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Editing the Misc.pac to add additional attires

Miztah Raza

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zhigge, I agree with you that the community will grow the more people learn how to do things for themselves. And I also agree that the more accessible that info is, the more contributors you can create. That's why, when I've had time, I've tried to write out thorough tutorials for some basic tasks that beginners might struggle with. But that also takes time, and then you have to provide support for those who run into problems or issues.

And you should also know that a lot of this knowledge had been recorded before and is being built upon year after year. For example, there were many useful tutorials on other forums before those threads were deleted or before forums went down completely. We also had some great resource threads with virtually any texture or resource you would need or could imagine. When that happens, you lose a lot of stuff that it's hard to get motivated to write, compile, upload, and create again. Good thing people like Miztah is around to fill that need for those just coming aboard this year.

And as a companion to his tutorial, here's a chart to help with the hex conversion that I assembled: http://smacktalks.org/forums/index.php/topic/40361-misc-pac-hex-editing-guide/page__hl__misc__fromsearch__1. As you can see, people do try to help.

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zhigge, I agree with you that the community will grow the more people learn how to do things for themselves. And I also agree that the more accessible that info is, the more contributors you can create. That's why, when I've had time, I've tried to write out thorough tutorials for some basic tasks that beginners might struggle with. But that also takes time, and then you have to provide support for those who run into problems or issues.

And you should also know that a lot of this knowledge had been recorded before and is being built upon year after year. For example, there were many useful tutorials on other forums before those threads were deleted or before forums went down completely. We also had some great resource threads with virtually any texture or resource you would need or could imagine. When that happens, you lose a lot of stuff that it's hard to get motivated to write, compile, upload, and create again. Good thing people like Miztah is around to fill that need for those just coming aboard this year.

And as a companion to his tutorial, here's a chart to help with the hex conversion that I assembled: http://smacktalks.or..._fromsearch__1. As you can see, people do try to help.

Good points. I'd like to add, that if people are really dedicated to learning things about the game, this is what they should do -

1) Record EVERYTHING I say

2) Compile this info

3) Create a tutorial so the info is kept fresh for you and others

4) Repeat

If people want info, this is all they have to do. I know that sometimes I have said things on possibly another forum, but as far as DLC goes, I know I've made at least 4 or 5 posts about it here.

The same thing goes for anything El Buvor says, as he tells many things about the arena hacking, where things are found, and in what file. And we may sound like dicks sometimes, but he and I are about the only people that search for things and find them. Why can't anyone else do the same? Even without special tools being made, everybody has access to a hex editor. Where do you think all the base info comes from? That I magically just knew where something was? No, I had to find it in a hex editor usually. Plus, I can Google anything I need help on. It's really amazing the things you can find if you look hard enough. That's how I made the plugin. Nobody taught me, I had to find all the info on my own,. But this is one thing that really bothers me, because I feel like the Little Red Hen ...

Edited by brienj
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Just my pennies worth :) I go by the name Undertaker on the WLF or UndertakerWLF on OSR, I can see where Brienj is coming from since I am almost the same... in some respects. I am a PS3 modder however at the time of Brienjs 360 hacks there was know knowledge of how to do this on the PS3. I heard of Brienjs SVR2010 hack and worked out what he had done and applied it to my mods, It was hard work at first since I knew nothing of hex, DDS FILES, Headers etc...from spending time looking at these files and comparing them with unmodified files I learnt alot. I even keep a knowledge base of my documents and findings on my PC as well as a notebook with all the information I have found.

So heres my advise and what helped me:

1. When modding have a copy of the game you can use as a sandbox so you can test mods out. (this way you dont screw your main modded game up)

2. Don't be afraid to try anything, more often than not you learn from the fuckups.

3. Note down all that have learnt,

4.Explore the files and make a note of what is located where ( it will help you understand more)

5. Don't just rely on info or how to's from the next gen systems, the PS2 platform applys as well...any mods that work for the PS2 can sometimes also be made to work for the 360/PS3 if your willing to work hard enough.

