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Is Pop Culture Dumbing Down Society?

The Don

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I'd like to apologize for what I'm sure is going to be a long post but I hope you'll read it, take it all in, think about it and reply with some thought.



Ah yes, a question as old as time itelf! I recently caught up with a former teacher of mine and I asked the question I always ask if I bump into an old teacher of mine; "Are the kids now better than we were?" Now I like the teacher in question since he saw me through 8th grade to my late graduation and he was one of the people who caught shit when I pulled stunts so we set up a metting to catch up and have a few beers down the street later that week. Yes, beers with a former teacher at a bar 3 blocks from my old school. Should give you a bit of an idea of the area. Anyways after we met up and caught up with everything I asked him if the kids now are better than back then. At first his answer was a resounding no, which he quickly retracted and said "They're different." With a bit of discussion we came to an agreement that it seems the general population is dumber and have a sense of entitlment.


The fact that people are being dumbed down and have an undeserved sense of entitlement is nothing new, everyone jokes about it. But have you ever really stopped to think about it? Especially partaining to pop culture I.E. music and television. I'm not going to sit here and say "Everything new is complete and udder shit." because that'd be rather dismissive. But at the same time it's almost undeniable that music and TV have taken a turn for the stupider in the past 14 years. I really don't watch much TV anymore so I won't dwell on that, but I'm sure someone can.


Music is another story however. Before I start, I'll quickly say that if you enjoy any artist I single out in a negative light I don't want you to get butthurt or assume I'm calling you a fucking moron. Let's try to keep this discussion civilized. With that said, let's take a look at rap/hip-hop. For those of you who don't know me, I fuckin LOVED rap music and "The Don" comes from "The Don Killuminati" after all. But I will say around 03/04 I realized the music that I loved was pretty much dead. Clearly the days of 2Pac, Dr. Dre, good Eminem and any other artist who's work was both exemplary and had a message, some times less than desired for me, were gone. There were no more songs like "Changes", "Juicy",  "Crossroads" and "Fuck The Police". I realize those songs are all 90's tracks but you get what I'm saying. For every Jadakiss or Beanie Sigel there were five hundred Lil' Jons, Pitbulls, T-Pains and Wiz Khalifas.... What the fuck is a Wiz Khalifa anyways?! Don't get me wrong, I still love some some artists and can enjoy a good club song if I'm at a club. I'll even seek out some of the songs that make me shake my head if I'm with a group of people looking for stupid good times songs. But what happened to rap music? The artistry and lyricism used to fascinate me and I'd spend hours finding new tracks and studying the lyrics. But just earlier today I stopped on Shade 45 in the car and shook my head. Clearly there's a lot of people on here who listen to rap/hip-hop and I'm sure they'll have a different view on the subject and like I said, I welcome well thought out rational replies on the subject. And to those members I'd also like to ask if they've ever heard of Immortal Technique. To me, he's one of the last "real" rappers.


I'm sure I've pissed one a person or two who listens to rap with that so let me touch on some other genres. Country is a genre that my family listens to and while I won't say it's gotten dumber, even if a lot of what's played on the radio sucks in my opinion, I will say talent has been replaced by looks and youth. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather see a pretty girl as opposed to an old guy like George Strait on my TV but Taylor fucking Swift! She seems to have started a trend of "My boyfriend hurt me so I wish death upon him!" in country music which just seems stupid to me, but I'm a guy. Country used to be "Yeeee haw! I love my family! I love Jesus! I love huntin and I LOVE AMERICA!" It might have been simplistic but had some morals to it. I enjoy the stuff Zac Brown puts out and I'd happily go see a Shooter Jennings concert.... But most of what's passed off as country... PLUH!


I'd rail against rock/metal music too but for the most part I don't see too much change in it. Yes, there's screamo and bands that sounds like a slaughterhouse for satanic pigs but you generally know what you're getting into with rock and metal. I will say that my oldest neice is now 12 and is starting to get into rock music after spending enough time with me and my brother. She likes bands like Theory of a Deadman, Stone Sour and showed me a few videos for songs she likes which for the most part weren't horrible... unoriginal, but not horrible or offensive to my brain. Getting her to listen to (and love) Sixx:A.M. is a proud moment however.


