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WM Matches to be revealed

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BleacherReport has an article up stating that they will reveal the first 10 matches on Monday and the rest throughout the week. They proclaim that we will know all matches by the end of the week.


while I am excited to hear this, it also worries me. I had read in an article online somewhere that some of the superstars featured in 30 years could not be revealed due to other contracts not allowing promotion in outside endeavors. that being said, I guess it can almost be officially confirmed that one of the BEST mania matches will be left out, that being the tlc match from wm x7. I was hoping that with the "other contracts" that it would mean the possible inclusion of the hardys, dudleys, angle and others.


while I am excited to hear this, it also worries me. I had read in an article online somewhere that some of the superstars featured in 30 years could not be revealed due to other contracts not allowing promotion in outside endeavors. that being said, I guess it can almost be officially confirmed that one of the BEST mania matches will be left out, that being the tlc match from wm x7. I was hoping that with the "other contracts" that it would mean the possible inclusion of the hardys, dudleys, angle and others.

not happening as much as i would like to see angle vs hbk it cant happen


Or WM XX main event :(

Yeah and it is almost certain that the Benoit/HHH/HBK match from WM XX will be omitted.  Of course you had to expect that because of the whole Benoit tragedy.  As far as the WM matches being revealed, that's the one area I could understand 2K keeping secret until people actually buy the game.  I just want to know specifics as far as roster and gameplay tweaks and the rest can be surprises for game day release.

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