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Can Somebody help me?(XBOX 360)


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Can somebody help me?

I would want to know how l can load up a facetexture or/and a realistic Render.

Can somebody show me how l can make it?

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I'm gonna be putting together a tutorial on adding renders later this week, as it's something anyone with an xbox and USB stick can do.

If your looking to add custom textures however you are gonna need a JTagged Xbox.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok if you have your tutorial can you send me the link please??

but if i understand it to add renders i don't need a JTagged Xbox but for the textures right??

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ok thx i must only translate it in german thx a lot^^

try using Youtube's built in Closed Captioning, that should work if you view it on the German Youtube site.

ok i looked the video and i think i've undertsood it.:

- search a pictur and edit it via photoshop.(must it be the adobe photoshop or can i do it with every shop??)

- delete the background and prepar the contrast of the picture.

- paint the background in black

-add it with the hack(wich for XBOX????) and finish.

the last point i didn't understand completely but is the other right??? and how to use the hack??? also do i need a USB stick or a XBL account or what???

Sorry that i ask so much but i dont do it before and i speak german englisch, and he speaks so much i find, isnt good.

Thx for your help ^^

-> You sad JTagged Xbox is this a hack or a specially xbox?

Edited by TheBeastBomb
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  • 1 month later...

Please help me again.

I had make it for my MVP and Jeff Hardy CAW but l can't download the adobe photoshop and the ?nvida? so i´l downloaded a DDS converter and prepared the render with my pro7 painter. It was ok but if l would load the game or the game would load the CAW datas it have said that the data is wrong or defect. [(german) Dateien überschreiben oder löschen? ] it asked what should i do?? please help fast because l can't play it now

Thaks for help

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Did you make a backup of your save before you started editing the files?

If you did try copying the backup ot the USB drive to make sure the backup is ok and then start the render tutorial again.

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yes l made.

l have my 2 caws on my computer do you mean if l make it again it could work?

but if l would say to overwrite my datas would it delete only this two CAWs or all of my CAWs??

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When you first extracted the 0000001 folder from the USB did you make a copy of that?

If you did you could just copy that original folder back to the USB drive and then start adding your caws/renders, again.

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oh right I must delete the 000..1 fold because it there comes a signal that it don't do. I delete the 0...1 fold and have injact the fold "fertige (finished) Caws" and have change the name from "ferti...Caws" to 00...1

Could this be the problem? but l had copy the CAW data from my USB stick to my Xbox and this have work. l do it again if it don't work l write again if it is ok

Thx a lot...

...again :)

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As long as you changed the folder name back it should work, just make sure to always keep a backup of your original folder incase anything goes wrong.

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l have make a backup and do it only with my Jeff Hardy and MVP because this Caws I've load up here and if the backup don't work too, l could create them again.

but could it be that it don't work that l don't do that with "Nvidia" ?? But Nvidia is only for adobe ps right?

l am so sorry that i asked you so much but l don't know how and there are no answers in the web for these questions. l hope that it goes becaue l can load up my CAWs and help many users here.

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I'm not really sure, I havent tried adding renders myself yet. Does it show ok in the editor program?

You could try using GIMP which is a free graphics program similar to Photoshop, there's a .DDS plugin for it available here.

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Could you help me please?????

I have a problem. l looked your youtube video"How to create a realistic render"

but i have 2 problems.

1st: l won't download the "Adobe Photoshop" because l would must pay for it.

2nd: Because l haven't the "Adobe PS" l can't need the NvIdia plugin.

All right. l have try all but it don't work.

l have the "Paint Shop Pro 7" and downloaded a DDS/DDS(DXT5) converter and the "WWE12CAWeditor" . But it don't work and l don't know why could you help me please? l lost all my CAWs because my Xbox said "data crashed" and it deleted all. Please help me.

If you have an idea or you know how could you say it to me?

Thank you time^^

-> If anybody has the same problem^^

and Thanks a lot for the links tomorrow l'll test it out^^

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