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Where should Jason Alexander go from here? (Caw, Universe Mode idea)

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Okay so up until recently I hadn't really had any CAW that I made on every game besides a CAW I tried to resemble myself (just not the face.. i suck at that part of morphing lol). So for the past 10 or so days I've gone over the old SVR Games, starting from the original one (had to find my Ps2 for that lol), created a CAW and named him Jason Alexander.

A bit about Jason Alexander (i'll try to describe him as best I can since I can't take pictures with my console):

Appearance: 5 foot 7, toned physique, light tan, blue contact lenses, Medium length brown hair parted down the middle and brushed to either side, light facial hair combination with beard/sideburns/mustache, tribal tattoo up right arm. Wears Aviator Sunglasses, has a brown golfers style hat on (i dunno what you'd call it lol but in the hat selection it can be work front or back and the selection already has multiple colors to select it with before going into color selection) Left elbow has a pad over it, finger less gloves on both hands (undertaker style), Black muscle shirt with a brown over coat (while in backstage/cut scenes) and brown pants with black boots.

Home: Melbourne, Australia

Attitude: Feels he has more talent than others and that he has never been given a chance to truly shine. Has a sort of JBL feel to him as he comes across as very knowledgeable in regards to a lot of things, though also uses words nobody actually uses in reality like Damien Sandow does. Also while he is smaller than other competitors he is deceptively strong, sort of like how Antonio Cesaro looks limited in power yet can lift guys like Brodus Clay for the neutralizer.. Though he doesn't do any big power moves like a chokeslam or anything he is capable of doing Suplex/Powerbomb (randy orton rope rebound style) and some other lifting moves though mostly uses his speed.

Entrance: Rather basic nothing flashy he just makes his way to the ring, scoffs the crowd etc. Music is The River by Good Charlotte.

Debuted: Age 20 on Smackdown Vs. Raw.. Is Currently aged 35 on WWE '12.

Anyway, from SvR up until SvR '08 (went back to Ps3 on '08) he was used as a jobber/lower card performer. During those years he was used as I said, as a jobber though not on his own. He was used in Tag Team's (using other CAWs or even teaming up with Charlie Haas, Rico, Mark Jindrak, Jinder Mahal, Heindenreich and others) though none where really a set tag team they where just used to help give another team a victory for momentum. Note I did between 12 - 24 months on each game before moving to the next.

So anyway, skip forward to WWE '12 and Jason Alexander has been a 3 time WWE Tag Team Champion (Once with Daivari, Once with Paul London and once with another CAW), 1 Time WWE Hardcore Champion and 2 time United States Champion (currently holding the belt and has done so for the past 5 months), he has also sustained multiple injuries which have kept him on the shelf for about 6 years total of his career. I've been on WWE '12 for about 9 months Universe Time and in that time he has feuded with Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler (injured both) which then set up the feud with the Former United States Champion Batista and took the title from him.

I'm thinking of having Batista win the title back from Jason and also have either Jim Ross or Jerry Lawler interrupt in the match to get payback on Jason.. My other idea is to have a title match, have JR or JL interrupt and the match ends in dq. Then have another match and the person who didn't interrupt would then interrupt that match again having it end in dq. I'd then go into the PPV and have it as either a no DQ or Steel Cage match and have Batista win cleanly and also cause Jason to get Injured (I seem to have worked that out on WWE '12 lol).

By doing that I'd then give myself about a year or so game time to then have him appear on WWE '13.

Though this where I have drawn a blank. I don't know how to have him return. For his entire creation he has been a Heel (yeah I know he has only been around for like 2 weeks but game time wise he has been around for multiple years) and it suits him well. He's never looked to have turned face or done anything to hint at it but now I dunno if the time is right to change him if it's as a return from injury.

Also where should I put him? He has been a solid Mid-Card worker for the past 2 years game time and before that he was only a lower-mid card or jobber guy (all his tag team wins where flukes and lost them all in under a month).

I'm not sure if I should have him debut on '13 on NXT which would just drop him back down the order, if I let him debut on Superstars to help usher in his return or just drop him back into the main roster on Smackdown. I was also thinking of having him return at the Royal Rumble which is in 6 weeks on my current Universe or maybe leaving it for later and start having him interfere in matches but I'd give him a mask/attire change to keep his identity away from the other roster members etc. Then I'd probably just keep him on the Mid-Card and maybe give him a World Title push.

Though I was also thinking.. Should I start Jason Alexander from scratch in WWE '13? By which I mean, forget about what he did in the past games. After all, he has had a 15 year career so far and so he only has a few more years in him at best after all his injuries etc. So by restarting him I could have him work the ranks of NXT, move onto Smackdown or Raw and go at it again.

So what do you all think? What should I do with Jason Alexander? Should I keep going with him as he currently is and if so, how should he return and where should he be placed? Or should I just start his career over and build him up from NXT?

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