IceShimmer x Posted February 19, 2014 Posted February 19, 2014 Better Customization Options Diva Heads Past Movesets Past Entrances ALL Ability To Use As Many Logos As We Want More Caw Slots More Logo Slots More Diva Shoes,Hair,Outfits Better Reversal Moves [Running Clothesline Oh! I Go Up In The Air] Quote
thefranchise03 Posted February 19, 2014 Posted February 19, 2014 A Universe Mode that operates like the SYM season mode. It needs backstage promos, in-ring promos, and backstage attacks with text w/o voiceovers. Quote
TheHippopotomus Posted February 19, 2014 Posted February 19, 2014 The game in general needs to be more like a real match. The game lacks pacing and flow and because wrestling is choreographed those are the two key elements of the sport. For example if you run around your guy should get gassed badly. Instead of standing there for 2 seconds and letting a bar fill up they should have rest holds. So instead of the crappy non-tap out submissions they have in the game those should be turned into rest holds that let you build up energy with no potential to tap out. There needs to be some strategy to the game and not just pounding the counter button like a brainless idiot until you get the upper hand then spam the combo of grapple move, pick up, grapple move, pick up, grapple move, ground move, pick up, grapple move... Right now that is all the game is. Another thing is either multiple spots to counter a move within one move or at least counter them at proper times. You shouldn't only counter at the grapple. When in a real match has anyone ever countered a lock up? They counter moves mid move, like a suplex... either before you are lifted or in mid air you would counter now before your arm is over there shoulders. They tried to make counters more smooth and better but its still a clunky pile of crap and there aren't nearly enough counter animations for each move positioning. 1 Quote
The 4th Doctor Posted February 19, 2014 Posted February 19, 2014 Every name and word in the English language in the call name list I am sick and tired of having to half ass call names because certian people's names are not in. I am sick of Roddy Piner because Piper is not in the game etc Quote
Dead-Account Posted February 19, 2014 Posted February 19, 2014 Every name and word in the English language in the call name list I am sick and tired of having to half ass call names because certian people's names are not in. I am sick of Roddy Piner because Piper is not in the game etc Hey their is nothing wrong with Colt Commander man. Quote
iamthedoctor Posted February 20, 2014 Posted February 20, 2014 Every name and word in the English language in the call name list I am sick and tired of having to half ass call names because certian people's names are not in. I am sick of Roddy Piner because Piper is not in the game etc Hey their is nothing wrong with Colt Commander man. I dont really see why they wont have them in. Is it a copyrighted thing? Obviously no because Showdown on the PS2 had nothing to do with WWE yet they had massive call names list and yet you could still have Undertaker or Stone Cold as call names. I think the only likely hood of us actually getting what we want is to use a actual entrance theme that includes ring announcer callings. The only problem is that you still have a lame list of commentary names. If the ring announcer gets a load why cant the commentators get one too. Quote
#HEELGlory Posted February 20, 2014 Posted February 20, 2014 1. Unlimited Custom Logo Use, a lot guys would love to nail it on the head instead of doing it halfway. Example: guys that make Kurt Angle caws would sometime leave the Tatoo out due to the limited amount of logos! 2. Ability to get photos from internet accounts like facebook, istagram, etc. So we can use it with custom logos,we were able to put videos on YouTube. 3. Ability to convert caws from previous WWE games to put on the current game. Some caws I seen from WWE'13 that I would love to have on 2K14 4. Omg reversals if we are in a OMG moment with three or two finisher we be able to reverse it in the process. 5. Full customization of models. Some people feel the can do better than the developers and some can do better; we be able to add and take away clothing, facial hair, head hair, etc. 6. Ability to create our own match. Their were rumors about that happening in SVR 2008 7. Ability to use previous model in place of current model; example: I want to replace my Rock model that is already in the game with the SVR Models. 8. Unlimited Layers. This would help us out a lot. Like I said we hate leaving things out! Those above are some of many ideas I have. This Quote
TheJoshuaGuest Posted February 23, 2014 Author Posted February 23, 2014 Here's another thing u lot forgot to mention the ability to walk to the ring without the create an entrance mode when instead u could just walk 2 the ring and perform the taunts you use in a match Quote
iamthedoctor Posted February 23, 2014 Posted February 23, 2014 I would like us to actually do the entrance by ourself. So if you pick the game you actually have to use the control pad to move him. Any fans of Empire wrestling know what im talking about. Quote