WHEW! OKAY! Like I said, I don't watch much TV or many movies but let's see what I can shit out on the subject. MOTHER. FUCKING. KARDASHIANS! Do I need to say any more? The fact that these twats are famous because they're famous has always astounded me. How shallow and materialistic idiots have seemingly become something for women and girls to look up to makes my brain hurt. Shows like Two and a Half Men, Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother have to be some of the most mind numbing television ever produced! I screwed my back up a few years ago and was out on the livingroom couch for the better part of two months and after one night of watching those shows I begain taking percocets and other painkillers, not because of the pain but so lucid I could have been watching nothing but static and been entertained. These shows have NO redeeming qualities to me, I've tried watching them since then with an open mind and they do absolutely nothing for me. Shows like Hardcore Pawn, Storage Wars and all of the other spinoff "reality" shows are just as bad. I enjoy an episode of Storage Wars, Pawn Stars or American Pickers from time to time when I just want to zone out, but does anyone actually benefit from these shows? I understand the appeal but I'll gadly take a well put together show with a plot, overarching storylines and actual character development.


Hmm... Kind of just turned this into a "I'm old and hate everything new!" rant didn't I? I promise I understand that people like the stuff I've singled out and that they have their reasoning. But to get back to the matter at hand here, is pop culture dumbing down society? I really do think so as it seems that "reality" tv about spoiled rich people and the "Lets get dunk, fuck bitches and not give a fuck about nothin else nigga!" are slowly changing otherwise smart people into mush minded zombies. Again, I have nothing against that stuff, but I'll bet even if you disagree with me, you can think of a few people who have been turned into zombies by pop culture.


Lets wrap this up shall we? Do you agree? Do you disagree? Why or why not? Do you try to balance out your intake of "stupid" TV or music? If so, how?



EDIT: If there's an award at the end of the year for longest post, I expect to win. Even if I die again.

Edited by The Don
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I think it has. I for one don't watch the newer shows on TV like Breaking Bad and WalkingDead. I hate about 90% of music these days. I think the youth has really done a good job of screwing it up.

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I agree, most 12 year olds seem to live off of media, what they see is what they'll do.

Lets not forget Miley Cyrus

I'm not just saying 12 year olds... 12, 22, 32, 42, 52 year olds and so on. It just seems like the majority of people of people are becoming dumber and dumber, and I'm wondering if you all think it's due to certain forms of entertainment or what? Most people KNOW what they're watching i stupid but keep watching due to cognitive dissonance. I'm not innocent at all personally, just last night I watched Deuce Bigalow European Gigalo just because I needed something stupid to watch while I tried to sleep.

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I think it has. I for one don't watch the newer shows on TV like Breaking Bad and WalkingDead. I hate about 90% of music these days. I think the youth has really done a good job of screwing it up.

How old are you anyways? And you don't watch shows like Breaking Bad or The Walking dead for what reason? Do you think that it's dumbed down television? If so, why? I am genuinely intrigued by your statement.

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I think it has. I for one don't watch the newer shows on TV like Breaking Bad and WalkingDead. I hate about 90% of music these days. I think the youth has really done a good job of screwing it up.

How old are you anyways? And you don't watch shows like Breaking Bad or The Walking dead for what reason? Do you think that it's dumbed down television? If so, why? I am genuinely intrigued by your statement.
I'll say I'm in middle school/ junior high. I really think that everybody isn't satisfied with what they have, so they take it. Those shows just seem down right stupid IMO. If people want to watch it, more power to them.
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Don't you dare insult Two And A Half Men. That is one of, if not the best damn sitcom ever made. I'll answer properly tomorrow, but I felt the need to express my outrage.

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I think it has. I for one don't watch the newer shows on TV like Breaking Bad and WalkingDead. I hate about 90% of music these days. I think the youth has really done a good job of screwing it up.

