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S.A.S. Connection Creations Maddoxx and Payback Preview

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Posted (edited)

Huh Daniel Bryan ? :p

lol. I saw some of him in this caw before the beard that was all.

Edited by mrblacksheep008


I tried svr 2010 Texture and here is the result


I am still working on it :)


Je te parle en français parce que ton anglais est horrible mais as-tu des suggestions ? Sinon merci :)



tu as mis la coiffure de zack ryder?(je ne sais plus le chiffre)

je pense que celui que tu as utilisé pour the miz serais mieu pour punk

et fait en sorte qu'il soit moins facé(eyebrows)

sinon le reste est bien


Merci. Je vais voir ça pour la coupe . J'ai utilisé la #5 (Ryder)

Je vais aussi voir pour l'angle des sourcils.


ce que je t'ai dit est moindre , tu ne sera pas obligé de me créditer


superbe mais il a une poche rose sous les yeux,ses normal?si oui,il faudrait mettre un peu + beige


Il a toujours l'air fatigué. Avec du beige ça n'aurait pas eu le même effet.


*CM Punk pic*




Thanks. Your english is horrible so let's talk french. Any suggestions ?


Do you use Zack Ryder's haircut ? i don't remember which number it is

I think that the one you used for Miz would fit better with Punk

And make him look less angry

Otherwise it's good


Thanks. I'll see for the haircut. I used the 5th (Ryder's one)

I'll also see about the brows angle


It's not a lot , you don't need to credit me


*****Punk Pics*****

Awesome but he has pink eybags. Is it normal ? I'd put it more skincolored


Yay it's normal. He always look tired and skincolor would not have the same effect

Posted (edited)

so here is zack ryder

so even if this looking shit it is still that the ingame one





thanks for ahmedios for the texture

Edited by Auday Alyafi™

These caws are awesome guys:) I downloaded the dean today, I'm having a fun time using him in game.


so we will be updating langston face and attires



and also zack ryder attires will be :

1-new tights

2-push me

3-i dont know the name but the electronic one :


and wwe'13 one


Don't forget to add the stripes on white big e attire that go on the shoulder part


ya i will make them directly on singlet now i m thinking to make singlets in parts cuz singlet isnt fitting from back side and also the logo

is lookin a bit stretched


ya i will make them directly on singlet now i m thinking to make singlets in parts cuz singlet isnt fitting from back side and also the logo

is lookin a bit stretched

yea that's the best way it just suck trying to fit everything back together

so here is what i am doing so far the whole f'n show ! it will have his money in the bank return attire

any suggestions except making the hair darker

i will add more detailings it is a 1st preview


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