MKCB Posted February 25, 2014 Posted February 25, 2014 Most importantly, fix the glitches and tweak the gameplay. Wrestlers should remain lying on the mat after they kick out from a 2 count pin attempt, because they are still exhausted. The pace of each match still feels off to me. If they can recreate how a match plays out then perfect. Another thing is character options to help the A.I out as it doesn't understand how each different wrestler should work, so they all kinda end up having the same matches. Bring back something as simple as the old PS2 always/sometimes/never choices for options like top rope moves/ weapons/fighting outside the ring/ submission/ grounded moves and whatever else is logical. As far as features go, I'd love to see a better working Universe mode. It's current structure really bothers me, and feels tedious to set up. A more user friendly option is needed, when creating a brand I want the following options without loading to another menu..... Brand name Brands call name Logo NPC's (GM/Ref/interviewer/announce team) Roster (Faces on the left Heels to the right) Stables Championships and ranking pools Superstar Friend & Foe options Weekly show (choice of avaible days/arena type/logo/loading screen backdrop) 12 PPV's for the year And you'd have a brand done and ready without having to waste time navigating back and forth through menus, and calendars. Everything since the creation of universe could and should have worked faster. Take fo example when creating a stable, I should have the chance to select the Entrance animation and Finishing move by thier names instead of loading create an Entrance/Moveset. 95% of the time I already know what I want and don't always require the reassurance of watching it. This means less unwanted loading screens, and more gameplay. The booking A.I doesn't exist, its a random generator. I think the game needs a list of stories to play for each rivalry selected. We already know who we want fighting, now let us decide why. Give us all the wrestling troupes to pick from and let us create some via story designer to share online. Created Universe stories should be without the text narrative, and without the the option to pick specific characters for each role. The user who downloaded the created story is still going to decide who is feuding with who, only they now have an extended selection for why. Although the creator has no control over who is involved, he will have blind control of your universe while you play his story through. This Blind booker can build a story that can run from weeks to a whole year. Just with the options of Heel/Face and it's number. The story designer can effect the users Universe by getting Heel 1's 3rd Friend to turn face and swing momentum to the good guys. By making full use of the superstar management screen. Keeping to the 5 friends 5 enemies options of this menu, but adding compulsary options like Diva/Superstar love interest, Manager (includes always on option) This gives purpose to those options because when creating story, you have the use of an additional cast of members to use. For each match of the story, the creator makes 2 scences to play. One for either side winning the battle. I'd like to see a Universe booked by the community, the current system makes little sense and repeats itself often. It could be fun again. Give the Blind booker the chance to make an impact on someones game. Friends can become enemies, relationships built or destroyed, Championships won and lost, losers leaving brands and injured wrestlers left waiting on the side lines. Anything could happen, you could play through your own story, be suprised but have it still make sense too. This would give Universe structure and suprise and give us the "anything can happen" without random bs. I can rant these little types all day, because even deep inside thq's broken games I could see something decent trying to break out. All the tools are there use them properly Quote
Ollie™ Posted February 25, 2014 Posted February 25, 2014 - Differentiation between type of character (Face/Heel) and boo/cheer reaction. I'd love it cos' then it'd add a layer of realism with guys like John Cena and divas such as the Bella Twins, they might be faces but that doesn't mean the fans love 'em. - Ability to automatically kick out if you have a finisher (it would take away the finisher) - coming into affect a lot more. In SVR 2007 it was really fun trying to beat the other GM and their brand, having stars for top-notch matches, power rankings and recognition of how hard we've tried with our shows. I'm getting really sick of having a stellar match between Paige and Kaitlyn and having no sort of reward system. Leading me onto my next suggestion - GM Mode - NXT Mode; hell they've already broke kayfabe so why not 'ey? In NXT mode we follow an indie wrestler (our CAW) on there quest to NXT and in NXT. It'd be like RTWM in SVR '11 but a lot better, with the extra inclusion of a performance centre for our CAW's to unlock moves in. - RTWM back. With Divas. - Superstar Heads for everyone - In matches, when I'm fighting with the AI I'm sick of the A.I running back into the ring at 5 automatically. Especially when I'm setting up to 'whoop they ass' - Ruthless Aggression Superstars this time around. I know it wasn't all that long ago but I'd love to have the old arenas in there, along with alt. attires and R.A superstars - Developed rivalries, just because I set it to a medium length rivalry doesn't mean I accept a falls count anywhere match every other week. I'd love to have a choice of storylines we can pick - like SVR 2007: but with cut scenes and properly played out. - Minor but needed, in Universe Mode I'd like to see the option to check-list which attires are available for random. I don't like how if we have a CAW with different era's on it and we pick random that means we could end up with a Rock CAW from '01 and then the week a '13 era Rock. - Be able to make PPV's any day of the week. They don't to be on Sundays... really. - Have two different show's in one night. I get sick of filling up my schedule quickly. - CAA fixed. Enough said. I love everyone's idea, hopefully 2K see this, doubt they'd do anything though. Quote