How old are you anyways? And you don't watch shows like Breaking Bad or The Walking dead for what reason? Do you think that it's dumbed down television? If so, why? I am genuinely intrigued by your statement.
I'll say I'm in middle school/ junior high. I really think that everybody isn't satisfied with what they have, so they take it. Those shows just seem down right stupid IMO. If people want to watch it, more power to them.


Okay, but do you think that they're dumbing down society? Are those two shows worse than other shows or do they just not trip your trigger?


Don't you dare insult Two And A Half Men. That is one of, if not the best damn sitcom ever made. I'll answer properly tomorrow, but I felt the need to express my outrage.

I expected a reply like this to something, honestly I was expecting it over my views on rap/hip-hop but shit happens when you party naked. I realize there are A LOT of people who like it, but it doesn't appeal to me and seems to be lowest common denominator humor. I may be judging it unfairly and I'm sure you'll say that I am and why I am. It just does nothing for me and it's one of those shows that if you asked the "zombies" what their favorite show is, that will be one of them said the most,

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I think it has. I for one don't watch the newer shows on TV like Breaking Bad and WalkingDead. I hate about 90% of music these days. I think the youth has really done a good job of screwing it up.

How old are you anyways? And you don't watch shows like Breaking Bad or The Walking dead for what reason? Do you think that it's dumbed down television? If so, why? I am genuinely intrigued by your statement.

I'll say I'm in middle school/ junior high. I really think that everybody isn't satisfied with what they have, so they take it. Those shows just seem down right stupid IMO. If people want to watch it, more power to them.

Okay, but do you think that they're dumbing down society? Are those two shows worse than other shows or do they just not trip your trigger?

 I don't really know that. I don't think they are worse than South Park, etc. it is a 50/50 with me.

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In 1 word. YES. I am 32. I grew up with Hip Hop. I've had a deep love, and respect for the culture since I was like 5. Todays rap (mostly) is terrible. I have listened to alot of stuff from the most popular rappers from this day and age. I can't do it. There are a few exceptions tho. There's a couple mainstream cats I like, and a few more underground. But when it comes to Hip Hop, I just throw on some 80's or 90's. 

This generation of young folks have a gigantic feeling of self entitlement. They want everything handed to them. They want everything their way, and they want it right when they want it. They don't want to learn or work for anything. 

My wife is a Children's Behavioral Therapist, so I hear about even more than just what I see and know of. Ofcourse, I can't speak about every young person in this generation (as I don't know them all). I merely speak on the one's I have seen, and know. As far as tv goes. There are still some good shows on today. But, reality shows have taken over. There are very few that I watch tho. 

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Yay! A reply that has a decent amount of thought put into it. So what do you think has brought about the sense of entitlement that a lot of kids (and adults) seem to have? Is it just because of parents thinking their children are the second coming of Christ who can do no wrong? Is the mediums of entertainment? A little of both or something else?

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Yay! A reply that has a decent amount of thought put into it. So what do you think has brought about the sense of entitlement that a lot of kids (and adults) seem to have? Is it just because of parents thinking their children are the second coming of Christ who can do no wrong? Is the mediums of entertainment? A little of both or something else?

Well, at the core it has to have something to do with the parenting. Or, lack thereof. I asked my wife what she thought. She told me to ask her tomorrow. LOL. She's pregnant and tired.  I think alot of it has to do with the instant accessibility of today's age. Everything is now and right there when you want it. For alot of things. So, I think that somehow plays a role in the mentality. And ofcourse these kids act any kind of way they want, and the parents allow it. I firmly believe in "Kids can only act as bad as you allow them to." I see the way some of them talk to their parents, and act towards them.  For all the "older" folk on here. Ya'll know if we would've done that to our parents, they would have buried us! LOL.  There's also no accountability, no consequence. People wanna act and do any kind of way, but don't want to face consequences for their actions. No matter how you are raised, once you get to a certain age you have to be accountable. 

