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Transparency in Paint Tool logos?

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Hey there, sorry to be such a noob, I'm not at home and don't have time yet to make an avatar/signature. :p

Does anybody know how to use partial transparency (alpha channel) when creating new Paint Tool logos? I have seen Brienj's import/export tool but I am way too afraid to mod my 360. Also note that I don't currently have Xbox LIVE access.

So far my only other theory is to load in the pre-made logos and single out some of the partially transparent pixels, but yeah; not much precision there, barely any colour selection, and mah god it would take forever.

Ideas? Help? Thanks!

Posted (edited)

Hey there, sorry to be such a noob, I'm not at home and don't have time yet to make an avatar/signature. :p

Does anybody know how to use partial transparency (alpha channel) when creating new Paint Tool logos? I have seen Brienj's import/export tool but I am way too afraid to mod my 360. Also note that I don't currently have Xbox LIVE access.

So far my only other theory is to load in the pre-made logos and single out some of the partially transparent pixels, but yeah; not much precision there, barely any colour selection, and mah god it would take forever.

Ideas? Help? Thanks!

i'm pretty sure what you want to do isn't possible, the texture needs to be imported into the game with transparency. Once you make any changes in PT it loses it (each pixel u go over loses it's transparency), your method might work but by the time ur finished creating 1 logo that way wwe 2k14 will be out!

What you can do though to give the impression of transparency with PT logos is apply it to ur CAW then add a stock design over it and make that tansparent.

eg.. u create a logo and add it to a blue tshirt, you would then add a blue square over the logo and adjust the transparency of that blue square until you get the desired effect.

hope that helped! I'm a noob too and i found when i asked questions on here i got no answers! so I'm helpin out my fellow noobs where possible lol.

Edited by datkido

Oh well, thanks anyway!

That's a pretty good idea about overlaying coloured patches to simulate transparency. But I mainly just want transparency in the paint tool to anti-alias the edges of my custom logos. :p

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