MKCB Posted February 25, 2014 Posted February 25, 2014 WWE Network mode, play through the greatest maches from the begining's of the Golden ages through to today. Revisiting WWE, NWA, AWA, WCW, ECW and NXT greatest contest. This would give 2K the perfecr excuse to have the strongest selection of wrestlers and arenas to date. People complain about the graphics but honestly I would be impressed more with 400+ wrestlers to choose from. I doubt 2K have the time and money doing this though, and is stressing out over frame rate and aspect ratio because next gen bro Quote
iamthedoctor Posted February 25, 2014 Posted February 25, 2014 I want Road to Wrestlemania back. I loved 2010 version they put out and just felt from WWE 12 - 2K14 the mode has no replay value. 1 Quote
MKCB Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 What level of changes and upgrades are people hoping to find?New engine?New graphics?New CAW mode?New features?Given the control of a WWE game would you build on whats already there and fix the known bugs and upgrade the current features, or would you start fresh with brand new ideas making a new game?I think thq and 2K14 have come close to getting it right, but have always fell short. I like to think about the existing game and how it works, whenever I write down my own ideas for the next wrestling game. Most of my thoughts flow around the Universe mode because I feel if done properly could become the ultimate true to TV expeirence. So far every story telling cutscene happens in or around the ring. Why not add some of backstage scenes? I can't think of the last time I watched a wrestling show that didn't have at least one of those.Bring back lost matches like buried alive, and add a cost like the loser is injured for 3 months. Give us the freedom of the arena for falls count anywhere, hardcore matches. More dynamic hot spots to perform 'OMG' attacks, like the 2008 scaffold area. Give us 2011's weapon physics back, why do thes weapons slide about again?The thq model always felt like each feature was 70% finished, 2K14 shares the same guilt. We should have had a complete game by now, everyone blamed last years short commings on 2k finishing thq's game and not accepting it as a pure 2k game.This years game is 100% 2k with only B.Williams staying on for moves/animations, I can't wait to see if the last games failures were Corys fault. Because if the game feels finished this time round, I'd say thats fair.I think the next gen version of the game should offer gamers more content over 7th gen. Another excuse used for previous games was we can't do that with this systems limitations. Unlike 2007 where the games were designed to be equal across 2 generations but with better graphics, this time show us what you can do with x16 faster ram & x6 larger disc space potential. Yes they should make a 360 & PS3 game, but not at the expense of the XB1 & PS4. That excuse should finally get slayed.I'm looking forward to this years game like I have to all the previous titles, I enjoy the hype train that builds with news and information. I only wish they we're more transparent with their many times burnt consumer base. Quote
iamthedoctor Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 A new CAW engine is way overdue because we have had the same thing since 2010. Quote
MKCB Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 To be honest Its basically the same mode since PS2 all bit gaining and loosing some choices. I'd like the morphing to work better for faces and body shapes, and a firm to flabby physics scale to each option. Better textures for faces so hacking isn't as needed, better hair styles to help us recreate legends would be nice too. Quote
iamthedoctor Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 If they just let us use the camera to use as a face scan we wouldnt need textures. Quote
MKCB Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 Thats fine for your own & friends faces but would scanned from magazine/computer screen faces work? I know every XB1 owner has a Kinect so it would make sense to add a scan feature, but I think it shouldn't be used for textures. Logos sure, but face & body details I don't see working. How many face texures do we currently have? It should be in the 100's by now but they never expand on them. It's strange that the caw mode has suffered a good enough attitude for this long Quote
