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CAW Group.

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Hello Guys. 




Just a topic to see if anyone would allow me to be in their caw Group/ Or would like to have one with me. 


I am a retail user. I have a few friends that can import PT'S For me.I have From SVR 2010 to WWE 2K14. I am currently working on WWE 2K14.


I made a Luke Harper, Eric Rowan (Both still need work. Havent had textures for them yet) 


I made a AJ Styles (Textured) 


I'm currently working on a RVD (Have all the textures for him.) 


If anyones interested in letting me join, or interested in creating a group with me, shoot me a PM. Or Hell, just comment below. 


I'll join, if you'll have me. I'm a younger CAW maker, so not all of my CAWs are extremely pleasing.


I've done a few PT's but mostly for clothing pieces. I have one for a hairstrand, mostly for my Mike Knox CAW.

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