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In Create an Entrance, what is the difference between a superstar/diva motion and a superstar/diva template? I cant spot it.

Posted (edited)

template changes everything in that section that is included in that template name for example

if you choose goldberg in stage under template instead of motion it will add goldbergs pyro and timing exactly when it really happens and it will set the lighting to his lighting, however if you choose say hollywood hulk hogan his includes the black and white screen effects so that would set too, if you don't choose template in each section and only choose motion than nothing else associated with that motion as far as lighting pyro or screen effects would change.


advanced entrance



template, same as motion but changes everything according to the template of the motion

motion, motion, motion only, does not change the rest

pyro, could set automatically if attached to a template, but can be changed to your desire either way

lighting, will always set automatically when selecting a template, but can be changed to your desire either way

screen effects, could set automatically if attached to a template, but can be changed to your desire either way


template means that when you select that name for the template instead of only under the motion it will

set and make any changes to lighting or pyro or screen effects that are attached to that motion name when it is selected under template, if you don't use template and you just select the motion than it will not change the lighting pyro or screen effects.

Edited by UnderTaker1784

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