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fufu's sexy gfx thing.

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Also, do you create your backgrounds from scratch? It's because I feel so undeserving when I just google backgrounds or C4Ds


I make everything from combinations of textures or C4Ds or smudge. Sort of pick and choose sections I like from each texture and collage it and what not so they all come together as one unique background. Also use parts of the original images in there from time to time too. I've never used a premade background, even when I was a noob.


Good shit, fufu. And you said you're not as good as you used to be. :o

Posted (edited)

@KreayFufu Got it. Thanks!

Edited by Mystiquε
Posted (edited)

requests for a couple buddies




Edited by fufu ♡
  • Like 1

quick request fo' somebody






another request I gone and done



Where do you get those requests from?

Posted (edited)

More awesome stuff bby :D

fankya :)


Where do you get those requests from?

just another forum I go to.

Edited by fufu ♡

Do you take requests on here also?


Do you take requests on here also?

i'm not against people asking but I tend not to take a request unless I think I can make something good, so i'm pretty picky about them.


Okie dokie. I'll probably ask for GIF anyway

Posted (edited)

Made this before trying something new/different but idk, I think i've lost my touch again. Easy come easy go. Was considering leaving it in my sig graveyard file but meh, may as well show it.



Edited by fufu ♡

Ain't no such thing as losing touch brah. Your work is always awesome but you're not supposed to create a masterpiece each & every time, unless you're me of course 

Posted (edited)

Man you're a god at what you do & I'm positive you ain't waiting for anyone to tell you this. Awesome work. 

Edited by Mystiquε
Posted (edited)

I'm good at some things, but very limited overall.



Edited by fufu ♡

Amazing how you come off as a presumptuous cunt when you're screwing around but really modest when being serious.

Posted (edited)

made these for the lols last night





Edited by fufu ♡

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