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[PS3] how to add custom dlc


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The PS3 save is still a mystery. But we can change values in PS3 ram via real time memory modding. This allows us to edit ingame superstars (height/gender) and add dlc. In this little Howto, i show you howto add DDP to your PS3. DDP uses pofo slot 105.
1. Get the Tools
wxHexeditor or the hexeditor of your choice
Le Fluffie

Control Console API (CCAPI)

2. Download Tekken57's Community DLC Pack 1 and extract it. Open the dlc file (dlc2) with Le Fluffie and extract the "catalog.dlc" file. Open the "catalog.dlc" file with X-Packer 9 and change "DLC Content ID" from "50" to "1"
3. Replace the catalog.dlc file in the "/dev_hdd0/game/NPEB01815/USRDIR/catalog002/info" folder. But keep a Backup of the original file. Install the CCAPI pkg file.
4. Start wwe2k14 on your PS3 and CCAPI DEBUGGER on your PC. Connect CCAPI DEBUGGER to your PS3. Look at PIC1



First we need to set a Memory Range for the CCAPI Debugger. Look at the blue marked section and set the range to "00010000" and "01E80000" like on PIC1.


5. We want to add DDP, DDP has ID 105. We need to find this pofo slot in ram. Open "Slot - 104.pofo" (this file is part of the Community DLC1) with a hexeditor. Look at PIC2




We need the Value at the end of "Slot - 104.pofo". I marked it red "006800E7". Type this Value into the Search Tab in CCAPI Debugger (green marked section at PIC1), hit the HEX checkbox and click on Search. CCAPI Debugger should find one section in Ram (yellow marked section at PIC1).


6. Now open "Slot - 105.pofo" with your hexeditor and compare it with the ram snippet you see in CCAPI Debugger. You will notice that the first bytes are the same, then the bytes are different (look at the black marked section at PIC1)


7. Now you need to edit the ram snippet in CCAPI Debugger, this takes some time. You can only change 4 bytes at once (look at the brown marked section at PIC1). You need to type the value at the lower left input field. Click at the first byte you want to change (the black marked section at PIC1) and hit Set.


8. Double click the Search result (yellow marked Section). The ram snippet will refresh, Your changed values will apear and CCAPI Debugger will mark them red for you.


9. When you have changed everything it should look like on PIC3




I marked the important part red, compare this to the "Slot - 105.pofo" opened in your hexeditor, it is the same.


10. Now look back at your PS3/TV and navigate to "MY WWE". Your added dlc Superstar should appear under the name "Styxx" (we can change the name later by editing the strings.pac) Change some of his values, this will save the game to hdd and make your changes peristent. (if he will not appear change the values of an other superstar to save the game and recheck the "catalog.dlc" file)


11. Follow and copy the ch105.pac to your GAMES folder. Follow to edit the Superstar name, search F3AC in the extracted string_dlc05.pac and change STYXX to DDP. I had to edit the 5004.pac from the string_dlc05.pac. This could be different for you, it depends on your System language.


12. Start the game and give DDP a moveset. Now he should work ingame.


Since Tekken has released I like to show howto add Bam Bam Bigelow. I add him into slot 400. Like usual make backups from everything you change, specially your savegame.


1. Take a look at my old Tutorial and follow step 1 and 2, edit the catalog.dlc and add Bam Bam give him id 400. Rename his .pac file from ch495.pac to ch400.pac, open it with X-Packer and change the pach name from 00049502 to 00040002. Follow ?p=462655 and copy the ch400.pac to your GAMES folder.


2. Install Control Console API (CCAPI) on your PS3, start wwe2k14 and start CCAPI DEBUGGER 2.2 on your PC, connect to your PS3


3. look at this pic



this is pofo slot 400 in PS3 ram, took some time to find it. But the Offsets are static, you don't need to search for it again. It is at Offset 0x1991760. (look at the lower left)


4. Now copy/paste this Offset (0x1991760) into the adress field from your ccapi debugger (look at the lower left) and hit "Load/Refresh" You should now see the same bytes.


5. Now you need to edit the pofo slot (look at the old tutorial) here is a pic after editing. I marked the bytes that you need to alter.



This is a little bit tricky. But when you get it, it is easy. take a look at the old tutorial.


6. Now Bam Bam should appear at the selection screen under the name "Paul Bearer" If you have done everything right he should already be playable, but he won't have an entrance.


7. here is a pic from Bam Bam's entrance



his entrance is at Offset 0x191BB40, we need to edit this again, copy/paste this Offset (0x191BB40) into the adress field from your ccapi debugger.



And again everything you need to change is marked. But take a look at the 64 01 EF. The 64 is the rocks entrance music, and the 01 EF is Bam Bam's titantron 495.bik (did not change the name).

When you edit Bam Bam ingame to give him a mp3 music the titantron (01 EF) will disapear. So after you edit the music you need to restore the titantron via ccapi.


8. edit the strings.pac and change Paul Bearer to Bam Bam Bigelow, Follow to edit the Superstar name, search A188 in the extracted string_dlc05.pac


Luckly i hava a retail PS3, so i can simply dl a bam bam bigelow caw to get a moveset. You may have to set everything yourself with the ingame editor.


Thats it.


