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Maybe A Way For Hogan And Other Guys


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well since sym and hctp are run by the same engine and we can put music from our computer and music from sym into the game right? so since the game is run on the same engine and shit and the fact that hctp is almost the same thing as sym could we just convert some of the guys from sym into hctp? example is if we want hogan we take the sym disk in the pc and shit and extract all of the hulksters shit and then we take out like shieks stuff and rename hogans file to the same exact name as shieks and put that into the game and save it up? by hogan stuff i mean model only or something like that. and I know someones gonna say its called caws

Edited by thegodfather
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yea, right if that is possible (9999999-1 says its not) then i want f**kin ddp in the game cuz i like page, goldberg, steiner, booker t, and sting, but i made a sting...so i want page for now.....Aint Gonna Happen

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i forgot who i didi it with but lets not get too off topic cause i wanna see if this could work or something because there is a preety good chance it will. the bad thing is my dvd burner broke freeking a week ago before i thought of this! >: >: >: :(

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hey i'm pretty sure this works because it would make sence seeing as though these two games are pretty much the same thing seeing as how hctp is just like an updated version of sym

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same shizznit for burnin music on hctp slus file, dvd burner, sym and hctp and to read wut i posted above about how to do this. it dosn't have to be iron shiek it could be anyone on the game. i couldn't post wut you need earlier cuz i was at school and last night i had basketball.

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prove it does work, you cant, it never worked...it wont work, but if you insist on making an ass out of yourself, be my guest

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i think ur the one making an ass out of himself no one ever argued with you don't even have to read or respond to this if you don't care. maybe there are people who actually will try this so i can prove you wrong. there hers ur argument happy? i want a divorce!!!

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I'd love to see this work but one thing I was thinking is that If you were to relace the sheiks file with hogans wouldnt you have just written over the sheiks pic for selection screen aswell and there would be none for hogan in there so the game might freeze up. I hope someone can get this to work though!

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actually this won't replace shieks pic but only his model. for the moveset use default70 or use the code that will give hogan the real entrance that is is name and stuff. andsir this won't be just drag and drop ur right. first we gotta burn both games then find the ps2 dis file or whatever it is for both games then take out the file for hogans model from sym and rename it to the same name as the file for iron shieks. simply extract the old shiek and put in the new hogan and viola still has shieks picture and stats but simple use a name change and stat modifier for the shik character and we got us a hogan fully playable and or other superstars from sym! and by the way stop flamin me about wantin someone try this it'll work and if it don't than you have the authority to ban me from smacktalks

Edited by thegodfather
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Impossible. Why? Becuase all game info is located within the .PAC files. There is currently no program availible to the public that can edit .PAC files. We can edit the music files becuase they are in .AFS/.ADX format and we just so happen to have an editor for that. So, yes, this is impossible. Besides if we had the .PAC editor we could just find the models for Hogan and the rest ourselves. I highly doubt that they were removed. After all, we haven't found HHH and Flair in the suits yet have we? But we know for a fact that the models are in the game, just a matter of finding them....

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Exactly what Rob said. They will be in the .pac files, I had a look at this myself a while ago. We can change around the sound files, but for everything else we need to make a .pac editor first. Then and only then will we be able to do this. Surely if there have been editors for other format PS2 files, one can be made..Just got to find someone who is willing to do it..:\

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If anyone really cares, hit Google and do a search for .PAC file editors, viewers, ect. If enough people looked, we may find some barely known program that would let us at least view the contents. I actually thought I found a compatible program a while back, it was made for the PS1, but it was made for 2D games like street fighter and the other Capcom fighters. But there was only like one page on all of Google that offered this program, it was a bust, but who knows what else is out there....

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