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online play?

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yeah kinda have 2? 1 about the lag is it the whole network affected or just yall's match or is just yours depending on your strength? obviously i must have bad strength but what i dont get is how i got bad signal strength when on dashboard under network it has full signal. reason i asked if i was the entire online network or just players cause i know sometimes going through CC or doing anything on live on wwe sometimes its really slow and sometimes its fast. and like during the matches sometimes is worst than others but sometimes my shit way off i go to hit X or A and it'll do it 3 or 4 secs later when its way to late lol. but sometimes i think its just me cause my opponent surely dont seem to be affected by it. like majority of the time say my opponent is on the ground getting up when he gets halfway i hit A and they have enough time to finish getting up and grapple me by the time my guy attempts to grapple him. or when i hit X i hit it a full 2 sec before my opponent swings but yet they always beat me to the punch and pin falls be fucking me all the time online. it can be right there in the very beginning huge bar no way in hell to miss it but of course my guys does all the time. hell by the time it even attempts to move its already hitting 2 then it goes right above it or right below it like damn i can't win for shit like everything against me lol 


which brings me to reversing online. how do people get so perfect lol i know ya gotta do a lil early atleast thats how i usually get 1 whever i do get one online i really just be getting lucky lol. but i play some people online an i can't even get a move in everything i even attempt hit grapple pick up toss anything reversed every single time i can wait different amounts of time before i do somethin like grapple i can do it soon as i grab em i can wait 3 sec 5 sec 10 sec dont matter they'll reverse it every time dont get it lol like a hack or something. is there a certain way or is it just cause of where my shit keeps lagging up 




Online play is terrible, it's such a shame. I wish it had better net code. Either way, sounds like you have it on 360. Add me 'iFozy' and we'll lag together woo!

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