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Universe mode glitch?? Problem??

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So i made all of the ROH& TNA belts got the title matches for the first time with them in a TNA PPV

Loaded the first match, a title one Created X Division, Gunner (CAW) vs James Storm (CAW) in a custom Impact Arena

And the match was loading and like 10 minutes later it is still loading??? What the hell! So i restarted th game same thing....Then i go to try the Heavyweight Title match..... And still loading. I when go play mode and everything was working fine! Can any one help how on how to slove this shit in Universe? Thanks


There is no known solution to this.  If you get this glitch... there is nothing you can do but delete the created belts.  You can use premade belts and rename them, but you cannot use a belt built from scratch or you will always get the infinite loading screen in a title match with that belt.  


This thing should be patch, nearly ruined all of my good experience with created belts

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