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30 Years of Wrestlemania Match Predictions

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Jeff hardy Vs Matt hady wm 25

Chris jericho Vs William

CM Punk Vs Rey

HBK Vs undertaker wm26


Just like every year a game comes out we always get people asking about Matt and Jeff Hardy. Jeff won't be in he is contracted to TNA wrestling and Matt Hardy wrestles for ROH/Indies.


If I had 100 dollars for every person every year who asked if Jeff Hardy will be in the game id be rich.


Just like every year a game comes out we always get people asking about Matt and Jeff Hardy. Jeff won't be in he is contracted to TNA wrestling and Matt Hardy wrestles for ROH/Indies.


If I had 100 dollars for every person every year who asked if Jeff Hardy will be in the game id be rich.

yea i know that i watch Both TNA And Ring of honor but thats what if the hardyz were still in wwe .


These are not Predictions its wish lish change the title bck NOW!


These are not Predictions its wish lish change the title bck NOW!


Didn't you create the title yourself?



These are not Predictions its wish lish change the title bck NOW!


Didn't you create the title yourself?

no i think some one changed it :p


AerykBacon, is that you?

No tengo ningún ideal que es


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