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Pissed off at THQ for there half @$$ game?


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New to this thread but if your mad at THQ for there failed title update or any glitchs then add this facebook and vent all you want.

Let me know what pisses you off the most about this game.

Lets get this facebook started


Edited by WrestlingSucksNow
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First of all, broken link meing.

Second, I understand your frustration but I don't think your petition will invoke any type of change from THQ themselves. There are countless others just like me and you who think a transition to another company picking up the game's title would benefit the franchise although there is a chance that it could be an utter failure as well.

In true honesty this year, has been a failure to CAW makers and they got shat over. I'll leave this open for a while if you fix the link.

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I know just by signing a bunch of people's names is not going to help. But hopefully we get enough people talking about it and enough people o tstop buying there games untill they fix it, and then maybe they'll listen.

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I know theres been a bunch of bugs this year, but personally i've found it to be a huge improvement over previous years. Sure the patch wasnt all it promised but at least they addressed some of the issues, even if it meant removing the crotch blur and angering creators.

As far as someone else taking over for THQ, I honestly wouldnt want that scenario. I mean look how long it took THQ to put together the creation suite, gameplay, match types, etc. and compare that with a company that have put out a first wrestling game in a series such as TNA iMPACT. When developers take over a wrestling game license the first few games are always very watered down and lacking modes. You would get a game that doesnt even include 1/4 of the content of WWE '12.

I'm not having a go, i'm saying a change in developer would take years to bring together all the elements THQ already have, the best option is to start a petition to have them change the things that matter the most.

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I'll agree the game isn't horrible, I love wrestling games dating back too Revenge, No Mercy, Wrestlemania 2000, Here comes the pain, etc. But I'm growing more and more disapointed each year after a big hype let down. They dropped the SVR name and this is a new game kinda yet, creation wise and story mode there was nothing new at all. Maybe 2 things tops. That was a major let down for me, I was dying to start story creater big this time since 11' was kinda ehhh and I got the keyboard for the controller and stuff. But it was the same exact thing. And I don't understand why you can't use custom music in story designer. If it's to not let people upload with explict music then dont let it upload like caws without music. All in all I played this game a week total since the day it came out. Putting it off for weeks hoping CC would improve but never did. After this patch failure I'm done with the game, I'm selling it after I get all the achs and I'm done with hanging on to wrestling games period. Will not be getting WWE 13'

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I agree with your point about Story Creator, I thought there was gonna be a bunch of new stuff but theres not too many options.

As for the music, it's just down to THQ protecting themselves so people cant upload copyrighted music. Personally I cant see why they are unable to add in old entrance music and call names, after all they own the rights to them so there shouldnt be anything stopping them from doing it.

I'll be launching a new WWE '13 section in the upcoming weeks that will allow people to add any problems they want fixed, ideas they have, etc. which people can then vote up. By doing that people can voice their opinions on whats wrong and other gamers can agree. This way the most common problems will be elevated to the top for all to see, which we'll then look to put to THQ for a response.

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I understand that THQ wants to protect themselves and such. But just like when you play around with your CAW offline you have your downloaded music for them but when you upload/download a CAW off CC it doesn't come with music. They should of did it like that for story designer. Tell you the truth if I could use downloaded music for story designer I wouldn't mind at all that there's nothing new added. Kinda pointless having a NWO Wolfpac story and I can't use the Wolfpac theme song. Can't really use any CAW that's not in the game cause you can't use there music.

Honestly I think I'm finally done with the wrestling games. I been holding on since 10'. I been let down every year to the point where it's not worth it really. I make a list every year of the CAW's I want so I can have a almost full roster of WCW, Attitude era, ecw wrestlers. But half the time I can't get online to download them or it's pointless in story mode cause I can't use the music. Idk but looks like 12 is my last year.

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LMAO loved the video. How did you make yours seem so smooth and actually look good? My scene only last like 2 seconds then loading... then another scene. I can not figure out how to post the Facebook link, I been out the computer game for a lil bit lol

Ok I think the link works now

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It has the same pauses between the in-ring shots and Michael Cole, but I just edited out the loading screen before I uploaded it.

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