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How to Unlock the WWE '13 Save Game Data Utility for PS3


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Copy: An imitation or reproduction of an original

Paste: To move files, folders and selected text to another location

Save: To store (data) in a computer or on a storage device

Rename: to change the name of (someone or something)

Not sure what step is the issue here O-o

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So I've just tried doing this (I got the Savedata from InFamous which you have listed as being able to use) and when I go to use the ResignUS I get a System Error saying

"The Program can't start became MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer. Try re installing the program to fix this problem"

Anyway, I googled that and found out it's a C++ Redistribution Pack so I downloaded that. Anyway I went and tried it again and I got the SAME error. Any advice on what I might be doing wrong? (All I did was start the game, play for 5 minutes then saved it.... Should I try playing through a bit more?)

Also just noticed that in the Save Game Tools folder, there is already a template.sfo, does that need to be removed or just keep it and rename the Param.sfo to template2.sfo?

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Rename the Param.sfo to template.sfo and overwrite. Trying to work out the problem you've had, as there has been a few people not doing soemthing correct/using the right version of the US resign.

I posted an updated link on the previous page to a newer version of the resign tool http://smacktalks.org/forums/index.php/topic/39660-how-to-unlock-the-wwe-13-save-game-data-utility-for-ps3/page__view__findpost__p__349555

Other than that not sure.

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Okay well I just downloaded the updated version and tried it again, got the same message. I might try playing through the game a little more or maybe try another game from the list.

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Is a modified Playstation 3 console needed in order to use brienj's 360Haven-hosted Texture Importer, or do all retail Playstation 3s work with it? If the latter is so, what other hacks and programs would work? For example: Is making changing to titantrons and music-slots possible through Texture Importer / another program on a retail PS3 or...?

Thank you. I'd of course appreciate a reply.

EDIT - Also a thank you to whomever is working on the game. This includes any and all offline hackers. You're great.

Edited by wolfcarcass
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can this process used to unlock or resign other saves? and can Brien's program be used to import custom titantrons onto the PS3 version?

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There is a method to resign other PS3 users save's to use on your system yes, but not this method.

No Brien's program cannot import trons into the PS3.

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ok thanks man.

Damn , I've never been really good with the creation side of the paint tool even with the computer so that was the one thing I was really hoping for

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So the only hacks available right now for PS3 are the texture-injector and this game-save utility? It's not possible to import custom music over the music (data) on disc or titantrons? Thanks to anyone who takes the time to answer.

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No. The music and trons are on the disc and will always be read from the disc. You'd need the whole game installed on your hard drive to alter that stuff, which means you'd need a jailbroken ps3.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I Just got the game about 2 weeks ago and I need a little help. I seem to be doing everything correct but every time i start the game after i copy the file from my usb to the ps3 for the first time, wwe 13 says "the save data was someone else's, if you load you will not be able to save. Proceed to load?" I click no and then i go to save manager and save the game but when i exit the game i cant copy the wwe 13 file onto my usb. Copying is locked. Can you tell me how to fix this problem?

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Nevermind I figured out what I was doing wrong. I was saving the template file with the (2) instead of overwriting the first one. Thanks though. One last thing that im having trouble with, how do i get images onto paint tool? Do I need to download something? Can i find steps somewhere? By the way im using a ps3.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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