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Viva La Résistance! [HELP ME!]

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I'm new here to the forums, and a total noob in CAWs.

These last couple of days i've been working in the Caws of Rene Dupree, Sylvain Grenier and Robért Conway but no matter how hard i try, the faces of the three of them are my problem (specially the mouth)

I'm gonna to ask for help, for tips, for corrections in the face formula i'm going to post.

I know that WWE 12 is outdated, but its the game i'm playing now and i want to learn how to make some good CAWs.

I don't have XBL, nor a good camera to post the pics, so here are the formulas:

--Sylvain Grenier--

Head: 5, -2, 0

Cranium: -35, -100, -10, 5

Eyebrows: -100, -100, 45, 35

Eyes: 19, 23, 5, -4, 5, 100, 0

Nose: -20, 48, 21, 10, 6, 19, 0, 0

Cheeks: -100, -100, -100, -100

Mouth: 15, -25, -10, 0, -2, -40, -10

Jaw: -17, -15, -25, -44, 0, 0

Ears: 0, 0, 0, 0

--Robért Conway--

Head: -5, 1, 0

Cranium: 10, -80, -20, -9

Eyebrows: -100, 25, -5, 75

Eyes: -10, 10, 15, -11, 0, 100, 0

Nose: -15, 25, 30, -15, 7, 9, 0, 0

Cheeks: -100, -100, -100, -100

Mouth: 30, -35, -53, 10, 50, -100, 15

Jaw: -20, -10, -10, -30, 20, -50

Ears: 0, 0, 0, 0

--Rene Dupree--

Head: 22, -10, 0

Cranium: -40, -100, -20, 2

Eyebrows: -100, 100, 0, -30

Eyes: 15, 35, -25, 0, -10, 40, -15

Nose: -60, 100, 20, 0, 45, 45, 0, 0

Cheeks: -100, -100, -100, -100

Mouth: 50, -55, -15, 10, 58, -60, -5

Jaw: -50, -20, -6, -31, -35, -10

Ears: 0, 0, 0, 0

Any help and feedback will be welcome.

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