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Instantly sucks when you falsely claim it to be "WWE 2K14 Debut Trailer HD (OFFICIAL)". It's not the Official Debut Trailer, it's a FAN MADE TRAILER, don't try to make it more than it is.

And yeah I did watch it, all you did was put some average at best music on and then throw in a few entrances from superstars. No type of game play at all (which basically EVERY Trailer shows some!) And then a list of previous games at the end.. Why the hell would Take Two advertise the THQ Franchise of games for their first game? Also what does that serve for the trailer?

Sorry but, all in all, 3/10


Well, Thanks For The FeedBack, And I Showed All The THQ Games To Show "A New Beginning," and If Take Two Would Mention THQ Games Why Would It Matter If There Out Of Business, There Done.


at least his trailer is better than the other ones I saw but its not the best and it may take a few months before we see the REAL official trailer of WWE 2K14


Same oppinion as MarvstaX, but I like the idea of the Rock's catchphrase and all that games shown (even though I hate the black background when you show the games and the logo at the end) Try to show some epic spots of some Superstars (Maybe recreate how Roman Reigns spears Kane through the barricade for the beginning) some Slo-Mo effects and some not-generic music, but all in all, I saw way worse,so...a good start, if you want to work on it, if this is the final product then...meh.

Posted (edited)

2 Words: Completely FAKE. LOL. But ANW Great Video Buddy.

Edited by HotavioH

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