iamthedoctor Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 Thats fine for your own & friends faces but would scanned from magazine/computer screen faces work? I know every XB1 owner has a Kinect so it would make sense to add a scan feature, but I think it shouldn't be used for textures. Logos sure, but face & body details I don't see working. How many face texures do we currently have? It should be in the 100's by now but they never expand on them. It's strange that the caw mode has suffered a good enough attitude for this long Well im sure it wouldnt be too difficult to find a screen cap of a wrestlers face close to the camera and then just grab my Kinect and move it to the PC screen so it can capture the image. Thats as long as it works how a webcam does otherwise if it has to scan your body could cause a problem. Quote
massac12E Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 (edited) Creation Suites: General - If you're not going to completely overhaul the creation suites that's fine. However, if you're going to keep it relatively the same, give us the option to pull our creations from last year's saved game file and import it to this year's game. I understand this may be harder for CAE since entrances are constantly being removed, but say if my created guy's entrance isn't in the new game, just set it to default during the conversion. Same goes for anything else. I would rather be able to import an 80- 90% done created wrestler than have to start from scratch every year. Create a Superstar: General - If you're going to revamp the mode for next-gen, I strongly suggest making your create-a-superstar like the character creator in All Points Bulletin: Reloaded as much as possible, especially when it comes to designs & hair options. Head/Body - More facial/skin textures. The more the better. - The ability to change eye color separately for each eye. (Make the color for both eyes locked as default, but have the option to unlock them and change them individually.) - More eye types. - The ability to have different eye types/colors in different attires. (Make them like hair in that respect.) - Fix the teeth. Something about them does not look natural. They're too big or too square or something. - Love the 3D facial hair. More of that please. - Also more scars/markings. Love those too. - Could always use more options for hair. No more mullets please. Clothing/Layers/Designs - Every clothing option should be able to have transparency and shine options. (with the exception of underwear & transparency) - The ability to copy an existing layer should be brought back. Should never have been taken out IMO. - All designs in general (including tights designs, mask designs, and tattoos) should be able to move freely between subsections (Gloves, Jacket, Shoes, etc.) If I want to use an arm tattoo as a wristband design, that shouldn't be a problem. If I want to put a design on a jacket sleeve that shouldn't be a problem. Tights designs as tattoos, mask designs as tattoos, you dig? This would solve logo placement problems on jackets, coats, shirts, and hats. - ALL designs in the game should be available in create a superstar. I'm talking about all those nice designs in CAA like those added patterns (Wood, Brick, Stars, Blood, etc.), those weapon logos (kendo sticks, tacks, chairs etc.), title belts, hell even those big in-game superstar pictures. All of 'em! Why have them available in one part of the game and not the other? - Every design (including paint tool designs) should be able to have transparency and shine options as well inside Create a Superstar. (NOT inside paint tool. Going back and forth between the two is very annoying.) Matter of fact... - Have the option to load paint tool itself within CAS. That way, if there's a color I want to match on a shirt with a created logo, I don't have to back all the way out of CAS and load up Paint Tool in order to find the color code...which leads me to another problem listed in the Paint Tool section. - More font options. - A simple filled triangle design. Shouldn't have to waste a paint tool slot on this. - Speaking of those nice title belt designs, some designs are missing. (The WCW United States title comes to mind, there are probably others.) Attributes - Make no cap on attributes. (Offline only). - The ability to raise body damage higher than 100% on CAWs. (Offline only. I want to make a tough boss character for my CAWs!) A.I. - Custom superstar A.I. Just give us a bunch of sliders from 0-100. 0 meaning they never do it and 100 meaning they do it all match. You can have your screen look like this: A.I - Default (All sliders set at 50) - Copy from WWE Superstar - Copy from DLC Superstar - Copy from Created Superstar - Custom Options can range from character movement (run, top rope, leapfrog/lay down, irish whip) to strikes (standing strikes, strong strike, springboard attacks), to grapples (front grapple, back grapple, top rope back grapple), to special settings (wakeup taunt, catapult finishers, OMG moments, weapon finshers) to extreme (weapon usage, blood, reaction to blood [0 = fright, 100 = aggression], dirty moves) to crowd reaction (0 = heavy boo, 100 = heavy cheer). The only slider I wouldn't have from 0-100 would be pin settings. Those would be (Often, Seldom [only after Signatures and Finishers], Rare [only after finishers], Never [for a UFC guy who only KOs/Submits people]) You could also assign a favorite weapon. If given one, the wrestler will go for that weapon more often than not. Would work well for guys like Honky Tonk Man/HHH/Sandman/Dudleys. Paint Tool: - Fix