Well that's all I can think of for now, apart from a thankyou to Brienj for that model importer I tested it out for a LOWM project of mine and the LOWM models work great :D2

Edited by WWFfanatic
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  1. Inject any PACHs that you want(We edited the misc.pac so that chris jericho has 2 attires, so we can add chris' 00010402 and 00010404 PACHs into the dummy.pac, rename the the PACHs accordingly, and this will count as 1character(because 00010404 is actually an entrance attire which does not matter in the misc.pac) and another PACH files of his(texture modded or whatever) into another slot and rename the slot to 00010412 and if you want to add an entrance attire to that, inject another PACH into the slot underneath it and rename the slot to 00010414, etc.)

could someone explain this bit to me please

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zhigge, I agree with you that the community will grow the more people learn how to do things for themselves. And I also agree that the more accessible that info is, the more contributors you can create. That's why, when I've had time, I've tried to write out thorough tutorials for some basic tasks that beginners might struggle with. But that also takes time, and then you have to provide support for those who run into problems or issues.

And you should also know that a lot of this knowledge had been recorded before and is being built upon year after year. For example, there were many useful tutorials on other forums before those threads were deleted or before forums went down completely. We also had some great resource threads with virtually any texture or resource you would need or could imagine. When that happens, you lose a lot of stuff that it's hard to get motivated to write, compile, upload, and create again. Good thing people like Miztah is around to fill that need for those just coming aboard this year.

And as a companion to his tutorial, here's a chart to help with the hex conversion that I assembled: http://smacktalks.or..._fromsearch__1. As you can see, people do try to help.

I'll add that to O.P for ease of access if you want :)

And @kidsampson and @brienj, you're making me blush :p

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Feel free, Miztah.

And I like what Undertaker did on the PS3 and wish he was batting for our own team over here on the 360 side. : )

Well, I remember him saying something about getting a JTAG around new year, 2013(or was it september or perhaps christmas?).

Edited by Miztah Raza
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Unfortunatley my funds are very limited still, I have a 360 slim but it's updated to the latest firmware, I have recently got my PS3 downgraded again though.. I will get a Jtag someday though lol :)

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My brother has a spare 360. Sitting in a room, not being used. Won't give it to me. :angry: I may have to employ some form of torture...

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when i add a 4th attire to austin using the suit code 0A it shows up as austin3:16 t-shirt. i just had a look at his second attire code and its 0A aswell by default.

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but mistake or daniel bryan does not exist in misc.pac? lol

daniel bryan: ch324 to decimal = 144 to hex = 0x90

not exist this valor in misc.pac or I am blind?

Edited by canaus
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If I see improper naming conventions used for hexadecimal numbers one more time, I'm going to go crazy.

If you write a hexadecimal number, you write it with 0x before the number, here is an example -

0x12 = 18 in decimal

However if you write it like this -

12 = 12 in decimal

Please use the correct naming convention people, thank you ...

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If I see improper naming conventions used for hexadecimal numbers one more time, I'm going to go crazy.

If you write a hexadecimal number, you write it with 0x before the number, here is an example -

0x12 = 18 in decimal

However if you write it like this -

12 = 12 in decimal

Please use the correct naming convention people, thank you ...

0x324=144 in decimal right?

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When you convert a ch number into hex and the result is a 2 digit number, what trick should I use?

Cesaro has CH83_dlc03

83 convert to hex = 53 then add 0 ? 053 > is exactly?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey im really a noob regarding MODS....

But i would really like to know more, so please help. I have for the last 3 days tried to add CM punks royal rumble attire in to my game. But will not work. Whenever i put the pac into HxD there is a shit lot of numbers and doesn't look like the one above. When i press ctrl + f and search cos, it just shows more confusing numbers. I have been searching google for help but cant get it to work, what am i missing. I have been reading something about compressing and decompressing but i dont know have to do any of it. Then i downloaded x-packer but i cant the Plist360.arc file. Please help me!

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