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The last match of 30 year mode against the rock.. WTF..HAARD

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i'm scared to play taker if the rock is any indication of how hard he might be.. that match was soooooooo freaking hard... i can't wait for the topics to start flooding in on this one..


I came close to beating Undertaker in streak mode with Diesel to unlock another version of Taker.


Lost on 4 occasions until now to Taker as Diesel.


I beat the streak with Sheamus on my first try. Did 1 finishers, did the 2nd and lights went out, I used resiliency to kick out of the tombstone and after a 3rd Brogue I pinned him 1, 2, 3. Not too hard, COME ON IRELAND!


i won taker once with goldberg and lost 5 time (2 disel 2hbk and punk)


man this is some bs.. taker was easy... however the rock vs cena match at the end of wrestlemania mode is waaaaaaaaaay harder  than this.


man this is some bs.. taker was easy... however the rock vs cena match at the end of wrestlemania mode is waaaaaaaaaay harder  than this.


what difficulty were you playing on cause i've heard different.. anyway.. after killing myself trying to defeat death stroke last night in batman arkham origins and eventually having to download a trainer to do so i guess i'm glad he's not too hard

Posted (edited)

Thank god I wasn't the only one. I was even on normal! first match I lost through the whole mode. It was harder than beating Lesnar on Legendary to unlock Eddie.


I had to go on easy, and it was still alittle hard. Below is pretty much what the whole match is.


1 - First objective is to get out of sharpshooter, so no matter how badly you beat rock up (Out of 5 matches, I only got 1 finisher), the second you knew a signature was coming, he would reverse, do a taunt and behold, he had a signature. But, then a rock bottom just came. Its that damn fast you don't have time to reverse.
2 - Once thats done, the other is to do 5 knuckle shuffle, easy. 
3 - Then its do 2 AA's. First one is easy, second he always reversed into a rock bottom and again, its damn too quick to reverse. And now your pin meter is getting smaller.
4 - Rock was a mess here, like, just dead after the second AA, full of blood. But now you have to do a rock bottom on him. No matter what he reversed it into guess what? ANOTHER ROCK BOTTOM which is too quick to reverse. Now your pin meter is even smaller, I had to use the ability to make it bigger on one match. Big mistake as theres more fun going to come. You can hit a third AA before the rock bottom, I did this on my last 2 matches which he didn't reverse the rock bottom.
5 - Now, ITS UNLIMITED FINISHERS TIME FOR BOTH. Yup, I ran out of the ring a few times as it said to do a AA and pin. But every friggen time he reversed it. No matter how many I did, no matter what move I did. And this was on normal. Everytime a rock bottom came. I kicked out the first one with the ability to make the pin marker bigger on my last two matches. But this is the worst. As I got up one time and ran away from him (Yup, my back was facing him). He somehow reached be when I was climbing out the ring into another rockbottom. 
He did the last rock bottom on easy too! I just couldn't beleave it as it was on normal or easy.

I'v  nearly had Taker with Big Daddy Cool, but failed when I got in the ring. Lets hope Bundy is better!
Edit: Well Bundy was usless. But Diesel did it. Finally can play as the guy I wanted to!
Edited by jcsix
Posted (edited)

i used goldberg.. i'ma have to try with kane and ther others for the achievement.. but i just basically took him outside and got the good ole sledghammer.. attacked him. When taker grabbed the sledghammer, i speared him / clothesline him with cena.. rinse repeast. save your resilency til the very end..


regarding batman.. i was kinda glad to see it still played like the other two.. was kinda worried.. i actually enjoy this more to be honest... but didn't know there was a trainer out already.. must go check on that.. to cheat or not to cheat.. why not..

Edited by zhigge

What i did, but I just used the bell (Wouldn't let me get a weapon from under the ring).


great minds. the video play thru made it seem like he was gonna be super hard.. legend is easy as crap..I see i will have to make some changes to get a challange.. but i do like the fact they do fight back more this year..


my time 7:20 and 42 wrestlers.. got beat by mark henry.


You unlock another version of Undertaker by beating him in Streak mode?

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