Some usefull Offsets:

0x1982C50 pofo slot 105
0x1831230 move slot 105


0x1991500 pofo slot 397
0x1919440 move slot 397


0x1B4EF20 Vacate the Woman Belt. change both "01 2A" to "00 02" (works only when AJ Lee is champ)


0x196F380 Triple Thread Match to funny 3 Man Mini Battle Royal






to (change the remarked values):



You get these stupid Triple Thread Match very often in Universe mode. Now i have a funny 3 man mini battle royal :>



Howto add more DLC

The best slots to add dlc are 397-398 and 400-499. Because they are already listed in the Save. Open a 360 save in X-packer and extract the slot you wan't to use. Then make the changes in X-Packer (height,gender,brand,name,dlc) then extract the slot again with a different name. Compare both files in a hexeditor with compare function (wxHexeditor has one). Then search for the slot in PS3 Ram and make the changes that differs.

Edited by kim666
  • Too Sweet 1
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Great news. Are the changes persistent though, i.e. when the console is rebooted does the game save the changes?


Also, are you able to dump the savefile using this ram tool? If you can then it may solve the problem of decompressing the save.

Edited by tekken57
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Yes the changes are persistent, but you need to do something in the game so it will autosave. Yes i can dump the Ram, i send a dump to Pur3 Raf3x. But he told me that he was not able to find the complete save in ram.

Edited by kim666
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This is wonderful news! I am guessing you'll have the rest of the stuff sorted out and working soon. Are we able to edit the names of current wrestlers through this method as well? Thanks for all of your work!

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This is wonderful news! I am guessing you'll have the rest of the stuff sorted out and working soon. Are we able to edit the names of current wrestlers through this method as well? Thanks for all of your work!


You can already edit the names of current wrestlers. works for PS3 too. But you have to edit a different file. In his tutorial he edit the string_dlc03.pac, but now the game reads these information from the string_dlc05.pac file and he edited the 5000.pac, but I had to edit the 5004.pac. This could be different for you, it depends on your System language.

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Yes. You have to have a ps3 with custom firmware. The super slims are too new and not able to be jailbroken at this point.

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Thanks Kim I will have a go at this tonight if I get time :) you could always take an existing entrance pac and add the dlc entrance to it? and then add it as a new pac file.


Also the moves glitch on PS3 for WWE13 when you add dlc so this will have to be lived with I think.


How easy is it to pin the dlc though? In 13 when you added dlc you could pin the dlc character very very easily...

Edited by UndertakerWLF
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I played a few matches with and against added dlc superstars and the pin behavior seems normal.


When i added (like in the tutorial described) DDP to slot 105 everything (except the entrance) worked fine. Now i added Vader to slot 108 and he is nearly unplayabel. When i play him i can't grapple the opponent. Both will only fall down.


I will try to readd a diva to a dlc slot. Then i could try to replace her.


And i need to search for the movesets and entrances in ram. It is funny they wait like 80s jobbers in the ring^^ i would like this feature for some of my jobber caws.

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The problem with the moves flinching and entrances not working is also on the Xbox. I resolved this by copying one of the move sets from one of the existing superstars and then injecting it into the dlc slot.

You can do this via hex but it's much easier if you had the save and it could be opened in x-packer.

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Because it cant find the superstar in the entrance/moves pac most likely. It doesnt register the change you made. As I mentioned the only way round it would be to chane an existing entrance/moves pack to reflect the added dlc and then add it as a new file in the arcs and def values etc..It may or may not work but logically it should work.

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I readded Vader into slot 397 and now everything works (except the entrance). Slot 108 is somehow cursed^^. Vader was able to end Undertaker's streak, so no pin bug.


It seems the best slots to add dlc are 397-398 and 400-499.

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This is getting to be more promising by the day! I am holding out hope us ps3 users will get the same benefits our xbox brethren have been getting. ;)

I thought about adding more wrestlers as extra attires behind in game wrestlers like I did with the good ol' no mercy n64 days but this is worth waiting for.

Thanks again Kim!!!!

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If we only had the save...


But why can't i add moveset and entrance with the ingame editor?


Because the moveset file contains an entry for an entrance motion which is set by default to the slot of the wrestler you add. Because the dlc slots don't have and entrance motion, then in game editor can't load the entrance to edit it.


With regards to the move glitches, there are some values which cannot be changed by the in game editor i.e stance etc. That is why injecting an existing superstars moveset fixes this problem.

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So all you would need to do is identify the moveset in the dump and then set the entrance value to a valid entry. This will fix your entrance problems. I would suggest taking a moveset file from the xbox save e.g the rocks and then searching for the first few bytes in your dump.

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I still don't get it ^^


The entrance value is saved in the moveset?


When i found the rocks moveset, i can only change his entrance and not the entrance of my added dlc? Or should i copy the rocks moveset to my added dlc?



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Yes the entrance value is stored in the moveset. You should locate the rock's moveset and copy the data. I'm not sure what the length of the moveset file is as it differed on the ps3 and xbox last year.


Then copy the rock's moveset file over your dlc moveset file.

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Cleaned the last few posts up. To those people who posted, please note what this topic is about. Don't ask questions/request things that don't relate to it.

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Ok cool. So now that you have the entrances working, copy the moveset to the slots which had move glitches. This will fix the problems with those slots.

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