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Community creations wont let me upload my textured caws or play online

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It says it contains content that can't be reuplodaded unless removed how do you get textured caws uploaded? I never heard of this


It says it contains content that can't be reuplodaded unless removed how do you get textured caws uploaded? I never heard of this

That's what you get for not using my CAW Editor to remove all download marks ...

Posted (edited)

I did use your caw editor i made em on my jtag then transfered to my retail buddy

Edited by legendkillerrbj

That's what you get for not using my CAW Editor to remove all download marks ...

To this day i don't understand what you mean by using your caw editor to remove the download marks, say i download HotavioH's Sabu off community creations, then what? and why can't we remove the download marks and still add renders to the caws using Pur3Raf3x's programme, don't snap my head off, i'm just a regular gamer who likes to sit down after work and play, i'm interested in adding to the game using your tools and such, some really good caws i can't use online, and you claim to get it to work after removing the download marks using your tool which i already have, please explain :)


To this day i don't understand what you mean by using your caw editor to remove the download marks, say i download HotavioH's Sabu off community creations, then what? and why can't we remove the download marks and still add renders to the caws using Pur3Raf3x's programme, don't snap my head off, i'm just a regular gamer who likes to sit down after work and play, i'm interested in adding to the game using your tools and such, some really good caws i can't use online, and you claim to get it to work after removing the download marks using your tool which i already have, please explain :)

If you use my tool properly, it does exactly what I say, all downloaded logos on the CAW become YOURS, you can make any downloaded CAFs on the CAW become non-downloaded, etc. You know how when you download a CAW and you go into the CAW editor in the game, and if you try to delete one logo, or add one logo, it tells you that ALL logos must be deleted first. Well, after my tool removes the download marks, that doesn't happen. The only thing my tool doesn't remove that is downloaded, are downloaded moves that you have in your moveset, although it does get rid of that and if you immediately copy it to another slot in your save using the copy function in the game, the moveset download mark IS removed, but you have to immediately do it, and immediately upload to CC before you enter the CAW editor in the game for the CAW.

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