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Yay! A reply that has a decent amount of thought put into it. So what do you think has brought about the sense of entitlement that a lot of kids (and adults) seem to have? Is it just because of parents thinking their children are the second coming of Christ who can do no wrong? Is the mediums of entertainment? A little of both or something else?

Well, at the core it has to have something to do with the parenting. Or, lack thereof. I asked my wife what she thought. She told me to ask her tomorrow. LOL. She's pregnant and tired.  I think alot of it has to do with the instant accessibility of today's age. Everything is now and right there when you want it. For alot of things. So, I think that somehow plays a role in the mentality. And ofcourse these kids act any kind of way they want, and the parents allow it. I firmly believe in "Kids can only act as bad as you allow them to." I see the way some of them talk to their parents, and act towards them.  For all the "older" folk on here. Ya'll know if we would've done that to our parents, they would have buried us! LOL.  There's also no accountability, no consequence. People wanna act and do any kind of way, but don't want to face consequences for their actions. No matter how you are raised, once you get to a certain age you have to be accountable. 


That's quite true, most everything you want is at your fingertips thus making them thing they can have whatever else they want without having to work (or even look) for it. WHat you said about kids acting as bad as they're allowed to is true. There were many times growing up my mom put the cart aside and we left the store. It didn't matter if it was groceries or clothes, full or empty. The cart was left abandoned and I was dragged out of the store. Now I go to the store and see kids carrying on over stupid shit and their parents are just in over their heads. TAKE THE KID OUT OF THE STORE! WHOOP IT'S BUTT IF NEED BE! But they just keep on walking with the kid screaming while everyone gives them the death stare.

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Yay! A reply that has a decent amount of thought put into it. So what do you think has brought about the sense of entitlement that a lot of kids (and adults) seem to have? Is it just because of parents thinking their children are the second coming of Christ who can do no wrong? Is the mediums of entertainment? A little of both or something else?

Well, at the core it has to have something to do with the parenting. Or, lack thereof. I asked my wife what she thought. She told me to ask her tomorrow. LOL. She's pregnant and tired.  I think alot of it has to do with the instant accessibility of today's age. Everything is now and right there when you want it. For alot of things. So, I think that somehow plays a role in the mentality. And ofcourse these kids act any kind of way they want, and the parents allow it. I firmly believe in "Kids can only act as bad as you allow them to." I see the way some of them talk to their parents, and act towards them.  For all the "older" folk on here. Ya'll know if we would've done that to our parents, they would have buried us! LOL.  There's also no accountability, no consequence. People wanna act and do any kind of way, but don't want to face consequences for their actions. No matter how you are raised, once you get to a certain age you have to be accountable. 


That's quite true, most everything you want is at your fingertips thus making them thing they can have whatever else they want without having to work (or even look) for it. WHat you said about kids acting as bad as they're allowed to is true. There were many times growing up my mom put the cart aside and we left the store. It didn't matter if it was groceries or clothes, full or empty. The cart was left abandoned and I was dragged out of the store. Now I go to the store and see kids carrying on over stupid shit and their parents are just in over their heads. TAKE THE KID OUT OF THE STORE! WHOOP IT'S BUTT IF NEED BE! But they just keep on walking with the kid screaming while everyone gives them the death stare.


Absolutely my friend. I got whoopins all the time! Didn't matter where we were at. And I deserved them. My wife and I will have our 1st child in September. My child will be raised with love, morals, values, respect, ethics, and they will know how to act. They get out of line, and they will be disciplined accordingly.

Edited by Righteous
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There is a lot of truth to your words out there. Look no further than Disney Channel, Nick, and Cartoon Network. I tried to watch some of the shows they had...couldn't do it. At least not without complaining. Now I know where some of the kids got their behavior from. 


Then, we have people like Justin Beiiber. I've no quarrel with him, but I wasn't sure why he was bullied like that. When I heard of all the things he did, I just had to keep up with the news to see what other acts of random stupidity he could commit next. The problem is too many people in this day and age follow the wrong people. (In the future, should I have a child who tries to imitate these childish idiots like Cyrus, or so, they WILL be corrected)


And I sometimes feel that people seem to think their handhelds are their life support. One of my buddies in high school was like that. I warned him about constantly replacing his phones and treating them like batteries for humans. Now he's...not doing as well as he would have liked.


