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Tokidoim, U Think This Is Pissible?

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Sinse i cant get stables to work whenever there are wrestlers that are face and heels in them, im wondering if i can just make them all face or heel, and then use the wrestler mods for season to change someone like Edge, to a face, leaving Christian as a Heel, or for my Corporation, id like to change the Rock into a Face, and leave Vince and Big Show as a Heel, and maybe i can even change the shows, like having Vince from Raw, with Sable from SD! and changing Sable to a RAW SuperStar. think its possible????


If you do any of those things, you'll definitely de-activate the stable.




ill give it a try anyway, since theres only a few i want changed, and ive noticed that when u look at the wrestlers in season, u can read what class weight they are, ifthere a face or heel, the matchestheyve had, so on and so on so ill keep u updated if this works, hopefully it does, cause even the WWE has face/heel groups, example Eddie and Chavo, they loved eddie, hated chavo.

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