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Can Somebody help me again?(XBOX 360)

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Could somebody help me please?????

I have a problem. l looked the youtube video"How to create a realistic render" ([mesdia]


but i have 2 problems.

1st: l won't download the "Adobe Photoshop" because I would have to pay for this.

2nd: Because l haven't the "Adobe PS" l can't need/use the NvIdia plugin.

All right. l have try all but it don't work.

l have the "Paint Shop Pro 7" (it is downloadeble as freeware) and downloaded a DDS/DDS(DXT5) (http://www.softpedia...Converter.shtml) converter and the "WWE12CAWeditor" . But it don't work and l don't know why could you help me please? l lost all my CAWs because my Xbox said "data crashed" and it deleted all. Please help me.

If you have an idea or you know how could you say it to me?

Thank you time^^


Do you mean that it can work?

which should l download? there are many links? this is a freeware right? that means i could use the Nvida lugin right?

If you say which is the best link and it's a freeware l'll test it out^^

Thx a lot

  • 4 weeks later...

All right I downloaded this link The Adobe Photoshop CS4 and the Nvidia plugin.

I watched the video many times and I did do it EXACTLY like in the video.

But it don't work.

I did it so:

1. Load the WWE12 game and make a new data.

2. Create a CAW

3. Take an USB stick and load one CAW on it.

4. Prepare with the PS and CAWeditor12 the render.

5. With Xtaf open the USB drive with the WWE12 data.

6. Delete the folder 00000001 and inject new fold (fertige CAWs) with the finished CAWs

7. Rename the folder to 00000001

8. Load the Data (on the stick is only this CAW(s) ) back to the Xbox

9. Overwrite the CAWs (the old to the new CAWs)

10.Start WWE12

-> Conclution: WWE 12 says: The created superstar data is damaged or not available. Overwrite or delete the WWE12 created superstar data?

Please help me....

What did/do I wrong??

I hope you can understand my english


Try renaming the folder before you drag it into Xtaf.

Also, i'm not sure what you mean by...

9. Overwrite the CAWs (the old to the new CAWs)

If you've already copied the folder to the USB, what are you overwriting?


if I create (on the xbox) 3< Caws I copy one on the USB stick, to have the folder, there are 2< on the Xbox and one on the stick. (I have 35 CAWs) I delete the one on the stick on the pc and inject my 35 CAWs.

I overwrite the CAWs, on the Xbox, with my CAWson the stick also I overwrite the CAWs (standard), which are on the Xbox, with my CAWs (finished) on the stick do you understand?

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