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Searching for CAWs in CC/XBL

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How do you search for user created content in CC?

If I just type a name in, their stuff doesnt come up. what am I doing wrong?


Normally they put tags/keywords with their content to find them on the CC easier..Most of the dispaly names you see on the forums don't match their XBL/PSN names. Once you use one of the tags they provided and locate their caw(s), use the content by creator option to see all of their uploaded content.


Normally they put tags/keywords with their content to find them on the CC easier..Most of the dispaly names you see on the forums don't match their XBL/PSN names. Once you use one of the tags they provided and locate their caw(s), use the content by creator option to see all of their uploaded content.

i understand, the question I have,or what I'm not understanding is, how do u search their tags?


There's an option in the custom search bar right when you log onto the CC, where you can sort out what you are looking for caws/moves/arenas, etc. and by what's new/most downloaded etc. This is where you type in those tags in the Keyword section, remember to space them out if you are using more then one


You type in where it says Keyword. For example if you wanted a Superstar by Wolfgang then you'd do a search for Superstars most reviews and then for keywords type his name and then click search. once you get a list scroll and view til you find the person's name in which you want and then there's an option to view all their content.


awesome! thanks to you both! it be alot easier if CC worked like its supposed to...


Yeah that would big a big plus indeed, and you're welcome man glad to be of assistance ;)

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