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Posted (edited)

No. Kind of looks like Somoa Joe though.

Edited by DominusPrime

Dave Batista:


excellent work man i love it


I can see Batista in it, but i'm not a fan of that skin.


I'm gonna be awkward and say I preferred the other one, it definitely looked a look more Batista like.

How are you getting on with his tattoos?


I'll probably go back to the previous tone and the tattoo work is done.... just finalizing the body morphing atm before showing them but they'll be previewed shortly. I actually did Batista last yr and decided why not try converting him since there's so many users that don't like the version we have this yr.

  • 1 month later...

I can see Batista but I keep looking at the neck, it looks really small in terms of the width which makes the face look too big.

Posted (edited)

I can see where you're coming from with this and I have two different slots tied up for Batista the old one I started with and then a new one which i just copied to a free spot then messed with so in the event it didn't look right I wouldn't lose previous saved changes.... However here's the thing I'm really struggling with atm....My Capture device seems to be screwing things up because it's been stretching stuff in the preview options and it's really trowing the way it looks off... I might look for Updated software online and see if there's a driver download of some kind that has more stable settings

Anyhow Here's a few changes:


Edited by Damussman
  • 2 weeks later...

PDo you have ifa formula for this you can pm me


I have a formula for it but I'm not quite satisfied with his face as yet. Also you'll have to draw or download his tattoos and such like I did since I suck at trying to use the paint tool option in the game. I'll probably be trying the current face figure off a different template just to see if it looks better then current preview either tonight or tomorrow but yeah at that point the formula will be available.


Could you make his head a little longer and reduce some thickness from his eyes? It's still very recognisable!

  • 2 weeks later...

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