. I'd been talking with my brother and he said he and the wife have had great success with "real" ecigarttes and the basic stuff was only $65 bucks. So after getting a "real" ecigarette consisting of a battery, tank and some ejuice and really haven't looked back since.


I still get cravings for a real cigarette, but that's mostly only if I'm drinking or having a particularly rough week. One upside to vaping (aside from the obvious) is it's glorious being able to get my fix in a movie or restaurant. I did have one waitress try to kick me out once until I explained it to her, funniest part is she tried calling a manager over to have me leave his response was "I'd suggest you leave this gentleman alone if you want a tip." and on the way out he asked me what flavor I had and where I got it. AND THE FLAVORS! I go to a place that makes their own juice in store and are always coming up with new flavors. I generally stick one they call Baja Bitz which is essentially Baja Blast Mountain Dew from Taco Bell. I just picked up another bottle of it today along with a Blue Slurpee flavor.


So yeah; Any smokers, ex-smokers or vapers here? Also for the smokers, how much does a pack cost where you are?

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Call me a kid, but what does "vaping" mean? Keep in mind, I'm German, so it might be because of language barrier

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I've never smoked a cigarette, rolly, e-cig or whatever in my life, and I never intend to. In fact I never will, and I say that with full confidence and conviction. I said to myself when I was 7 years old that i'd never do it, and 14 years later I haven't smoked, or even been tempted. Unfortunately for me, i'd say 80% of my friends do smoke, so i've had to put up with their second hand smoke for a long, long time. Quite a few have moved onto vaping now, and i'm pretty happy about it because they aren't spreading their disgusting shit into my lungs. Still though, they don't seem to be spending much less on their e-cigs, as they just seem to smoke that more than they would a normal cigarette. Seems more like just giving your money to somebody else, rather than actually quitting.

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I smoked for 13 years. Quit back in 07.  Personally, I see no point in downgrading to vapes. I feel like if someone truly wants to quit, they can. It's all up to you, and your determination. What's even funnier is people that never smoked, but now vape.

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I'm Straight Edge, what means I don't drink any alcohol, I don't smoke and I don't do drugs. I don't really care if one of my friends drinks alcohol or smokes, yet I don't enjoy it.

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Smoked once, hated it and just decided not to. Guess I got lucky not to get addicted like most.

Edited by Nate
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I don't smoke, I take the occasional shisha (Both pen and pipe) (Could the pen be considered an E-pen?) because the flavours are nice.

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I've said it for as long as I can remember. You'll never see me puffing any kind of cigarette, EVER. I've already learned my lesson without even putting my lips on a cigarette. Both of my parents were diagnosed with cancer and a large part of it had to do with smoking for many, many years. The things I saw them go through traumatized me for quite some time. I can proudly say though that both of my parents are survivors, and have quit smoking now. 

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Didn't get the appeal of it when everyone in school was puffing away, it's fucked my old man up aswell... some people actually modd their e-cigs, wtf is all that about? ha.


I would personally bitchslap anyone I see doing this. Fucking hipster kids.


Still though, they don't seem to be spending much less on their e-cigs, as they just seem to smoke that more than they would a normal cigarette. Seems more like just giving your money to somebody else, rather than actually quitting.

It's all have you use it. When I started vaping I was at 25mg of nicotine in the juice I bought, now I'm down to 15mg... Not a huge drop but it's enough to be a bit healthier I reckon. As far as the money, I spend about $35 every 2 weeks on juice and coils, compared to $75+ a week for a carton.


I smoked for 13 years. Quit back in 07.  Personally, I see no point in downgrading to vapes. I feel like if someone truly wants to quit, they can. It's all up to you, and your determination. What's even funnier is people that never smoked, but now vape.

When I started, I wasn't looking to quit. I'm not exactly looking to quit now as me without nicotine isn't a pretty sight, but being a former smoker you can relate. Down the road I'd like to be able to give up nicotine all together but right now I'm content in the drop I've taken, the money I'm saving and not stinking the house up. And the people who never smoked but vape? People like that make me angry enough to headbutt a nun. Why would they even THINK that's a good idea?!

