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American Strong style PSN

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Hi ive seen threads somewhat like this but ive had no luck with them. i love strong style wrestling both in japan and the emulators of it here in the U.S. but just enjoy wrestling overall. Im on PSN my info Hamboning-101 I also have a Mic so communication is no big deal. If you enjoy not playing hackers, not getting running grappled every other move, and overall maturity then plz be so gracious as to add me.....Also dont be 15 or younger bc that means you started watching wrestling in the pg era and you suck lol JK :/


Ill play competitive matches, sim matches for example if u wanna do some chain wrestling or set up for certain Bumps or spots

during extreme matches stuff like that, and of course strong style wrestling. feel free to leave questions with your PSN if youd like to inquire about certain things THNX!


So nobody plays or....you guys just look at the disc and use your imagination?


cool man ill hit u up soon thnx for the reply 

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