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I cant find any good textured caws on the ps3 so can you guys help me out by leaving some names of creators on the ps3 or is there a way to convert the xbox caws to ps3?


i prefer nCo japan , rokaditz and tecknov (sry if spelled wrong ) caws and i know ur a modder so u can hack the pt and create ur own textured caws


It depends, which CAWs do you want?


There's tons, Krad, Guitarherobonham, Tomm1904 I think it is, , Gamevolt, Iceman, RainAlways, Previously said names above, My stuff as well. Like RokaDitz said it really comes down to who it is you're looking to have. There's a slew of textured stuff and none textured. As well as Xbox to ps3 conversions. As well as Stingertap , myself and others hosting actual textures on sub accounts for those that want to have their own caws to create from scratch with and use the textured logos and face for. WWEgamingking, Charles_arnold75 are just some of the Psn texture hosts again it depends on who & what you're after


Is It difficult creating caws with textures? just wondering


Is It difficult creating caws with textures? just wondering

Not really, it depends on which texture you are using, the only thing that is kinda hard it's blending the texture with the skin tone.


This is another silly question but the caw textures from the past smackdown vs raw games on community creations right?


This is another silly question but the caw textures from the past smackdown vs raw games on community creations right?

Mmm what?


the caw face textures I meant sorry.

You're asking if the face textures are on community creations right?



Yes there are tons of textures on CC.

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