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I've never smoked or drank. I've seen too may people's lives ruined because of it. My dad (as far a I know) is a consistent smoker and my mom used to. I don't want to end up like my father.

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You said it in your 1st response. Hipster Kids! LOL. Dudes gon mess around and get addicted to E Cigs.

Nicotine is a strong man, but I believe the human will is stronger. The last time I bought a pack of Ports, I paid 2.75$.

I was 1 of the guys that really enjoyed smoking. I never felt I was "addicted". Anytime I went without, it didn't bother me. Throughout my many incarcerations, we didn't always get smokes in jail on a regular basis, so missing them was no big deal. The most I ever got to was about a pack a day. Ofcourse I smoked more when I was drinking. I knew some folks that smoked 2+ packs a day. That was crazy to me.

Edited by Righteous
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I never have and never will drink, smoke or do drugs. I'm not really the type of guy to follow trends. I don't have Facebook, I don't drink or smoke (even though almost everyone in my school does) and I don't go to parties (in the traditional sense). I find all those things childish (except for maybe having Facebook, lol), and I just don't like not having control over myself. I don't condemn anyone who drinks or smokes, but I just don't like doing it myself.

Edited by BrotchMrToast™
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I never have and never will drink, smoke or do drugs. I'm not really the type of guy to follow trends. I don't have Facebook, I don't drink or smoke (even though almost everyone in my school does) and I don't go to parties (in the traditional sense). I find all those things childish (except for maybe having Facebook, lol), and I just don't like not having control over myself. I don't condemn anyone who drinks or smokes, but I just don't like doing it myself.

I thought I would be the only one who does this.^^

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@Brotch... how is drinking and going to clubs childish? ya have to be a adult to do both! I don't know any children who do either :lol

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@Brotch... how is drinking and going to clubs childish? ya have to be a adult to do both! I don't know any children who do either :lol

Trust me, man...things are working differently here in Germany :lol

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I'd kinda like to know how those things are childish. That's a pretty bold thing to say without then giving a 'why'. I'm interested to hear the reasoning.

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@Brotch... how is drinking and going to clubs childish? ya have to be a adult to do both! I don't know any children who do either :lol

And there's a lot of childish adults. I love listening to people who will bitch and moan on a Friday that they have no money yet Sunday they'll be bragging about how big their bar tab was and how much they drank the night prior.

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I'd kinda like to know how those things are childish. That's a pretty bold thing to say without then giving a 'why'. I'm interested to hear the reasoning.

I just find the idea of trying to force the fun out of you by drinking and smoking ridiculous. I like having control over myself, and very well also can have fun and let loose without drinking smoking and doing drugs. Also, when I said I find smoking and drinking childish, I meant that drinking and smoking at my age is, as crazy as it might sound, childish. There are so many 14-15 year olds in my school who already drink and smoke. Every day they post stuff on the internet and pretend like they were oh so mature. I often laugh at that, as I find it pretty ridiculous.

Edited by BrotchMrToast™
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pahaha. I can imagine :lol

How many smokes do you american's get in a "pack" and a "carton"?

20 sticks in a deck. 10 decks in a carton.

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I've said it for as long as I can remember. You'll never see me puffing any kind of cigarette, EVER. I've already learned my lesson without even putting my lips on a cigarette. Both of my parents were diagnosed with cancer and a large part of it had to do with smoking for many, many years. The things I saw them go through traumatized me for quite some time. I can proudly say though that both of my parents are survivors, and have quit smoking now. 


Wow, good for you man. I respect the hell out of people who have bad experiences with this sort of stuff and stay off it :)


Shishas/E-pen's aren't bad for you are they? I occasionally go to bars with friends and do it, we just chat and socialize whilst doing it it's fun. It's just water vapour with flavours right?

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Drinking doesn't make you loose your mind Brotch... "controll over yourself" people can drink and have a good time and have "controll"... I get smashed some weekends and can throw the sickest dance routines out :!ol

Edited by Big Pete®
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pahaha. I can imagine :lol

How many smokes do you american's get in a "pack" and a "carton"?

20 sticks in a deck. 10 decks in a carton.
ah right... here they sell 10 decks and 20 decks... then 100's.
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