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Custom theme problem

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LOL! It's ridiculous. I just turned my music off all together.


i figured out 1 work around (universe only) just set the show up, play the matches and then when the last match is done, exit all the way out to the start menu and reload the save.. sucks we should have to do that but that's better than the nasty boyz coming out to evolution theme... THEY AREN'T WORTHY OF THAT THEME! LOL

   :lol to the idea of the Nasty Boyz having Evolution's theme!  Evolution of what?  Twinkies?  

LOL i don't know what's worse.. them having evolution or steiners coming out to smoking mirrors LOL


I've had a similar issue with custom music. Some of the playlists I have for entrance music do not play in the game at all. In entrance mode I cannot preview them and selecting them will not play out during entrances.

Also, certain themes CAN be previewed and selected for entrances, yet whenever I play an actual match the theme doesn't play during the entrance or after the matches.

This occurs regardless of exhibition or universe matches being played.

Not sure if making a new playlist for those tracks will help, will try that and see. Very frustrating.


I'm on PS3 and never had any of the problems everyone here is stating. But one only big problem with custom themes for me is the same problem we had in WWE SD vs Raw 2011. The custom theme restarts after the replays finish after the match. I hope someone else can relate to this and maybe ill tell 2k support about this problem


Hey bro...I actually had the same thing happen on my Matt Hardy just the other day.  I went back into Entrance editor, set the music to an in game one, then reset it back to the custom and it seems to have fixed it (haven't had it happen again yet).  Might want to try that.


I've had the same problem where anyone with a custom theme comes out to no music and their music plays for their opponent. Not every time and it usually doesn't happen if the opponent also has a a custom theme although it has still happened at least once in that scenario.


Ok here how i fixed this.

First go play a normal match with any settings with 2 or more CAWs (Not sure if all you them must be, but you have to win with a CAW pin or submission) you have to win with one. Then go back to the menu/exit the match. No jukebox then right ? Jump into Universe, play any match that you want to, put entrances on. You will see that the themes will be mixing up at some point. After the entrance, quit the match. Now you will notice that the jukebox is back. And no more themes mixing from then.

That's what i did everytime i start the game. The only way to fix it for me until a patch comes out. Hopefully it will also work for you!


I turned the Jukebox off, and that fixed my problem. It's ridiculous we have 2 go thru all this. I look forward to 2k15 every time I play this game. Goodbye THQ problems! (hopefully)


I turned the Jukebox off, and that fixed my problem. It's ridiculous we have 2 go thru all this. I look forward to 2k15 every time I play this game. Goodbye THQ problems! (hopefully)

Yeah, hope they do have 2K Beat in 2K15

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