But as Righteous said, people should start being more accountable. People need to become pickier on what they choose for entertainment as well, since it serves as a "teacher" for many,

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Before I make a serious post, nice o meet you Don. Many had me under the impression of you being "Dead"  :rolleyes:, good to know another brutha is around on here forums!


On topic, yes I have seen the change and it is a shame. I barely watch TV just like you besides "Raw, The Walking Dead, ESPN, HIS, DISC, BBC, TWC", every other channel is shit now and days unless is is educational or constructive in some way. As for music Metal really hasn't changed at all and I love a couple of bands don't get that wrong ever. As for rap i loved and miss 90's rap but, like all good things, someday it has to come to an end. Yes 90's rap was an golden era but at this very moment we are in a new golden era. No i'm not talking about Lil B, Soulja Boy, Flocka, YG, Rich Homie Quan, Jose Guapo, OJ Da Juiceman, Gucci Mane or others who are complete trash. I am talking about Strange Music (Tech N9ne), TDE (Kendrick Lamar, Ab Soul, Schoolboy Q, Jay Rock), Funk Volume (Hopsin & SwiZZ), Slaughterhouse (Royce Da 5"9, Joe Budden, Killer Mike, Joel Ortiz), Eminem, CyHi Da Prynce, Jae Millz (I wish he was not in Young Money and in another label), Wale (he is better than everyone in MMG), Yelawolf (Glad Dr. Dre and Eminem found him), Big K.R.I.T. (underrated at its best), Drake (even if you hate him you have to admit the man has talent), Curren$y (One of the best if not the best independent rap artist), Common, Q Tip (is still a beast and his album in late 2012 was amazing), Mos Def (still relevant), Talib Kwali, Nappy Roots (they are still relevant).... You get picture, the ones I just named make up this new era which all are legit rappers who are credible in their own right. If people knew what real Rap was like you'd know who they were but sadly people do not. Charlamagne Tha God explained this the best:



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Before I make a serious post, nice o meet you Don. Many had me under the impression of you being "Dead"  :rolleyes:, good to know another brutha is around on here forums!


...I am talking about Strange Music (Tech N9ne) ... Slaughterhouse (Royce Da 5"9, Joe Budden, Killer Mike, Joel Ortiz)... Common, Q Tip ... Mos Def ... Talib Kwali

*looks at hand* Nope, still white. My case of niggadom cleared up in '07. But you seem like a good kid so I'll let it slide as my reputation precedes me.


Those are some names I haven't heard in awhile aside from Tech N9ne since he still gets played with some regularity, and I still have his autographed albums. The names you listed are examples of artists. But I'm not going to get into my feelings on the subject of rap/hip-hop anymore in this topic than I already have, maybe some other topic at another time.


But seeing as you clearly are someone who listens to that music on a regular basis do you the the majority of that music (especially the popular songs/albums) have an effect on people. Like if someones listens to enough "Niggas, bitches, hoes and gold" songs will they essentially become ignorant to the world as a whole?

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Before I make a serious post, nice o meet you Don. Many had me under the impression of you being "Dead"  :rolleyes:, good to know another brutha is around on here forums!


...I am talking about Strange Music (Tech N9ne) ... Slaughterhouse (Royce Da 5"9, Joe Budden, Killer Mike, Joel Ortiz)... Common, Q Tip ... Mos Def ... Talib Kwali

*looks at hand* Nope, still white. My case of niggadom cleared up in '07. But you seem like a good kid so I'll let it slide as my reputation precedes me.


Those are some names I haven't heard in awhile aside from Tech N9ne since he still gets played with some regularity, and I still have his autographed albums. The names you listed are examples of artists. But I'm not going to get into my feelings on the subject of rap/hip-hop anymore in this topic than I already have, maybe some other topic at another time.


