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Weight Detection Does It Matter

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Downloaded a Goldberg caw the creator made him a lightweight so much of his moveset is limited to the weight detection moves if I turn weight detection off how much will this effect game play


Downloaded a Goldberg caw the creator made him a lightweight so much of his moveset is limited to the weight detection moves if I turn weight detection off how much will this effect game play

If you turn off the Weight Detection its going to be the same just like you downloaded since you only changed the weight not the moves.



Downloaded a Goldberg caw the creator made him a lightweight so much of his moveset is limited to the weight detection moves if I turn weight detection off how much will this effect game play

If you turn off the Weight Detection its going to be the same just like you downloaded since you only changed the weight not the moves.




so Im clear weight detection doesnt really effect the game other than certain moves?


Is there a way to change the caw from lightweight to heavyweight


Yes! Change The Height Until You Reach It :)2


Yes! Change The Height Until You Reach It :)2


Will this make the caw really tall?



Yes! Change The Height Until You Reach It :)2


Will this make the caw really tall?



Well Abit Taller Than Usual :)2


Change the body typ eto something that looks similar, that way the CAW's height and width looks accurate.

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