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WWE '13 Requests Thread


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<p style="text-align: center"><span rel="lightbox"><img alt="Posted Image" class="bbc_img" src="

http://i49.tinypic.com/25yyxl3.png" /></span>

<span rel="lightbox"><img alt="Posted Image" class="bbc_img" src="http://www.wwe.com/f/styles/photo_large/public/photo/image/2012/11/RAW_1017_Photo_176.jpg" /></span>

<u><strong><span style="font-size: 24px;">Rules for Requesting on Smacktalks</span></strong></u>

<strong>1. All and any type of requests MUST be posted inside this topic pertaining to WWE '13. </strong>

Failure to do so will result in a warning and closing of your topic. This only avoids cluttering of topics and keeps the forum clean.

<strong>2. All posts MUST adhere to the format posted below.</strong>

Failure to comply will result in deletion of the post.

<strong>3. Please include as many details as you can when requesting given that they abide by the format.</strong>

This only helps members to fulfill your request. If you need a CAW made, please provide the name of the CAW, the system you want it on, the attires, and your contact information. Be careful when choosing to provide contact information as this is an open forum.

<strong>4. If your request has been completed, please update your post by saying so to avoid confusion.</strong>

By doing this, you let us know your request has been completed and your post can now be deleted.

<strong>5. Please avoid making any other posts other than your request post to give everyone a fair chance.</strong>

Do note all requests will be monitored regardless of its position on the page.

<strong>6. Refrain from asking to make nude CAWS.</strong>

This immaturity has led THQ to maintain its crotch blur in this latest installment and as of this writing, there is no way to evade it.

<strong>7. You are only allowed to post once in this thread and edit it unless your post has been completed.</strong>

Do not casually start a conversation with other members on this topic. This is what it is implied to be. A request thread. Spamming <u>WILL NOT</u> be tolerated.

<strong>8. Remember to periodically update your post and check your PM to see if it has been answered.</strong>

This helps avoid cluttering which is the sole reason for the purpose of this thread anyways.

<strong>9. Reference pictures and videos MUST be wrapped in spoiler tags.</strong>

This will reduce in elongation of pages.

<strong>10. Please remember to visit the rules from time to time as they will be updated.</strong>

There will be a notification at the bottom which lets members know the last time the rules were given an update.</p>

<strong>11. Please DO NOT copy and paste the example information provided below. Failure to comply will result in an infraction.</strong>

The least you can do besides abiding by the format is be independent and apply some work in your requests. You want to show the creator that you really would like your request to be answered.


<p style="text-align: center"><u><strong><span style="font-size: 24px;">Format for Requesting on Smacktalks</span></strong></u>

<strong><u>EXAMPLE</u> for a CAW:</strong></span></span>

Name: Jeff Hardy
System: XBox 360
Attires: WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role; WWE Monday Night RAW June 24, 2002; WWE Monday Night RAW July 15, 2009; Royal Rumble 2009
Ref Pics: [spoiler][img]http://psxmedia.ign.com/media/news2/image/smackcount2/jhardy_intro.jpg[/img[img]http://psxmedia.ign.com/media/news2/image/smackcount2/jhardy_intro2.jpg[/img]
Contact Information: PM, XBL Screen name, Email Address, Facebook URL, etc.

Include an anecdote about your request such as the following:

"I would really appreciate if someone were to create this CAW for me as I cannot locate a decent one.

Thank you very much."[/code] <strong><u>EXAMPLE</u> for a Texture:</strong>
[code]Name: Jeff Hardy SvR 2010 Face Texture
System: XBox 360
Ref Pics: [spoiler]http://i41.tinypic.com/oa2j9l.jpg[/spoiler]
Contact Information: PM, XBL Screen name, Email Address, Facebook URL, etc.

"I have been searching high and low for this texture. However, no one has physically been able to make or import this. Can someone please make this for me?

Thank you."
<strong><u>EXAMPLE </u>for a Paint Tool:</strong>
Name: Jeff Hardy Bloodline T-Shirt
System: XBox 360
Ref Pics: [spoiler][img]http://www.amerchandise.co.uk/store/images/uploads/TNA%20Shirts/TNA_Shirt_Jeff_Hardy_Bloodline.jpeg[/img][/spoiler]
Contact Information: PM, XBL Screen name, Email Address, Facebook URL, etc.

"I was a fan of the Immortal Angle TNA did with Jeff Hardy. I am currently in the process of looking for his Bloodline t-shirt but I had no luck. Can someone please make this for me? I'd be really grateful.

Thank you."[/code] <strong><u>EXAMPLE</u> for a Custom Arena:</strong>
[code]Name: WWE Armageddon 2008
System: Xbox 360
Ref Pics: [img=http://www.safway.com/images/Projects/WWEPittsburgh.jpg]
Contact Information: PM, XBL Screen name, Email Address, Facebook URL, etc.

