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Everyone Who Wants A .pac Editor, Read This....

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As most of us know, finding great codes would be a heck of a lot easier with some kind of .PAC editor/viewer. The problem is, no such thing currently exists....At least that we know of. Well here is the thing, I just discovered this program called Dragon Unpacker, it can be used to unpack like hundreds of PC games. Now, obviously, HCTP is a PS2 game, but the guy who wrote the program obviously has a real skill and could easily make it so we could at least view the HCTP files. He has a forum on his page, I suggest everyone who cares about seeing great codes to check it out and politely ask if he would be willing to crack the file format for us. We only really need to be able to view the contents, editing the files would be great, but let's not get too greedy. If he should agree to crack it for us, Someone could send him one of the .PAC files to work with, a small file under a meg would be ideal, and if we all asked nice enough, we might get lucky. I know it seems like a long shot, but it's really our only option, nobody has made a .PAC editor yet, and after three PS2 SD! games, it doesn't look like they will. At least here, the editor is already made, we just need the guy to create a plugin. Here's the site:


Anyone interested should check it out....


I do not have a dvd rom, but after looking at the Dragon Unpacker 4 & 5, .pac for one game was supported. If its a free download it would be worth at least checking out.


Dragon Unpacker is one of those programs that was "Close, but no cigar". It actually has several versions of .PAC supported, but none of them are compatible with HCTP. That's why I suggested everyone kindly ask the guy to crack the HTCP .PAC format, becuase he has done it countless times with other games....


>: no chance in hell guys i am some what of a programmer and tried it dont see any way to convert it over to what we need, ill keep trying on it, sooner or later somebody will get it to go :/

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