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Does anyone have access to this tool still, or is it non working? Anyone know of a tool that I could use to inject renders?

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The tool was removed due to the demands of people wanting support, yet not willing to support him or even say thank you. Over 2000 downloads, and only a handful of people who were willing to offer him support.

Lazy, greedy people will be the death of this community

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I'm not trying to be a jerk. I promise. I'm a huge fan of Pur3. But, why not  just charge us in the first place? 

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The tool was removed due to the demands of people wanting support, yet not willing to support him or even say thank you. Over 2000 downloads, and only a handful of people who were willing to offer him support.

Lazy, greedy people will be the death of this community



100% agree on this.

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I'm not trying to be a jerk. I promise. I'm a huge fan of Pur3. But, why not  just charge us in the first place? 

lol thats what KG did and everybody ridiculed him and dissed him for doing. 

Edited by mrelectriccity
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I'm not trying to be a jerk. I promise. I'm a huge fan of Pur3. But, why not  just charge us in the first place? 

lol thats what KG did and everybody ridiculed him and dissed him for doing. 


Well, not exactly. He was getting dissed because he didn't want people to share anything that his tool created. Tekken charged for Xpacker and no one complained. Notice (if you were here at the time) when they cracked Xpacker, the community stood behind Tekken. When KG's tool got cracked, everyone laughed.

Difference being, Tekken made a tool for the community, KG made a tool for money.

Edited by Dbo2700
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Another difference was KGs tool was buggy as hell and he offered nothing in the way of support. I know, I bought the crappy thing. He didn't respond to emails and the info included was appaling. Pur3s tool is fantastic and it is a shame some ruined it for the rest.

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The tool was removed due to the demands of people wanting support, yet not willing to support him or even say thank you. Over 2000 downloads, and only a handful of people who were willing to offer him support.


Hey, I'll admit, I don't think I properly thanked Pur3, and if that 's the case, I'll say my thanks right now for everything he's done with this editor so far.


Thanks Pur3! Genuinely, thank you!


If we're going by the market rate set by Tekken with X-Packer, I think a USD 10 minimum donation is more than fair price (KG's chicanery has made me wary of shelling out much more for a one-game editor) to show our appreciation. Get a paypal link set up on the first post, and I'll kick some cash in pronto.


I personally don't need any program support, unless what Judders is referring to is PS3 support (I'd really love that PS3 to 360 conversion option from last year), but if monetary support is needed (and not just desired), and a majority of the 2000 haven't shone some cash love, we should pay what we can.


However, I think if paying is more of a requirement than a suggestion, then it would be nice if Pur3 at least gave an update every once in a while (per month, maybe) on this thread about whatever's he's working on with the editor. Yes, I understand he has life, yes, I know he's busy. Presumably we all are, but typing out a quick update, even if there's not much to say, isn't torture. If anything, it might reduce the posts asking about the editor's status. 


Also, killing the link without Pur3 explaining why himself is a bit melodramatic. As good as Pur3 has been with his editors the last few years, we already had one Brienj and his library of "no one appreciates me" rants. I just refuse to kiss anyone's ass for a program that let's me edit a video game besides a genuine "Thank you for all your work" and a little cash under the table.


TL;DR, anyway, if supporting Pur3's work with some money will cure his case of cranky pants, restore the download link, and support future updates to the program itself (he did multiple updates to last year's editor), then everyone with the tool, besides Judders and anyone else who has not already paid up or given technical assistance, should consider opening their virtual wallets. Until then, I have no problem sharing the program over a pm'd link, but only if that's considered kosher. I just don't think people should straight up be denied access to what has been one of the better tools, if not the best, for the non-RGH/JTAG crowd.   


Just my 2 cents. No offense intended.

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how much does pur3 need i will donate for sure but i think psn users should have to pay i would be happy with that as long as it has same features as last years tool 

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After lurking in this thread for a couple of months, I decided to join.

It's unfortunate that the WWE 2K14 tool was taken down, but if the creator of the tool wanted financial support, then why not charge for the tool instead of randomly pulling the plug on it.

I also don't understand why KG971 gets a lot of hate here. He charges for his tool, but that's no different than other people around here charging for tools, and at least KG was able to find a way to include custom renders on the PS3, and develop a tool for the PS3 long before anyone here was able to do so. If anyone is still hoping for a 2K14 mod tool on the PS3, then you are better off cracking KG's tool, than waiting for one from over here.

It seems like people are concerned about money these days, instead of focusing on enhancing the gameplay for everyone.

Edited by land161
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The problem being is that KG is using a process that has already been discovered and in actual fact is someone elses work, he also provides no support for it!


I cannot blame Pur3 for ditching the application, if the community is not going to support what you are doing and you do not get any thanks in return then why should he continue?


The problem that this community has had for a long time is that 80% of people want and only 20% give back.

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Perhaps a membership option should be introduced? Or some sort of sharing ratio for CDLC, kind of like how certain torrent sites used to work, and you're removed if you don't meet the minimum requirement? Not sure how that would work though :D

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The problem being is that KG is using a process that has already been discovered and in actual fact is someone elses work, he also provides no support for it!


I cannot blame Pur3 for ditching the application, if the community is not going to support what you are doing and you do not get any thanks in return then why should he continue?


The problem that this community has had for a long time is that 80% of people want and only 20% give back.


Then maybe Pur3 should have asked for donations from the beginning and made that a prerequisite to getting the tool in the first place. Tekken did that, and it worked out great for him. Modders knew his work and were willing to compensate him because they knew he could deliver. Pur3 took the route of offering a free tool that was superior to KG's while also not having the ridiculous price tag KG demanded. Rather than brag about those advantages, he should have set a minimal price point. When he didn't, he opened the floodgates to people who willing to grab it for nothing. You and others can complain about the community all you want, but this is not a black and white argument. I would like to think that we are not at the point of no return. If so, I think the blame should be shared, between the community for taking and Pur3 for simply expecting rather than asking for what he wanted.


If Pur3 wanted (or possibly still wants) some financial support for his editor, he should just ask for it, and he can set up a system NOW that requires a minimal donation for any future updates. The current program should be free, since it has been to this point, but if Pur3 has anything else to provide, then put a price tag on it. Lordbarker's membership idea is a pretty solid suggestion.


As for KG, he exploited the available software out there and profited from it. Yes, it was a major dick move, but as the saying goes, don't hate the player, hate the game.

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Well I am Mexican and I'm Starting With That Of Mods To WWE 2k14 And Found Archive. Caw But Not Render And I'm Looking For A Mod Tool, However I already had it and apply maintenance was removed and now No The Meeting Again. 
Can Someone Please Send Me The A My Email is: 
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I should have closed this earlier. To the few who aren't pleased with the tool being taken down, I appreciate your frustration. However nothing right now will change.

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