"I still remember when my hero Jeff Hardy ascended into super stardom and captured the richest prize of this business in this high stakes match-up against two bonafied legends.

I want to replicate this moment in WWE '13. However, for me to do so, I need someone to create an Armageddon 2008 arena for me. I would be honored is someone were to take their time and make this.

Thank you very much!"
<strong><u>EXAMPLE</u> for a Move-set:</strong>
Name: Jeff Hardy Attitude Era
System: XBox 360
Contact Information: PM, XBL Screen name, Email Address, Facebook URL, etc.

"There are no decent move-sets for Jeff Hardy on Community Creations. I require an accurate move-set which spans Jeff Hardy throughout the years of 1999-2002 in the WWF/WWE."

"It would be much appreciated.[/code] <strong><u>EXAMPLE</u> for a Special Move:</strong>
[code]Name: Jeff Hardy's Swanton Bomb
System: XBox 360
Contact Information: PM, XBL Screen name, Email Address, Facebook URL, etc.

"The default Swanton Bomb in the game is too lackluster. I want a Swanton Bomb in the game with a little enthusiasm. Can someone PM this to me once it is on Community Creations?

Thanks a lot!"
<strong><u>EXAMPLE</u> for a Story:</strong>
Name: Jeff Hardy's Return to TNA
Contact Information: PM, XBL Screen name, Email Address, Facebook URL, etc.

"I was truly shocked when I saw Jeff Hardy appear on the live January 4th edition of TNA iMPACT! Will someone please make a story with his early feuds when he returned to the company?"

Thank you so much."[/code]

<strong>Last updated:</strong> 11/25/12

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Note: Could the following arenas and superstars come with formulas as I no longer have Xbox Live.


Name: William Regal

System: Xbox 360

Attires: WWE '12; 2007 Raw General Manager; Recent 2012 Singlet

Reference Pictures:





I would really like William Regal I think he was a good superstar but he didn't get the recognition he deserved. I would like to give him credit on WWE '13.

Name: Batista

System: Xbox 360

Attires: WWE '12; Evolution; Suit

Reference Pictures:




I would like Batista because I cannot find a decent one without hacked textures.

Name: Drew McIntyre

System: Xbox 360

Attires: Smackdown Vs Raw 2011; Suit; 3MB

Reference Pictures:





I would like Drew McIntyre because I have a faction called The Band on WWE '13 which consists of Jinder Mahal and Heath Slater. I really want Drew McIntyre to be a part of that and I want to rename the faction 3MB.

Name: Alex Riley

System: Xbox 360

Attires: WWE '12 Attire; Jacket; Suit

Reference Pictures:




I really want Alex Riley because I think he has a ton of potential but hasn't been showcased enough in the WWE

Name: Tommy Dreamer

System: Xbox 360

Attires: Original ECW

Reference Pictures:




I really want Tommy Dreamer simply because he is an ECW Original

Name: Roman Reigns

System: Xbox 360

Attires: NXT; The Shield (Survivor Series 2012); The Shield (Raw Interview)

Reference Pictures:





I really want Roman Reigns because there is already really good CAWs of Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins and I really want Roman Reigns to complete The Shield on WWE '13.

Name: Goldberg

System: Xbox 360

Attires: WCW Attire; Suit; Civilian Attire (Leather Jacket)

Reference Pictures:





I would really like Goldberg because I cannot locate a decent one without facial textures.

Out of all of the CAWS I would really like Batista, Roman Reigns and Goldberg.


Name: TNA Impact Wrestling

System: Xbox 360

Reference Pictures:




I am thinking of making a new TNA brand on my universe mode and I really want a weekly Impact Wrestling on my schedule. This is why I would like someone to create Impact Wrestling for me.

Name: Main Event

System: Xbox 360

Reference Pictures: These are the only ones I could find which are from another creation.





I would really like this arena as WWE Games and THQ failed to put this in WWE '13

Name: FCW

System: Xbox 360

Reference Pictures:



I would like this arena because before NXT's revamp this was the development facility. I was thinking of putting all of my young and potential world champions on this brand.

Name: Tribute To The Troops

System: Xbox 360

Reference Pictures:





I would really like to have Tribute To The Troops on WWE '13 because I believe that this is a very important and significant event in the WWE.

Out of all of the arenas I would really like Main Event and Tribute To The Troops.

So those were my requests. I know probably not all of them can be done but I would like most of them to be done please. I have hope that this will be read as Sunny Dre Carter III said that regardless of the position, it will be read. Thanks in advance!