the color wheel. Color codes in paint tool should match color codes in CAS. No excuse why this is currently not the case. - More paint tool slots please. - ALL designs in the game should be available in paint tool. (All those designs I talked about before buried in Create an Arena.) Create a Special Move: - Change "Front Special Move" to "Standing Special Move". Add in a starting position from the back. BAM! Create a Back Special Move added! - Add in a starting position that has your CAW already running. BAM! Create a Running Special Move added! - New or existing animations not already in CASM added to CASM. - The ability to make CASM's catapult/catch finishers. (Pending on what starting/ending animation you picked.) Create a Moveset: - Make favorite moves actually mean something. Have the superstars actually go for these moves more than other moves during a match. Create an Entrance: - The ability to assign weapons/props to bring down to the ring, No Mercy style. (If this is even possible w/o a ridiculous amount of work. If not, no biggie.) Edited February 26, 2014 by massac12E Quote
MKCB Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 (edited) Thats fine for your own & friends faces but would scanned from magazine/computer screen faces work? I know every XB1 owner has a Kinect so it would make sense to add a scan feature, but I think it shouldn't be used for textures. Logos sure, but face & body details I don't see working. How many face texures do we currently have? It should be in the 100's by now but they never expand on them. It's strange that the caw mode has suffered a good enough attitude for this long Well im sure it wouldnt be too difficult to find a screen cap of a wrestlers face close to the camera and then just grab my Kinect and move it to the PC screen so it can capture the image. Thats as long as it works how a webcam does otherwise if it has to scan your body could cause a problem.The problems I'm imaging with a Kinect texture scan are mapping the face, and the texture looking too paper or plasticy. Previous games that used these kind of features involved a face portrait and portfolio image and work best when the person being scanned was straight faced and expressionless. So it will work great with wrestlers that have been busted and had mug shots taken lol.I think Kinect features could work well in a WWE game though, an idea came to me when I was watching someone demo Zoo Tycoon. In Zoo tycoon you can call an animal over and interact with it.Now imagine your playing Universe and decide to interupt a match. Instead of the same dull ref bump, your the guest commentator watching the match in first person view, from the announcers table. From here you can call over one of the wrestlers involved in the match, hand them some brass knuckles to help them win (injure your rival) or insult them and throw a drink over them. The game could kick back into third person and give you full control of your wrestler by noticing when you stand up. That could be a cool little interactive feature that helps the gamer feel involved Edited February 26, 2014 by MKCB Quote
ajleesus Posted March 2, 2014 Posted March 2, 2014 Matches - Interfering before/during/after matches (option to come in whenever you want!) - More "OMG!" moments - Interactions with titantron - Getting up slower and more realistically (ex: playing as John Cena who just got hit with an RKO, you have to do the pinning "minigame" to get up or waiting to get up after, rather than laying there and just getting up as if they aren't hurt) - Better animations - Better hair physics (TressFX would help alot, see: ) (hair needs to move, bounce, and swerve like real hair would re-act) Create-A-Superstar - Superstars and Diva Heads should include every character in the game, plus some left out characters (maybe Alumni like CM Punk and Kaitlyn) and also changing/adding glasses, make up, and hairstyles - New Hairstyles (more hairstyles from some of the non-caws accessible) - Skin colors and textures should be better and re-textured - Bra/Crotch blur should be smaller so that we can place almost full-sized logos on shirts/underwear/pants - More Patterns - More clothing options - Paint tool available in CAS mode - More name recording like "Gail" and "Kim" (LOL) Create-A-Logo (Paint Tool) - All logos accessible - Accessible through CAS mode Create-A-Moveset - More taunts - More moves - Better animations Superstars/Divas - Bray Wyatt - Luke Harper - Erick Rowan - Naomi (playable) (current gray attire) - Cameron (playable) (current gray attire) - Tamina (AJ's bodyguard attire) - Rosa Mendes - Curtis Axel (I will post my full roster with my DLC ideas later!) Quote
Zark Posted March 2, 2014 Posted March 2, 2014 A bug free game would be nice........... And a roster with more current guys then legends I will never use Quote
SassySlothh Posted March 2, 2014 Posted March 2, 2014 Custom entrances instead of ones from past games Diva heads All superstar/diva hairstyles on the models are available in caw mode Bring back create a taunt Handy logos like a fishnet, studs and glitter etc. More diva bra's and underwear (3 types? C'mon!) Quote
Tamer™ Posted March 2, 2014 Posted March 2, 2014 That thing Scott Steiner used to wear over his head as a CAW element placed as a hat or something Quote
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