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WWE '13 Preview: Create-An-Arena

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Embedded above you can find a video preview of Create-an-Arena in WWE '13, or continue reading for the written transcript.

Upon loading up this year's Create-an-Arena mode you'll be greeted with 3 categories to select before being able to apply customisations, they are:

The Stage you'd like to use, the size of your arena which includes indoor and outdoor options and the type of crowd.

Starting with the stage you'll have 20 preset designs to choose from which are the same stage designs that were shown in the photo that was leaked a few months back.

The available stage designs are:

Last Year's Custom Arena Stage

Royal Rumble '98

RAW '97

Survivor Series '97

One Night Only

Over The Edge '98

King of the Ring '98

SummerSlam '98

Judgement Day '98

Survivor Series '98

Rock Bottom '98

St. Valentines Day Massacre '99

WrestleMania XV

Smackdown Oval Arena

RAW 2002

Judgement Day 2004

SummerSlam 2004

Smackdown 2006

RAW 2006

Custom Stage Design 2

When selecting one of the stages you'll also have additional views available so you can view the stage from different angles before deciding if it's the one you want.

Once you've chosen your stage it's time to move on to choosing the size of your arena, of which there are 5 options, 3 of which are indoor arenas, they are:

- Regular

- Independent

- Large

There's also 2 outdoor options available:

- Tribute to the Troops

- WrestleMania IX

The one disappointing thing here is that there wasn't the small high school gym option that had been mentioned as all of the arenas are still pretty big.

Finally the last option is to choose a Current Day or Attitude Era crowd, which depending on your choice will see the crowd in the arena turn up in shirts from that specific era.

Once you have these options set it's time to begin customising your arena, starting with the stage area that you previously selected.

Now I know IGN had previously said that you could for example "paste in the SummerSlam logo in place of the fist" when speaking on the Smackdown fist arena, however this is not the case.

The way that you customise the stages aside from adding the standard logo designs is by turning on or off certain stage elements or by scrolling through some preset options, of which each stage had different elements available to customise so you'll need to select the stage which best suits what your wanting to create.

As an example, when editing the Smackdown Fist arena the options available are:


This is one of the stage specific options and gives you the choice of removing the fist.


Allows you to choose whether to show the Superstar's entrance videos in the arena.


Allows you to choose whether to show mini-trons in the arena.


This allows you to remove the stage wall or select an alternate look.


This removes part of the staging or allows you to change the look of it.

Stage Panel

This gives you the option to customise the lower sides of the stage at each side of the ramp.


With this option you can change the colour of the ramp or choose to add designs to it, but there's no option to remove the ramp.


This option allows you to change the lighting around the stage and also the arena, so you can even choose the ring light and switch it from the standard white light to green, blue, red, yellow, purple, orange, dark blue or another white light variant, of which there are 10 lighting options in total.

Now a lot of these are specific to the Smackdown fist stage, but other stages will have different options, such as the RAW 2002 arena in which you can change the look of the scaffolding at either side of the stage, or remove parts entirely.

Moving on to the ring area and this is exactly the same as last year, but there are new logos available in the Arena logos option, which see's...

2 WCW logos


SummerSlam 2000


RAW '02

Smackdown 2002

No Mercy


Cyber Sunday

Taboo Tuesday


All of the WrestleMania logos including a locked WrestleMania logo placed after WM28 (which is likely to be next year's WM29 logo) are also included.

We also have new nameplates for all of the real world PPV's including both current and attitude era shows which accompany all of last year's custom nameplates, giving you 50 nameplates to choose from.

Source: Smacktalks.org


Shame there wasn't a pre-set Wrestlemania 17 stage. #9 looks to be the best fit, add the wrestlemania logo on the two screens/banners (can't really tell), blue lighting around the stage, custom logos for the ring apron, no minitrons, attitude crowd.

  • 2 months later...

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