Contact Details:

PM on Smacktalks.org (http://smacktalks.or...er/32346-nazza/)

JamesQuartz1 on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/user/JamesQuartz1)

Edited by Nazza
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Name: Sam Shaw Tattoo

System: XBox 360

Ref Pics:


Contact Information: PM, XBL Screen name: DaTattedNerd, tjeneration87@yahoo.com,

" Cam someone please upload this to CC thank you also it is in png format

Thank you."

Edited by DaTattedNerd
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Name: Triple H

System: Xbox360

contact:PM, XBL / Rightfulsirup

Attires: Triple H COO Suit




I was finally able to get a decent one on XBL that I can use for my create a story. .If anyone else would like to use it PM, and I'll put the formula on here.. It's not the best, but it will suffice for what I need him for...

Thank you.


Edited by sir-up
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Name: Kronik (WCW Team)

System: PS3

Ref Pics: [spoiler][img] KRONIK01.jpg

[img] kronikdn7.jpg

[img] brianadams_display_image.jpg?1308014074

[img] clark.jpg

Contact Information: PM, Scorpie3006(Playstation Network), mail: theanthonysting@gmail.com,

I would really appreciate if someone were to create this CAW for me as I cannot locate a decent one, one of Brian Adams and the others for Bryan Clark.

Thank you very much.

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Make a separate forum for this. This doesn't work.

WWE '13 Creation Requests

REQ: CAW - Batista w/ 3 Attires | Xbox 360 [OPEN]

CAW Request: Batista

System: Xbox 360

Attires: WWE '12 | Evolution | Suit

Additional Information: [ Additional Information ]

[ Reference Pictures ]

When the request is deemed completed by either the original poster or by a member of staff - in cases the original poster doesn't reply - the post is edited to have the title changed to [CLOSED] or [COMPLETE], whatever works. The creation is then edited into the original post for easy access to others. Having all this in one thread and relying on the PM system is redundant.

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I was hoping someone can do the members from the shield I.e. dean Ambrose , roman reigns, and Seth Rollins in their attire they been wearing to jump ryback please and thank you

Ps for the Xbox 360

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Now that textures can be imported, can I request the following:

Name: Maryse

System: 360

Name: Michelle McCool

System: 360

Both with their face textures from WWE 12 so they look more realistic.

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name: mike tyson wwe 13 face texture

system: xbox 360

tyson texture.jpg

and please can u give me the paint file when its made

and tyson kidds hair:


Edited by OrangeChrome
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Caw Request : The Rock

System: Playstation 3

Attires: 2002 Icon vs Icon, 2003 Hollywood Rock, 2004 Return Wrestlemania 20 Rock.

Ref pics:

Icon vs Icon:


Hollywood Rock :


Wrestlemania 20 Rock:


Contact Information: DMAN870-NlOCK (PSN), Thomasishmail@ymail.com (E-mail), Birdmanbaby1000 (youtube account)

I would really appreciate if someone were to create this CAW for me as I cannot locate a decent one in games now. I want to make a Story with it and use it in my WWE universe.

Thank you very much.

Edited by Thedeadmanrising
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Caw Request : Christian

System: WWE 13 Playstation 3

Attires: Years 2001-2003 (2 Attires)

Ref pics:

Attire 1: http://www.j-reso.co...82001_00011.jpg


Attire 2: http://photos.imagee...ian%20P-736.jpg

Contact Information: c8n.christian@gmail.com, C8N_Christian (PSN)

I would really appreciate if someone were to create this CAW for me as I cannot locate a decent one in games now. This "Post-Invasion" attire of this wrestler is my favorite. But we have current Christian and the one from Attitude Era, and it makes me feel that it's enough for everyone (except me) and they don't need another one.

Edited by SaintChristian
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Hi everyones!

I have 2 requests caw please...

Caw request: Aksana

System: Playstation 3

Attires: I don't know the years



(it's the same attire, but 2 poses)

Caw request: Batista

System: Plastation 3

Attires: 2010


Contact information: julov3ur@hotmail.fr (Specify in the subject that it is about the request caw please)

"I would really appreciate if someone were to create this CAW for me as I cannot locate a decent one. I like very much they caw, and I I am incapable to make a good creation... Thank you very much for your kindness."

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Hi everyones!

I have 2 requests caw please...

Caw request: Aksana

System: Playstation 3

Attires: I don't know the years



(it's the same attire, but 2 poses)

Caw request: Batista

System: Plastation 3

Attires: 2010


Contact information: julov3ur@hotmail.fr (Specify in the subject that it is about the request caw please)

"I would really appreciate if someone were to create this CAW for me as I cannot locate a decent one. I like very much they caw, and I I am incapable to make a good creation... Thank you very much for your kindness."

Are you french ?

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Name: RVD with

Attire: impact when he defended his x-division title against austin aries the cool skull attire

Console: PS3


heres a vid with the

the attire im talking about

Edited by LordSpawn
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