But seeing as you clearly are someone who listens to that music on a regular basis do you the the majority of that music (especially the popular songs/albums) have an effect on people. Like if someones listens to enough "Niggas, bitches, hoes and gold" songs will they essentially become ignorant to the world as a whole?


Yes the music has a major impact on people and the way they portray themselves. It can and will make a person more ignorant and every time I see someone trying to be something they are not. It is not normal and I mostly blame it on the teens themselves. These artist have said it themselves, I make songs about "Money, cars and bitches" because that is what they want to hear, so I sell it. If no one wanted to hear it and wanted music like Nas then they would demand it but they don't. So it is the fault of the current generation in my honest opinion.

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*slow clap* But I don't exactly buy into "That's what the people want" and view it as an excuse. I think it's more a case of what the labels want and are willing to push. Big corperations don't want to push music that essentally says "Fuck the system." There's always exceptions to the rule, but if a huge corperation is going to invest that much money in someone, they want them to do what they say. And more often than not the person will say whatever they're asked to say if enough zeros are on their check. Keep in mind this doesn't apply to any particular genre of music, or even music itself.


Media is a big business, and they need buyers to keep selling. And it's much easier to SAY what people want as opposed to ASK what they want. Truth be told if you took the key demographic for whatever a company is selling and ask what they want, I don't think they'd agree anyways. So you tell them "This is what you want, these are the people you're to look up to and this is the attitude you are to emulate." That way no one has to think, they get what they're told they want and the company makes their money and more horrible role models for people to idolize.

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*slow clap* But I don't exactly buy into "That's what the people want" and view it as an excuse. I think it's more a case of what the labels want and are willing to push. Big corperations don't want to push music that essentally says "Fuck the system." There's always exceptions to the rule, but if a huge corperation is going to invest that much money in someone, they want them to do what they say. And more often than not the person will say whatever they're asked to say if enough zeros are on their check. Keep in mind this doesn't apply to any particular genre of music, or even music itself.


Media is a big business, and they need buyers to keep selling. And it's much easier to SAY what people want as opposed to ASK what they want. Truth be told if you took the key demographic for whatever a company is selling and ask what they want, I don't think they'd agree anyways. So you tell them "This is what you want, these are the people you're to look up to and this is the attitude you are to emulate." That way no one has to think, they get what they're told they want and the company makes their money and more horrible role models for people to idolize.

Most record lables run this way and if it is not the number they want, as quick as you were signed, you will get dropped no matter how talented you are. T.I. has said it the best. He will make the same type of songs as long as he gets his desired numbers and as history shows he was completely correct on doing so. Don't get me wrong it does not apply to all but he has proven it. When he first started, he was a sex symbol/gangsta rapper. Then started rapping to rock and chillstep beats because he was popular by the time of his 3rd album and now so many people respect him he sells just cause you know its him.

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Girls start to dress like bitches in 6th grade nowadays. And makeup shortly after. Everybody is disrespectful towards those that arent their friends. I think im one of the most respectful and less respected guy in my high school

Edited by King Of Swing™
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Girls start to dress like bitches in 6th grade nowadays. And makeup shortly after. Everybody is disrespectful towards those that arent their friends. I think im one of the most respectful and less respected guy in my high school

That's respectful? LOL. I think not. I never knew "bitches" had a certain dresscode.

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Girls start to dress like bitches in 6th grade nowadays. And makeup shortly after. Everybody is disrespectful towards those that arent their friends. I think im one of the most respectful and less respected guy in my high school

That's respectful? LOL. I think not. I never knew "bitches" had a certain dresscode.


I was on mobile so i couldn't really explain

I meant that, for exemple, 10 years ago, girls started to wear more relevant clothes later than nowadays.

Same for makeup. It's ok to wear cool clothes and have a little bit of makeup on the eyes but nowadays they (not every girls that's for sure, fortunately) wear skintight clothes and relevant tops more and more early. Maybe i am wrong, i could admit it, but i am just exposing my opinion :)

Plus i generalized the actions of some individuals to everybody. That's something i shouldn't have done and i apologize for that. BUT nonetheless it's getting more and more common. 

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