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Could someone please explain to me how to fix pts?

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I know this is another noob question but i'm new to all this, I'm just trying to figure things out as i go along. So I have a jtag, I can import the pt textures into my jtag but i can't get the pt file back to my retail console. This is what i do:

1. Import textures into pt file using brienj's texture importer

2. copy pt file onto usb drive and move it back to the jtag

3. load up game on jtag, and save every texture using the in game paint tool.

4. export pt file back to pc and change profile id, device id &console id's (to the details of my retail console) using horizon then save resign and rehash.

5. when i then go to add this pt file to my retail xbox it throws up this message 'this item cannot be transferred between profiles' also the pt file on the retail console says unknown profile under owner

could someone please tell me what i'm doing wrong??


Have U replaced the files came with brienj texture tool and file is not transferable message came wen its not properly rehash and resigned imo


he means the XeX files did u replace them ?


Probably you are you rehashing/resigning correctly.

Get the ID´s from your retail to a txt.

Open Concept 3.0: Open the PT, copy the correct ID´s and paste over it. rehash and resign. Working.

Concept is easier, faster and truster than Horizon.


Yeah I copied brienj's files. I'll try using concept instead of horizon see if that makes a difference. I think the problem is the retail console just doesn't seem to recognize that the file from the jtag... I'm going to try something in a minute to see if it works.

Posted (edited)

Yeah I copied brienj's files. I'll try using concept instead of horizon see if that makes a difference. I think the problem is the retail console just doesn't seem to recognize that the file from the jtag... I'm going to try something in a minute to see if it works.

if u replaced the files i can help u now

open The PT File in Horizon replace it by ur jtag id's

save each logo on the jtagged console

now take the fixed PT file and put the retail console id's

put it on ur retail console then it should work

Edited by Auday Alyafi™
Posted (edited)

nope, that's what I was doing and it still doesn't work. This is what happens when i put it back onto the retail console.. Everything works fine on the jtag so i don't know why its doing this... its not resigning and rehashing properly it seems. I'm going to try using something else instead of horizon


Edited by datkido

That seems like you are triying to copy a file with different ID´s. If yuo are resigning it fine, I can´t understand what happens. What you can do is get the profile from your retail copy it to the Jtag, and then use the same profile to change from the Jtag to retail and that must works.


That seems like you are triying to copy a file with different ID´s. If yuo are resigning it fine, I can´t understand what happens. What you can do is get the profile from your retail copy it to the Jtag, and then use the same profile to change from the Jtag to retail and that must works.

this ^^


thanks for all your help guys. I figured out what the problem was. I was doing everything fine but I use party buffalo to transfer the pt back to my usb and I was transferring back into the wrong profile (I have more than one profile on the usb), that was what was creating causing the problem. I moved the file to the right place and everything's ok!


a moderator should close this because his problem is solved and datkido plz check ur pms


a moderator should close this because his problem is solved and datkido plz check ur pms

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