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Wwe 13 ps3 Italianofbi save data update cried its goas to his

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I'm updating Italianofbi save data he just put credits are for him so far I added Shawn michaels and Matt hardy and Jeff hardy and MVP and hulk hogan and macho man and the ultimate worrior what superstars do you want I will be releasing it in about a week or 2 and I will try adding some mods like cm punk in his new attire in the real cm punk and triple h short hair I will try so tell me what you want


Well, nice job screwing up a current roster save. LOL


No I'm not screwing it I'm making it more fun for people and they have renders but I did remove 2 superstars doink and sami zayn thy We're not good so if anybody want anything just tell me and yes there is mods that change the superstars attire


Yea, that's not an update, that's a screw up. It's a current save for a reason.


Look if you want to Dow load it download if you don't want to don't


Do you even have ItalianoFBI's permission to make this?


I'm asking him if he says yes I'm doing it if no then just i won't download it


If you want to do something of usefull why dont you create an 50 caws save of tna or roh or mix them up o something like that.

Do something original.


Mybe I will but not TBA because I don't watch it I will take requests if Italianofbi says yes I will do this one first then about her one if he says no I will start a new one


TBA I tna my mistake and mybe I will do if a lot of people want I know some of the wrestlers in it


Well, I replied to the PM saying that it's ok.

But that was before reading this thread & what the exact changes would be.
Personally, if that's all you're going to change, I don't think many people would download it.

As some have said, you may be better off making a full 50 slot roster.


Will I will upload this one and make a tna one so its ok who wants to Download this let them


You can do what you want, it's just that adding those past superstars isn't necessarily updating the roster.

Just don't want you to be wasting your time.


But first my caw editor is crashing if its ok I will make one if it don't work I won't be doing it


So tell what you want from wwe roster cause the other one will be only tna wrestler.and former tna wrestlers but no divas


It's ok cause I want to make it cause I'm using it for myself also in daily bases


Or mybe I will do RA era save data what you want just tell


If you want to do something of usefull why dont you create an 50 caws save of tna or roh or mix them up o something like that.

Do something original.

ecw it would be great too


Use the edit feature instead of posting a new post every time.


I'm doing here comes the pain and that's RA era

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