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Editing the Misc.pac to add additional attires

Miztah Raza

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Decided to dig around in the misc.pac today to explore the other attire codes. Here's what I found. A number of them are character specific, so won't be much use, but I've used the "secondary attire" to keep from having three "collectors" attires in a row. Hard to distinguish in the menu what attire you're selecting when you do that. Anyway, feel free to add it to your guide if you want.

WWE 13 Attire Codes:

Original - 09

APA - 0D

Collectors - 0B

With Jersey - 13

BITW T-shirt - 0E

Ice Cream T-shirt - 0F

Secondary Attire - 36 01

Suit - 0C

Work-Out Attire - 37 01

Brown Attire - 29

3:16 T-Shirt - 0A

One Sleeve - 3D 01

Two Sleeves - 38 01

Undertaker Disguise - 39 01

Debut Lighting - 3A 01

Edited by kidsampson
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If for example 3A 01 is used on CM Punk, will he have the red lighting? If not, how do you add it or even alternative attires like APA ones?

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These are just the available names that refer to additional attires. They're not the attires themselves. They serve as attire names on the selection screen so that you know which attire you're selecting. It does nothing more than label the additional attires you may add to a model.

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Let me try to explain.If you instead of put 09 you put 36 01.When you go to the selection screen to select the superstar that you have edited,instead of sayng "original" it will say "Secundary attire"

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These are just the available names that refer to additional attires. They're not the attires themselves. They serve as attire names on the selection screen so that you know which attire you're selecting. It does nothing more than label the additional attires you may add to a model.

Ah, was the "A number of them are character specific, so won't be much use" which made me think that. Wodner if its possible to make attire specific entrances like the APA ones on other attires.

Edited by jcsix
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No clue. As for the character specific part, I just didn't imagine many people would want to name attires "3:16 t-shirt" or "Undertaker Disguise" on wrestlers other than Stone Cold or Kane. "Secondary attire" or "collectors" could be useful for anyone.

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  • 4 weeks later...

hey man , i do this but i can only add 2 attires, can't go up to the third attire , did i miss something???

Edited by vin30419
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Just my pennies worth :) I go by the name Undertaker on the WLF or UndertakerWLF on OSR, I can see where Brienj is coming from since I am almost the same... in some respects. I am a PS3 modder however at the time of Brienjs 360 hacks there was know knowledge of how to do this on the PS3. I heard of Brienjs SVR2010 hack and worked out what he had done and applied it to my mods, It was hard work at first since I knew nothing of hex, DDS FILES, Headers etc...from spending time looking at these files and comparing them with unmodified files I learnt alot. I even keep a knowledge base of my documents and findings on my PC as well as a notebook with all the information I have found.

So heres my advise and what helped me:

1. When modding have a copy of the game you can use as a sandbox so you can test mods out. (this way you dont screw your main modded game up)

2. Don't be afraid to try anything, more often than not you learn from the fuckups.

3. Note down all that have learnt,

4.Explore the files and make a note of what is located where ( it will help you understand more)

5. Don't just rely on info or how to's from the next gen systems, the PS2 platform applys as well...any mods that work for the PS2 can sometimes also be made to work for the 360/PS3 if your willing to work hard enough.

Well that's all I can think of for now, apart from a thankyou to Brienj for that model importer I tested it out for a LOWM project of mine and the LOWM models work great :D2

Sorry for asking this so late, but what is this LOWM project you are talking about? :)

Edited by nikethebike
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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've made a program that does the all of that for you. It asks you for information about attires, IDs, etc. and produces the hex bytes for you! You simply have to copy them and paste them at the correct offset. I'd highly suggest reading the tutorial once though so you know what you're doing  ;)

Here's the program:


If you're completely lost in the program, read the above tutorial and then hover the textbox titles, tool tips will appear briefly guiding you  ;)

So have fun, you lazy cats.

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