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Moves / Animations you wish would be restored from previous games.

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The "proper" Sweet Chin Music where the opponent gets knocked straight down on his back.


Kevin Nash's combination elbow strikes in the corner with " hand frame" taunt before the last one.


ABA Undertaker's "Thumbs down" Tombstone.


Booker T's preset entrance.


Every single, superkick animations from the past especially the ones from HCTP.

I can't understand why there are only 8 superkick (counting the catching animation and Booker's side superkick) animations in 2K14, it is a legendary move, a sick move, nearly every single wrestler uses it. #SuperKickParty


I would like to see the camera movement angle that you saw in HCTP when doing a signature, I thought that was really effective


All I want is Earthquakes finisher. Its not too much to ask.


The Cross Armbreaker over the top rope that HBK and Del Rio did.

The Sunset Flip in the corner that Cody and Booker do.


Can't believe it's not been said..


I want the old animation for The Rock Bottom, now it looks sluggish and slow. :/


I would love a SCM from when Shawn used to do it in 96.


taekwondo kick i believe it was called from SVR 2010 or 11 it was like a jumping spinning kick it was really cool. also be nice if they had the evasive roll ability from SVR 2010


Rick Rude's Elbow Drops with Pelvic Thrusts

Ric Flair's Nature boy strut and stomp on the leg

Taker's thumbsdown Tombstone


The "proper" Sweet Chin Music where the opponent gets knocked straight down on his back.


Kevin Nash's combination elbow strikes in the corner with " hand frame" taunt before the last one.


ABA Undertaker's "Thumbs down" Tombstone.


Booker T's preset entrance.

actually i'd prefer to have nash's elbow strikes and knee strikes (why is it people always forget about his knee strikes? He used them in every single match)


The Jumping Enziguri, don't know why they took that out.

Posted (edited)
  • The Rocks Arm Wrench DDT with the kip-up
  • Outlaw Stomps ( stun grapple/chain grapple version) last seen in SVR 2010
  • Super Chokeslam to the outside - where is it ??? is a cut scene in story designer?? seen Retro Taker do it to Punk through the announce table ??? in the trailer
  • Multiple Backbreaker
  • Outlaw Knee Strikes ( last seen in SVR 2010 SCSA)
  • Multiple Clothesline Combination ( HCTP , hidden move for the removal of Warrior)
  • Amazing Slam and Pin combo ( HCTP , hidden move for the removal of Warrior) well I guess warriors comeback covers that in WWE 2K14.
  • Leg attack to the ringpost ( UCM move when the opponent was in the corner)
  • Undertakers DDT old animation its in CAF
  • Judo Hip Throw
Edited by BEAST987
  • Like 1

Spinning Facecrusher (Melina's)


Extreme Makeover (Melina's)


Pretty much every animation from WWE Raw 2 


And the directional moves from SVR 2008 - 2010 (like when you used to be able to move when holding your opponent in a suplex)


the old german, dragon, and tiger suplexes
'cruiserweight moves'
pretty much anything from HCTP that wouldn't look ridiculously cartoony, because I do remember some animations being over-the-top


I really wished they made a proper warrior with his tuants and finishers!

Clothesline combination pin

Ultimate bomber press/splash pin combo

Posted (edited)

Buzzsaw Kick (None of the Tajiri CAWs I find on CC have it so I am figuring it isn't in the game which sucks.)

Sweet Chin Music (With Pin Combo)

Edited by lilrick1101

Fisherman Driver AKA 99 Driver before they completely fucked the animation.

Whirl Neckbreaker

All the running kicks and dropkicks from HTCP


Dan Severn's/Steve Blackman's/Owen Hart's "Darkside Choke" aka "Crouching Dragon Sleeper".

Then again I think they removed that & other choke moves, due to not wanting to show too many chokes.


I'd love them to put the "ding" back when you nailed them in the plumbs like in No Mercy.  :D


toprope tiger driver

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